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You know how when big things in your life aren’t going well and the little things bother you more? That happened to me last year. Like many people during the pandemic, my husband, Paul, was laid off. I was still working, but my job was only part-time and would likely be ending soon too. I was worried about money, pandemic and our future.

That’s when our mailboxes really started getting to me. I’d never liked our mailboxes much. They stood at the end of our long driveway, far enough away from our house. Fortunately, I didn’t see them often. The mailboxes had already been in rough shape when we moved in and the paint was faded.

At some point, someone had driven into the pole. It was now bent slightly, making the mailboxes bend, pointing in different directions. Still, because the boxes could hold the mail and the mail carrier wasn’t complaining, there really was no need to replace them.

“I wish we could have better mailboxes,” I found myself thinking as I pulled out of the driveway one day on my way to work. It was just a passing thought. I probably would have forgotten all about it if not for the news we got the next morning.

The next day, my neighbor Ailsa told me a girl drove her car right into the mailboxes and completely knocked them down. Ailsa saw the accident and gave her our number and information. “That certainly wasn’t in our budget,” I thought. Though I wanted new mailboxes, getting them would be expensive. With our income decreasing since Paul’s layoff, this was an expense we didn’t need. I sighed.

However, the next day where our old, rusted mailboxes had once stood were two new shiny mailboxes-one black, one white. Each one had large, neat numbers on the sides, the white mailbox with black numbers and the black one with white numbers. They were beautiful. I sat there, feeling surprised.

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I opened one of the mailboxes and found a note.

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When we called, the girl’s mother answered.

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One day my dad came back home in his truck and there was a cage in the back. Naturally I was curious, so I went towards the truck when I noticed that there was a small little goat that wasn’t even an adult yet.

I asked my dad and he said that he bought the goat from his friend and he was going to kill it twenty minutes after he brought it home so that we would have a big meal.

My sister was there too and she was strongly for my view. We found out we got really mad at my dad and told him not to kill it. After about 10 minutes of complaining we finally convinced my dad not to kill it because we told him that there was no reason for him to kill the goat himself when he could just buy goat meat at a store.

My parents know some friends that we visit sometimes and their family really likes animals so we decided to give it to them. For about a month, they had the goat as a pet and they also had the same problems as we had because the dad wanted to kill it and eat it but the rest of the family didn’t want it to die.They also were able to persuade him not to do so. They ended up sending the goat to a family member’s farm where it would grow up happily.

Another thing that has happened to influence my belief is that I have a neighbor that really likes hunting.   One day he hunted a deer and brought the body home, but he decided to leave it outside his house for everyone to see. He just left it there as if it were some kind of award that he just won. Sadly little kids started to make fun of the body and pretended to ride on it. They laughed at it and felt no problem with there being a dead deer just laying.

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I felt sick by what was happening and left because of what I had just witnessed._

Paragraph 2:

It amazes me how we have changed from hunting to survive to hunting for sport._


After my son, Scott, graduated from high school, he took a job in North Carolina.Two thousand miles suddenly separated me from the person who’d been the focus of my life for 18 years.As the days went by, I missed Scott more and more.I’d always been able to take care of myself, but now I seemed to need Scott’s help constantly, like getting a tool from the top shelf, or moving something heavy.Most of all, I just missed having him to talk to.I was lonely.I knew this day would come.But why does it have to be so hard?

However, a mother spider(蜘蛛) taught me a lesson.

On my way out from my storeroom, I noticed a spider building her web across the top corner of the doorway.I reached for a hoe (锄头), tore down the web, and watched the giant spider run away in the grass.She was back the very next morning, in the exact same spot, busily rebuilding.I stared for a moment, and then reached for the hoe again.Then I twisted the hoe round and round, catching the spider in her own web.I carried her far into my backyard, shook the hoe and watched her fall to the ground and disappear in the bush.The third morning, I stopped short as I entered the storeroom.The spider was back in the same corner, her web almost completed again.I reached for the hoe, but stopped.I thought her persistence (坚持) in building her web should pay off.I stepped back and watched her long legs busily knitting the web.

For the next few weeks, the spider and I were close neighbors.One particularly boring day, I was feeling so down that I didn’t even glance up at my spider as I entered.Suddenly I found a hundred tiny creatures on the floor.I realized that these were baby spiders and the web the mother had built was to protect her young.

1.续写词数应为 150 左右;
Paragraph 1:

As the mother watched from the corner of the web, her young were making their way to the ground safely.

Paragraph 2:

I decided that I would leave this web as a reminder.


Once upon a time, there was a king who worried day and night about what tomorrow might bring. He feared he would lose his power, his wife might not love him, his subjects would become disloyal. He could not sleep for all his worries about the future.

One day the king noticed a poor cobbler (补鞋匠) work hard in the marketplace. The cobbler wore ragged clothes and was thin as a blade of grass, but his smile was bright as the moon. Surely this man must worry, how could he smile so brightly? The king decided to find out.

The next day the king dressed in rags and walked to the market just as the cobbler was finishing his work. Secretly he followed the cobbler and watched him buy a loaf of bread before returning to his old hut. When the cobbler was inside, the king knocked upon the door. When the cobbler answered, the king said, “Please sir, can you spare some food for a beggar? “Of course,” the cobbler said. As they were eating, the king asked, “Why are you so happy?” “Today I earned enough money fixing shoes to buy this loaf of bread!” “But what if you don’t earn enough for food tomorrow?” the king asked. “I am confident,” the cobbler answered. “All will be well.” This impressed the king, and when he left, he wondered what would happen if the cobbler could not earn his bread. Surely then he would not be so confident. The king decided to test the cobbler.

The next morning in the marketplace, the cobbler saw a new sign in the marketplace. The king ordered that repairing shoes should not be allowed.

From this day on, whenever someone’s shoes wore out, that person must buy a new pair.


The cobbler was confused, but he wasn’t sad.


Months later, the king was surprised to see the cobbler having soup and smiling.

