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One of the stories goes like this:in ancient times, there was a hero named Hou Yi who was excellent at shooting(射击).One year, there were ten suns in the sky, and the strong heat from them caused a lot of problems for people. Hou Yi shot down nine of the suns and left only one to provide light. After that, many people came to learn shooting from him. Hou Yi later got married to the kind and beautiful Chang’e.

An immortal(神仙) gave Hou Yi a kind of medicine that could make him live forever, but he didn’t want to leave Chang’e, so he let her keep the medicine.On the fifteenth of August, Feng Meng, one of Hou Yi’s students, wanted to take the medicine away when Hou Yi went out. Chang’e didn’t want to give it to him, so she had to take the medicine herself and flew up into the sky. Since she loved her husband very much and hoped to live nearby, she chose to stay on the moon.

When Hou Yi came back and learned about what had happened, he was very sad. He put the fruit and cakes that Chang’e liked in the yard to show her his love. People soon learned about this, and began to copy Hou Yi’s activities. From then on, the custom of enjoying the full moon during the MidAutumn Festival was kept.

【小题1】What is NOT one of the names of the MidAutumn Festival?_________
A.Zhongqiu Festival.B.The Double Ninth Festival.
C.Moon Festival.D.Mooncake Festival.
【小题2】When did Feng Meng come to take the medicine?_________
A.On the thirteenth of August in the lunar calendar.
B.On the fourteenth of August in the lunar calendar.
C.On the fifteenth of August in the lunar calendar.
D.On the sixteenth of August in the lunar calendar.
【小题3】Chang’e took the medicine because _________
A.she didn’t love Hou Yi any moreB.she didn’t want to give it to Feng Meng
C.she wanted to live on the moonD.she wanted to live longer than her husband
【小题4】What was the reason why Chang’e chose to stay on the moon?_________
A.It was closer to her husband.B.The moon was very beautiful.
C.She had no other place to go.D.The medicine was produced on the moon.
【小题5】What does this passage mainly talk about?_________
A.What people eat on MidAutumn Festival.B.Games and activities on MidAutumn Festival.
C.How people celebrate the MidAutumn Festival.D.The origin(由来) of MidAutumn Festival.
知识点:外国文化与节日记叙文生活故事 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Check your calendar. You will find the third Monday in February is Presidents’ Day, a holiday you may know to recognize the achievements of all past U.S. presidents. Do you know the history behind this holiday?

After George Washington died in 1799, his supporters began recognizing his birthday, February 22, as a day of remembrance for America’s first president.(At least, those who used the Gregorian calendar did. The Julian calendar said he was born on February 11.) Washington’s birthday became a federal (联邦的) holiday for the District of Columbia in 1879 and for the rest of the country in 1885.

Then in 1968, Congress (国会) introduced the Uniform Monday Holiday Bill (法案), which hoped to change certain federal holidays from special dates to Mondays, creating more three­day weekends. The idea was that more long weekends would make people work hard during shorter workdays.

The bill also wanted to combine (结合) Washington’s and Abraham Lincoln’s birthdays into one holiday (some states, like Illinois, already celebrated Lincoln’s birthday, February 12). Illinois Senator Robert McClory suggested this holiday be called “Presidents’ Day”. In 1971, the bill passed, and President Richard Nixon made an order that the third Monday in February should be now a holiday. Here’s the thing though: According to the United States laws, that holiday is still called Washington’s Birthday. The name never officially changed to Presidents’ Day. But since the laws allowed local governments and private businesses to name federal holidays whatever they want, most states call it Presidents’ Day. Many stores also make use of this second name to boost February sales.

Two other presidents celebrated birthdays in February, William Henry Harrison (February 9) and Ronald Reagan (February 6).

【小题1】What does Paragraph 2 mainly tell us?
A.The beginning of Presidents’ Day.B.People’s love for George Washington.
C.The story behind America's first president.D.The difference between different calendars.
【小题2】Why did Congress introduce the Uniform Monday Holiday Bill in 1968?
A.To create more federal holidays.
B.To give the holiday an official name.
C.To celebrate Abraham Lincoln's birthday.
D.To increase the number of longer weekends.
【小题3】What can we learn about Presidents’ Day?
A.President Richard Nixon created it.B.It is the official name for the holiday.
C.Illinois was the first state to celebrate it.D.It's called Washington's Birthday officially.
【小题4】What does the underlined word “boost” in Paragraph 4 mean?

Interesting festivals in the world

Throwing tomatoes — Spain(西班牙)

Spain takes “tomatoes fights” to a whole new level. But the tomatoes are being thrown, not eaten. The festival takes place during the last Wednesday in August. Trucks(卡车) carry tomatoes into the square. People rush to the tomatoes and throw them into the crowd.

Rolling cheese — England

This festival is celebrated on the last Monday in May It takes place on Cooper’s Hill. A large wheel of cheese is rolled down Cooper’s Hill. The festival is actually a race where people run down the hill after the rolling cheese. The first person to cross the finish line at the bottom of the hill wins the cheese.

Burning man — The United States

The Burning Man Festival lasts a week, it is from the Monday before labor Day to Labor Day (which falls on the first Monday in September in America). The festival takes place in the Black Rock Desert. The best part of the festival is the burning of a large sculpture of a man.

Pouring water — Thailand

The Songkran Festival is the celebration of the New Year in Thailand. Rather than a single day. Thailand celebrates the New Year from April 13th to April 15th. Thai people run after each other pouring water. Songkran is one of the most important reasons why foreigners travel to the beautiful land.

【小题1】Where will you probably go to enjoy one of the festivals above in May?
C.The United States.D.Thailand.
【小题2】Which festival is held in Black Rock Desert?
A.Throwing tomatoes.B.Rolling cheese.
C.Burning man.D.Pouring water.
【小题3】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The tomatoes are thrown into crowd to eat.
B.Not all the festivals above fall on the single day.
C.Burning a large real man is the best part of the festival.
D.Songkran is the only reason for attracting lots of tourists.
【小题4】The passage is most probably taken from ________.
A.a tour guideB.a science report
C.a story bookD.a fashion magazine

Let’s play games from different countries and learn about different cultures.

Otedama (Japan)

It is played alone with five small sandbags. The player kneels down behind the sandbags, throws one in the air, then uses the same hand to quickly pick up another bag and catch the first. Keep going until you’re holding all five. Too easy? Throw up all the bags and catch them on the back of your hand.

Fengzheng (China)

Fengzhengs or kites are believed to have been invented in China during the fifth century BC by Mozi and Lu Ban. By the fifth century AD, paper kites were being used for military purposes such as signaling and measuring distances. These days, locals commonly fly handmade kites to mark the arrival of spring. In Beijing, the kite string is traditionally cut to allow bad luck to be blown away by the wind.

Topfschlagen (Germany)

Germany is the world’s top exporter of chocolate, so no wonder this game is based on the sweet reward. Put some chocolate under an overturned cooking pot. Kids take turns crawling on the ground blindfolded and lightly strike whatever’s in their path with a wooden spoon. When the spoon hits the pot, the chocolate hunter gathers up the treasure.

EI Gatoy El Raton (Costa Rica)

It is a favorite group circle game for kids. One plays el gato (the cat); another is el raton (the mouse). The rest hold hands, forming a circle around the mouse. As the group skips and sings “the cat wants to get the mouse”, the cat runs outside the circle trying to touch the mouse. The players forming the circle raise and lower their arms to block the cat, and the mouse runs around to avoid being touched. When the cat “gets” the mouse, start over with a new cat and mouse.

【小题1】Which game was once used for wars?
A.Otedama.B.Fengzheng.C.Topfschlagen.D.EI Gatoy El Raton.
【小题2】What is the reward for the Topfschlagen players?
【小题3】What is special about El Gatoy El Raton?
A.It requires at least four players in each round.
B.It is related with a country’s top exported goods.
C.It must be played by children and adults together.
D.It started in the East and spread all around the world.
