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I’ve been giving lots of thought recently to the teaching of the science subject at schools. I’m wondering whether spending more time learning how we “do” science –– the scientific method –– is more valuable than simply making children memorize scientific “facts”.

After all, science isn’t a collection of facts about the world. That’s just called “knowledge”. Rather, science is a process of thinking and making sense of the world, which will then lead to new knowledge. We’ve often heard it said that we should be teaching children not what to think but how to think. However, schools now spend so much of the science subject loading up children’s brains with “knowledge”.

Surely, everyone needs a basic scientific understanding. We all need to know some science: facts about the world to help us make informed decisions about important issues that face us all in our everyday lives, from the risks of smoking to the benefits of exercising or why recycling our waste is good for the planet.

Yet what seems to be missing today is an understanding of the way we gain this scientific understanding of the world. Nowadays, social media has played a significant role in spreading information. However, many people use it as a medium for spreading disinformation or harmful opinions. But social media has only enlarged the societal problem that has been with us.

On top of this, our attention spans(时长)are naturally getting shorter, and we don’t take the time to question our views, or ask whether the information we are getting is reliable. This is where thinking scientifically can help. Adopting some of the ways that good science is practiced can help us to critically assess what we believe, question our own views before we attack views we don’t like, and so on.

This is exactly why we should be teaching more of scientific methods in schools. This remarkable way of seeing, thinking and knowing, is one of humankind’s great riches and the birthright of everyone. And, most wonderfully, it only grows in quality and value the more widely it is shared.

【小题1】What is the author concerned about according to Paragraph 1?
A.The teaching topics of the science subject.B.Students’ interest in the science subject.
C.The teaching content of the science subject.D.The lack of emphasis on science in schools.
【小题2】What is the third paragraph mainly about?
A.The application of science in daily lives.B.The understanding of science in daily lives.
C.The method of knowing scientific facts.D.Some scientific phenomena in daily lives.
【小题3】What does the underlined part “the societal problem” in Paragraph 4 refer to?
A.The spread of false information.B.The misunderstanding of science.
C.The popularity of social media.D.The negative impact of social media.
【小题4】What can students get from learning scientific methods?
A.Improved attention in class.B.Growing interest in science.
C.The deeper understanding of science.D.The ability to think critically.
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Apps are becoming increasingly popular nowadays, and for good reasons. They can help you out in just about every area of your life, like keeping fit, communicating with friends and even learning a language. 【小题1】 Here’s what you should think about before downloading an app for language learning.


Any seasoned language learner will tell you that the beauty of mastering a foreign language is the world which it opens up to you. This is a world of diverse sources of information, from newspapers and books to TV, radio, music and even real people. Would you limit yourself to one medium in your native language? Probably not, so why do so in your new language?

Establish your purpose and plan your habits

Do you want to be fluent in weeks or are you in it for the brain training? The good apps are designed to help you arrange your studies around your timetable. 【小题3】 These apps encourage habit building, because the successful formation of a habit ensures your safe and regular return.

Make it social

【小题4】 I mean that you need to socialize for real. I owe the speed of progress I made in Italian to the support from Jim, my partner in study time. Find a friend to accompany you. Take an evening class. Borrow a book. Buy a book. Book a week away and attend a language school. Just don’t forget your phone!

If I may speak sincerely, the combination of apps, the language school, Jim, evenings out, and a choice book or two proved extremely effective. 【小题5】

A.I recommend it.
B.Learn from diverse sources.
C.Remember that an app is just a tool.
D.I don’t mean that you post your progress online.
E.I encourage you to use apps as often as you can.
F.The best apps adapt themselves according to your behavior.
G.However, you need to know how to use them properly to really benefit.

Single-sex schools are better than mixed schools

Message 1 — posted by Jane, Amsterdam

I think mixed-sex schools are the only way for children to learn, because it's natural. In higher education and their working life, they will be mixed so it makes sense for them to be mixed at school. School should reflect the real world.

Message 2 — posted by Hans, Germany

My reaction to this is very clear. For me, single-sex schools are much better, and the statistics show that they get better exam results, particularly at secondary level. Anything which helps children pass exams must be a good thing.

Message 3 — posted by Bill, USA

Boys and girls learn in very different ways. I feel that they should be educated separately so teachers can focus on their different needs. The way I see it is that if you have a zoo, you don't put the lions in with the zebras!

Message 4 — posted by Martin, London

My view on this is that it doesn't really matter. What is important is the curriculum (课程), and keeping students interested. I was a teacher and we had a lot of truancy (逃学) to deal with, and problems with students missing lessons because they found them boring. Never have a timetable with Maths as the first class on Monday morning!

Message 5 — posted by Emily, Sydney

I don't think there is any question that mixed schools are better. There is too much competition at single-sex schools, which often means that students don't make enough progress. I also think there is more bullying (欺凌) at single-sex schools, where children are picked on because of the increased competition. Single-sex schools lead to a “dog eat dog” situation.

【小题1】What is Jane's attitude   towards single-sex schools?
【小题2】Both Hans and Bill hold that _____.
A.teachers should meet students' different needs
B.boys and girls should be taught separately
C.schools should focus on students' exam results
D.mixed schools are better than single-sex schools
【小题3】Martin stresses the importance of _____.
A.exciting students' interest in coursesB.students' time awareness
C.training students to obey rulesD.school management
【小题4】Emily uses “dog eat dog” to show _____.
A.her support for single-sex schools
B.students' determined effort to succeed
C.the fierce competition in single-sex schools
D.the better education results in single-sex schools

More than half of the state’s public school students are in districts offering remote learning, but state Superintendent (主管) of Public Institution, Chris Reykdal acknowledged to state lawmakers that distance learning is not working for a lot of kids. He is also worried about the mental health impacts of distance learning on kids.

“They’re failing a lot. And it turns out, in the beginning, we thought it was about devices and connectivity. They’re failing because they’re not engaged,” Reykdal said.

Reykdal’s assessment comes at a critical time, with an increasing number of calls from parents pushing for school districts to bring students back for face-to-face learning. They say their children are losing motivation, falling behind academically.

State officials have been in the process of considering revising the guidance to encourage in-person learning, because research has so far shown that schools do not appear to encourage community spread of coronavirus.

Lawmakers also heard from several school district superintendents. One of them, Art Jarvis of the Peninsula School District, echoed what Reykdal said about students struggling with remote learning. “We’re seeing more evidence that social-emotional issues ranging from disengagement with the schools to suicidal tendencies that come with it need to be addressed.”Jarvis said.

He urged lawmakers to preserve education funding even though statewide public school enrollment (入学) has dropped 37 percent this school year, which would mean a cut of about $500 million in state funding. The Peninsula district is providing in-person leaning for students in Kindergarten and first grade, but he said it’s expensive to staff that.

“In spite of lost enrollment in kindergarten and first grade, we had to add 11 teaching positions for K-1 in   the Peninsula School District at a cost of over $1 million. And the added teachers are necessary to keep student groups small to allow for physical distancing.” Jarvis said.

【小题1】What mainly leads to students’ poor academic performance in distance learning?
A.Devices and connectivity.
B.Disengagement with schools.
C.Poor mental health.
D.Insufficient learning materials.
【小题2】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Students are reluctant to go back to school.
B.Lawmakers advocate providing distance learning.
C.Parents are looking forward to kids' returning to school.
D.State officials forbid in-person learning for students' health.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 5 refer to?
C.In-person learning.
D.Remote learning.
【小题4】What Jarvis said in the last paragraph is intended to___________.
A.encourage more kids to enroll in school
B.call on parents to donate money to schools
C.attract more teachers to in-person learning
D.discourage lawmakers from cutting education funding
