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Vacation in Scandinavia on a Budget

How do you travel to Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway or Sweden without blowing a hole in your pocket? Here are some tips for how to experience these beautiful, happy and, yes, expensive countries with as little price shock as possible.

Invest in a good guidebook

Having and using a good guidebook as your main travel tool is essential. The most popular guidebook series is from Lonely Planet — an especially good choice for young budget travelers since they are the original publishers of Europe on a Shoestring. Other options include Rough Guides, The Saury Backpacker and Rick Steves’ Europe. These guidebooks will help you pick the best activities, including walking tours, parks and restaurants for all budgets. They’ll also include maps and heaps of history and local insider knowledge.

Skip the rental car (and book early)

Once you’ve found a good deal for your round-trip airfare, it’s time to book your regional or incountry transportation. Renting a car is going to cost a pretty penny in any Scandinavian country. Instead, use the region’s great public transportation systems, which include a range of affordable options.

As for trains, we recommend obtaining a Eurail Scandinavia Pass that lets you explore Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. The best part for budget travellers: If you take an overnight train, there’s no need to pay for a hotel.

The bus is an even more cost-effective mode of transportation, and Scandinavian companies are known to offer clean and comfortable buses that come with bathrooms and free Wi-Fi.

Meanwhile, cyclists will be in heaven: Major cities in Scandinavia offer bike-share programmes and rentals plus bike lanes that are often better tended to than the streets.

Take advantage of free city culture

While you’re spending time in Scandinavia’s great cities, you should enjoy the freebies. Many museums, markets, concerts, outdoor gyms, castles, cathedrals and UNESCO World Heritage sites come without a price tag.

It’s also worth checking out the cost-benefit ratio of a city pass, if you’re visiting one place for more than a few days. For example, in Norway, the Oslo Pass gives you free admission to 30 museums and attractions; free travel on all public transport; free entry to outdoor swimming pools; free walking tours; discounts on sightseeing, concert tickets and ski rentals; and special offers in restaurants, shops, entertainment and leisure venues.

【小题1】Which of the following is NOT the reason why the author recommends Lonely Planet?
A.It is especially helpful to those with a tight budget.
B.It provides detailed background knowledge about the destinations.
C.It includes some free passes as the appendices (附录) of the book.
D.It offers plenty of choices concerning every aspect of the journey.
【小题2】Which of the following statements is NOT the reason why the author recommends “the bus”?
A.It is economical.B.It provides cozy environment.
C.It has free Wi-Fi.D.It runs around the clock.
【小题3】Which of the following statements is TRUE about the Oslo Pass?
A.Travellers can enjoy special offers in 30 museums and attractions.
B.Oslo Pass is a must for all the travellers to Norway.
C.Travellers have free access to outdoor swimming pools.
D.Travellers can spend their holiday in ski resorts at a discount.
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Some of the best advice I ever heard was: “Get 3 hobbies, one to keep you physically active, one to express yourself creatively, and one to make you social.” I don’t know if that’s a famous quote but it really inspires me.

Set some physical goals for yourself. Maybe it’s running a marathon, maybe it’s lifting your own body weight, maybe it’s riding a unicycle to work every morning. 【小题1】 Just having a goal that’s not immediately obtainable but gives you something to work towards will help give you some direction.

【小题2】 Maybe buy a recorder and learn to play Disney songs, or grab some paints and follow along with a famous painter, or write plays about your dreams, or build tiny furniture. Just something that requires your imagination and creation. Perhaps you’ll never learn how to play that instrument or how to paint. It’s unimportant. 【小题3】

Finding a hobby is probably the hardest one right now. I would recommend some goal-oriented video games with voice chat. I started playing VR paintball last month, which was incredibly helpful for me. You might also want to look into joining an online Dungeons & Dragons game. 【小题4】 Chatrooms and forums are fine, but you should make sure you’re using your voice, and hearing other people’s voices.

If you get these hobbies started and set personal goals for yourself in each hobby, you’ll soon start feeling more fulfilled. 【小题5】 If after about a month you don’t like one, then try switching to a different hobby in the same category. Eventually, you’ll discover something you like.

A.Find a way to be creative.
B.It doesn’t matter what it is.
C.Talk to your children about creation.
D.It is extremely important to have a clear goal.
E.Try to do each hobby for at least 30 minutes a day.
F.Just get started and move onto another if you have to.
G.You need to find something that requires you to actually talk with others.

How to Build Resilience

Resilience (适应力) is a crucial skill that can help us face the unpredictability of life and thrive in the face of adversity. It can be developed and enhanced over time. 【小题1】

Enhance strong relationships

【小题2】 Having caring, supportive people around you acts as a protective factor during times of crisis. While simply talking about a situation with a friend or loved one won’t make your troubles go away, it allows you to share your feelings, get support, receive positive feedback, and come up with possible solutions to your problems.

Value physical health

Your physical well-being significantly impacts your resilience. A healthy body can cope better with stress and recover faster from illness or tiredness. 【小题3】 For instance, a 30-minute stroll and a short yoga session are all good choices. By taking care of yourself, you can boost your overall health and resilience and be fully ready to face life’s challenges.


A sense of purpose can give you direction and motivation, especially during tough times. Consider what goals you have, whether little or large. These goals give a sense of purpose to your life and keep you focused. Write down a list of things you want to accomplish in life. Keep this list in a safe place and evaluate your progress regularly.

Develop problem-solving skills

Whenever you encounter a new challenge, brainstorm some of the potential ways you could solve the problem. 【小题5】 By practicing your problem-solving skills on a regular basis, you will be better prepared to cope when a serious challenge emerges.

A.Activate positive emotion
B.Discover your purpose
C.It’s important to have people you can trust.
D.It means the difference between handling pressure and losing your cool.
E.Experiment with different strategies to work through common problems.
F.Use the following strategies as a starting point for your resilience-building journey.
G.Start to improve your health by adding a simple exercise routine into your daily schedule.

Living and studying abroad can be a rewarding and enriching experience. And living with a host family is one of the best ways to immerse yourself in its culture. However, living with a foreign family can be difficult and adjusting to it can take some effort. 【小题1】

Involve yourself in family activities. If you spend all your time in your room, it’s going to be hard to feel like you belong. Getting involved in everyday activities with your host family will help you create a family bond. For example, some families like having dinner together on weekends. 【小题2】 Not only will they appreciate it but you will also feel like a part of their world.

Be patient with yourself. Keep in mind that you’ve just left everything you’ve known for years behind to start a new life. It’s okay to be confused. 【小题3】 While you may know the language, some expressions and slang can be hard to grasp at first. Take it easy. Remember you will adapt but it will take some time.

Communication is key. If you are unsure about something, ask! It’s normal to know few customs and habits at first. 【小题4】 Your host family will understand and help you. It’s also normal not to know a lot about unspoken social rules of the country.

【小题5】 You have to understand that host families are not just providing a roof over your head. They are making significant changes to their daily routines. Thank them for their kindness, patience and understanding. Let them know how much their assistance means to you.

Remember, a grateful heart is a happy heart, and a happy heart will lead you to further success and fulfillment in your life abroad.

A.Be open and respectful.
B.Make time for those moments.
C.The language barrier can also be a struggle.
D.So instead of doing things blindly, just ask!
E.Showing your gratitude will take you a long way.
F.You may well recall the memorable moments with friends back home.
G.Here are some tips on making the most of your host family experience.
