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On September 29, 2021, the US Fish and Wildlife Service declared it would be removing 23 species from its Endangered Species Act, including the ivory-billed woodpecker, various Hawaiian birds and freshwater fish, not because they had pulled back from the edge of extinction, but because the USFWS believed these species would never recover, and were most likely extinct, therefore not requiring protection.

In April, 195 countries are getting together in China for a UN conference to discuss global agreements to protect nature and biodiversity, with the hope of finalizing an agreement to safeguard plants, animals, and ecosystems. However, the new strain(毒株)of Covid-19, Omicron, has potentially thrown the plans into a mess, and negotiators may switch to online talks if travel restrictions to China are put in place again.

“We can’t go another four months without any progress” said Georgina Chandler, senior international policy officer at the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. Conservationists are urging the talks to go ahead—online if necessary—as the biodiversity crisis shows no sign of slowing up.

“Nature loss has not gone away and threatens both human lives and the global economy,” said Lin Li, director of global policy at the organization. “With one million species currently in danger of extinction, delaying action is not an option.”

Improving conservation and management of natural areas, such as oceans, forests, and wildernesses is crucial to safeguarding the ecosystems on which humans depend. However, forests are still being devastated, often for farming or commercial use. As trees absorb about a third of planet-warming emissions produced worldwide, stopping deforestation is key. At COP26 in Glasgow last November, world leaders plan to invest $19 billion in public and private funds to protect and restore global forests.

It’s easy to feel disheartened by the disappointing news, but the only way to stop more species suffering the same fate is to pay attention and take actions.

【小题1】Why would the 23 species be removed from the Act?
A.Because they are less endangered.B.Because they have already died out.
C.Because more fund is in need to protect them.D.Because nothing can save them from extinction.
【小题2】What do Georgina Chandler and Lin Li urge to do?
A.Take immediate actions.B.Put off the conference.
C.Have online talks.D.Improve global economy.
【小题3】What does the author intend to do by writing the text?
A.To explain why some species have disappeared.
B.To recommend ways to protect and restore forests.
C.To describe the present situation of global ecosystem.
D.To call for attention and action against biodiversity crisis.
知识点:动物环境保护说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Bowhead whales (弓头鲸) can live 200 years or longer. How they do it is no longer among the secrets of the deep.

Scientists have mapped the genetic code of this long lived whale species. The international effort found unusual features in the Arctic whale’s genes. Those features likely protect the species against cancer and other problems related to old age. The researchers hope their findings will one day translate into ways to help people too.

“We hope to learn what is the secret of bowhead whales living longer, healthier lives,” says Joao Pedru de Magalhes. He is a gerontologist at the University of Liverpool in England. (Gerontology is the scientific study of old age. ) He is also a co-author of the study that appeared in Cell Reports. His team hopes, he says, that its mew findings might one day be used to improve human health and preserve human life.

        No other mammals are known to live as long as the bowhead whales. Scientists have shown that some of these whales have lived well beyond 100—including one that survived to 216. For perspective (不妨看看), if he were still alive, Abraham Lincoln would be turning just 211 this year.

Dr. Magalhäes’ team wanted to understand how the bowhead can live so long. To find out this, the experts analyzed the animal’s complete set of genes, called its genome (基因组). Those instructions are coded in the animal’s DNA. The team also compared the whale’s genome to that of people, mice and cows.

The scientists discovered differences, including mutations (变异), in the whale’s genes. Those changes are linked to cancer, aging and cell growth. The results suggest that the whales are better than humans at repairing their DNA. That’s important because damaged or flawed DNA can lead to disease, including some cancers.

Bowhead whales are also better at keeping abnormally dividing cells in check. Together, the changes appear to allow bowhead whales to live longer without developing age related diseases such as cancer, said Magalhäes.

【小题1】The example of Lincoln mainly wants to indicate (表明) that ________.
A.Lincoln died one hundred years age
B.Lincoln should have lived much longer.
C.the lifetime of bowhead whales is very long.
D.their study unlocked the secret of Lincoln’s death.
【小题2】The bowhead whale can live so long mainly because ________.
A.it faces little danger in its life
B.its DNA has a strong ability of self-repairing
C.it has a complete set of genetic instructions
D.its living environment is better than that of humans
【小题3】The underlined word "flawed" is the closest in meaning to ________.
【小题4】The passage tends to tell the readers that ________.
A.the bowhead is the animal which lives the longest
B.scientists have found ways to treat humans’ disease
C.scientists have new findings in search of bow head whales
D.bowhead whales may unlock the secrets of a long, healthy life

Not so long ago, a sailor sailing across the cold waters of the northern Pacific Ocean might have had every chance of meeting a sea cow. This cow would have measured 10 meters long and weighed between five and 10 tons and it would spend most of its day moving slowly in the seas, eating grass growing underwater. The cow in question was known as Steller’s sea cow, which has now died out.

Today, many people don’t know that such a strange creature once existed, or don’t know its unbelievable story. but many scientists have discovered many fundamental facts about this mystical (神秘的) animal.

Surprisingly, the first recorded sighting of a Steller’s sea cow didn’t happen until 1741. When a sailing expedition (探险) was stuck on an uninhabited island, later named Bering Island. The sailors survived by hunting and eating the enormous sea cow. Like its modern relatives, the sea cow lived in groups. That and its slow moving behavior made it easy to be caught.

Those sailors that escaped from the island spread word of the amount of meat to be found off its shore. As a result, more and more people came to hunt the animals. It is said that one sea cow could feed 33 men for a month.

However, just 27 years after the island and species had been discovered by modern man, the last sea cow was reported killed. This makes the sea cow one of the few truly large mammals known to have been driven extinct in the modern age.

【小题1】What does the underlined phrase “in question” in Para 1 mean?
A.In danger.B.Referred to.
C.In doubt.D.Being questioned.
【小题2】When did the Steller’s sea cow become extinct?
A.In 1717.B.In 1741.
C.In 1768.D.In 1775.
【小题3】Which of the following words can best describe the Steller’s sea cow?
【小题4】What is the text mainly about?
A.An unbelievable story about the Steller’s sea cow.
B.When the Steller’s sea cow became extinct.
C.How the Steller’s sea cow has been driven extinct.
D.The discovery about the Steller’s sea cow dying out.

For those of us who have ever been to Ocean Park, the best part was probably seeing the beautiful and friendly dolphins. And the luckier people among us may have even had the chance to swim with these amazing creatures. At the same time, however, we can’t help but think that these animals would be happier in the wild, rather than be forced to perform for humans in captivity (圈养).

According to a recent study though, we needn’t think like that. The study, which was published in the journal Applied Animal Behaviour Science, was led by scientist.

As the first of its kind, the study’s aim was to look at captivity from the animals’ point of view, according to BBC News. Over the course of three years, Clegg and her team put together a series of experiments to figure out how captive dolphins felt about their lives. “We wanted to find out what activities in captivity they like most,” she told BBC News.

There were three kinds of experiment : one in which the dolphins were let alone, one in which toys were added to their pool, and one in which a human played with the dolphins.

It was found that of the three types of experiment, the dolphins seemed to enjoy playing with humans the most. “Their leaping from the water during training and their curious approaches to the edge of the pool appeared to be enthusiastic,” wrote BBC News science correspondent Victoria Gill. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean dolphins are happier in captivity than they are in the wild.

According to wildlife and nature platform One Green Planet, being raised in captivity could actually be harmful to dolphins. “By being born into captivity, they will never learn the skills necessary to survive in the wild. This means that any animal that is born in captivity can never be sent back into the wild,” it wrote on its website.

But while this may be true, at least it seems that captive dolphins still enjoy happy moments with humans.

【小题1】In what way is Clegg and her team’s research special?
A.The research lasted for over three years.
B.Live dolphins were studied in this research.
C.Scientists tried to view things from dolphins’ perspective.
D.The research was conducted in a dolphinarium.
【小题2】How did the scientists conclude that “the dolphins seemed to enjoy playing with humans the most”?
A.From dolphin’s behaviours.B.From dolphins’ noises.
C.From statistics of the research.D.From BBC’s reports.
【小题3】Why did One Green Planet go against raising dolphins in captivity?
A.Dolphins would be badly treated.
B.Dolphins could never return to nature.
C.Dolphins could die in a short time.
D.Dolphins would be forced to perform.
【小题4】What is the author’s attitude towards dolphins in captivity?
