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Getting out of my car one evening in late January, I met my neighbor Theresa, who had seen me drive in. “Mrs Taylor is in the hospital again,” she said. “I thought you’d like to know.” I had last seen Mrs Taylor a day or two before Christmas when I took her a little loaf of pumpkin bread, and she came from the backroom in her wheelchair to talk with me. Mrs Taylor and I had been neighbors for 17 years. I remember the dog she and her husband used to have. They called him Beau. He greeted everyone who walked by, and Mr Taylor loved him.

Most of my conversations with Mrs Taylor had been incidental — visits by the mailbox, running into one another at the gas station where she helped me put air in my tire, quiet talks at the funeral home where we went to honor the memory of a mutual (相互的) friend.

When my husband and I moved here with our four noisy, laughing kids, it must have seemed as if the peaceful quiet of the neighborhood had been forever broken. But we showed our enthusiasm to the neighbors sincerely although we had little in common with the mostly elderly folks on our street. Over the years they helped us love our children, picking them up when a bicycle overturned and sending the kids cards for their graduation. We have enjoyed the comfort of living beside people who help us if our tree falls on the fence and feed the cat when we’re away.

Mrs Taylor did not survive her latest set-back. Once again I walked into the funeral home to say good-bye to a neighbor. I remembered the barking dog, the chats by the mailbox, the friendly wave across the fence. I remembered, and I was sad, but I had no regrets. Now there is a new family moving into the Taylor place. I see children’s toys in the yard. It’s time to take a walk.

【小题1】What can we know according to the first paragraph?
A.Mrs Taylor has a big and happy family.
B.The author likes Mrs Taylor’s dog very much.
C.The author would like to know Mrs Taylor is in the hospital.
D.Mrs Taylor had been in poor health before Theresa told the author.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “incidental” refer to?
【小题3】How did the author solve the difference with the neighbors?
A.She let her children be less noisy and naughty.
B.She tried to know more elderly folks in her street.
C.She treated everyone in the neighborhood warmly.
D.She enjoyed the comfort of living beside neighbors.
【小题4】What is the best title for the text?
A.The True NeighborB.Gratitude to my neighbor
C.Mrs Taylor — A Respectable WomanD.Expectation for New Neighbor
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On a Sunday morning in 2008, Vic Gundotra received a call during a religious service. It was from Steve Jobs, Apple’s former CEO. He didn’t answer, but Jobs left a message saying he had something urgent to discuss. Gundotra returned his call almost immediately.

“Hey Steve—this is Vic,” he said. “I’m sorry I didn’t answer your call earlier. I was in religious services and the caller ID said ‘unknown’, so I didn’t pick up.”

Steve laughed, saying, “Vic, unless the caller ID said ‘GOD’, you should never pick up during services.”

Vic Gundotra laughed nervously. Although Steve used to call him during the week when he was upset about something, it was unusual for him to call on Sunday and ask him to call his home. He was worried what had happened.

“Vic, we have an urgent problem. I’ve already asked someone from my team to help you, and I hope you can fix this tomorrow,” said Steve. “I’ve been looking at the Google logo on the iPhone and I’m not happy with the icon (图标). The second O in Google doesn’t have the right yellow color. It’s just wrong and I’m going to have Greg fix it tomorrow. Is that OK with you?”

The CEO of Apple, who revolutionized personal computers, the way we listen to music and the way we think of mobile devices, was worried about the yellow in the second “O” in Google.

Needless to say the problem was fixed, and Vic Gundotra said it taught him a lesson on leadership and attention to detail.

“It was a lesson I’ll never forget,” said Gundotra. “CEOs should care about details. Even shades of yellow. On a Sunday.”

【小题1】Where was Vic Gundotra when Steve Jobs called him?
A.In a church.B.In his office.C.At home.D.In a gym.
【小题2】How did Vic Gundotra feel when he called Steve Jobs?
【小题3】What was Steve Jobs’ problem?
A.He found the second letter missing in an icon.
B.He was not happy with the design of Apple’s icons
C.A letter in an icon didn’t appear in the precise color
D.He was worried about Google’s unfavorable reaction
【小题4】What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Steve Jobs’ Advice for New Managers
B.A Story About Steve Jobs’ Attention to Details
C.The Difficulty of Getting Along With Steve Jobs
D.Steve Jobs’ Contribution to the Success of iPhones

Valentina is 9 years old living in Plano, Texas with her parents. She loves Beatrice, an American Girl doll (洋娃娃) very much. But Valentina left her beloved doll behind by chance during a flight earlier this summer. Rudy and Dominguez, Valentina’s parents, tried everything they could to reunite their daughter with her best friend, Beatrice.

“Beatrice means a lot to me. She brings me happiness and she’s my best friend,” Valentina said. “When she was missing, I felt like my heart was broken.”

When finding Beatrice was lost, the Texas family immediately searched everywhere for the lost doll with brown hair, including their travel bags, without success. They remembered seeing her on the plane so they called the airline (航空公司), and then sent an email to it.

The family also spread the message about the lost doll on the Internet — a message that finally reached pilot James, a first officer for American Airlines who lives not far from Plano.

James said he got the chance to help young Valentina locate (定位) Beatrice, who was last seen on July 20 on a plane in Tokyo, where the family had a stopover (中途停留) on their flight back home from Bali, Indonesia.

James said he got in touch with the Airlines’ Lost and Found at Haneda Airport in Tokyo and was able to locate the missing doll after two tries. He then took photos with Beatrice in various airports and on flights as he carried her back home to Valentina in Plano, over 5,800 miles away. One Monday, James drove to the Texas family to return Beatrice to Valentina in person. They were all moved for what James had done.

【小题1】What can we know about Valentina?
A.She was sad at losing Beatrice.B.She has brown hair.
C.She loved taking photos with Beatrice.D.She lives in Tokyo.
【小题2】What did the Texas family do first when finding Beatrice lost?
A.They sent an email to the airline.B.They got in touch with James.
C.They searched their travel bags.D.They spread the message online.
【小题3】How did Valentina get her doll back?
A.She found it at home.B.James sent it back in person.
C.She got it from the waiting room.D.Her parents discovered it on the plane.
【小题4】How did the Texas family feel about James act?

A common claim states that a sheet of paper cannot be folded in half more than seven times. But is this true?

In 2002, Britney Gallivan, then a junior in high school in Pomona, California, folded a single piece of paper in half 12 times. She currently holds the Guinness World Record for the most times to fold a sheet of paper in half.

The prompt that led Gallivan to accomplish these feats was an extra-credit challenge in math class to fold anything in half 12 times. Her teacher asked the students to fold something thicker: a piece of paper.

Gallivan said “it was very frustrating, as I had many unsuccessful attempts at trying to fold different papers in half. I began to question if folding paper in half more than eight times could be impossible.” However, Gallivan recalled. “I knew I needed to understand what was limiting the folding progression.”

The equations that Gallivan came up with calculated how many times a sheet of paper could be folded. She found that in order to fold many times, a long thin sheet is needed — the more a sheet is folded, the thicker the resulting stack becomes, and once the stack becomes thicker than it is long, there is nothing left to fold. She ultimately set her record with a sheet of tissue paper she found online that was 4,000 feet (1,219 meters) — more than three-quarters of a mile, or over a kilometer — long, Guinness World Records noted.

“Working on the problem took a tremendous amount of time and effort,” Gallivan said. “As frustrating as it was at times, I learned an immense amount from the experience, which has been valuable to me throughout my life in more capacities than one would expect.”     

Since Gallivan set her record, others have made claims of folding a sheet of paper more than 12 times. Still, “I anticipate that my current record will be surpassed,” Gallivan said.

【小题1】Which was commonly considered the most times that paper can be folded in half?
【小题2】It is impossible to fold a paper in half more times when _____.
A.the stack is as thick as its lengthB.the paper is neither long nor thin
C.the stack is thicker than its lengthD.the paper is longer than its thickness
【小题3】What can we learn about Gallivan’s attempts?
A.It’s risky.B.It’s fruitless.C.It’s meaningless.D.It’s energy-consuming.
【小题4】What does Gallivan think of her experience?
【小题5】What can we infer from the passage?
A.Gallivan’s record is impossible to break.
B.Folding paper in half is merely a math problem.
C.Folding things in half may not be limited to 12.
D.Folding paper 12 times is a required credit in maths class.
