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Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word given in the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word that you do not need.
A. facilities       B. signals       C. excel       D. social       E. apparently       F. objects
G. natural       H. process       I. function       J. instead       K. definitely

Your dog’s brain doesn’t care about your face

It’s just not in dogs’ DNA to care about human faces, a new study has found. And there’s no area in their brain designed to distinguish between the back or front of someone’s head.

Researchers measured brain activity in dogs and humans as they showed them videos of faces and backs of heads, said a press release from Eötvös Loránd University, in Hungary. While faces are【小题1】 important for visual communication in humans, the same can’t be said for our dog companions.

Experiments involving functional magnetic resonance imaging(FMRI,功能性磁共振成像)on 20 dogs were carried out at Eötvös Loránd University and the National Autonomous University of Mexico. These two【小题2】 are some of the only institutions in the world that are equipped with the ability to scan dogs’ brains when they are awake and unrestrained(不受约束的).

Results have revealed large specialized neural networks(神经网络)in human brains that are used to distinguish faces from non-faces. In dogs there are no brain regions that【小题3】 to tell facial differences.

Dogs,【小题4】, use more information from smell or larger parts of the body, study co-author Attila Andies at Eötvös Loránd University said. “In dogs, for relationship recognition and mate selection(配偶选择), facial cues(提示)are not more important than non-facial bodily cues, sound or chemical【小题5】,” Andics explained.

The full study, described by researchers as the first one of its kind, was published in the Journal of Neuroscience.

Andics said that dogs do care about human faces, even if their brains aren’t specifically tuned in to them. “I think it is amazing that, despite【小题6】 not having a specialized neural machinery to deal with faces, dogs nevertheless【小题7】 at eye contact, following gaze, reading emotions from our face, and they can even recognize their owner by the face.”

“During domestication(驯养), dogs adapted to the human【小题8】 environment. Living with humans they quickly learn that reading facial cues makes sense, just as humans learn to pay attention to little details of, let’s say, a phone, without having specialized phone areas in their brain,” Andics added.

Researchers will now compare how dog and human brains【小题9】 other visual categories such as body parts, various species and everyday【小题10】, said Andics. The team will also investigate whether dog brains have developed different specializations as a result of living with humans.

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Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. admiration B. vital C. equipping D. involves
E. opportunity F. controversial G. undergo H. qualities
I. denying J. drawing K. distinctive

In life’s journey, maturity plays a significant role in guiding individuals towards success. It encompasses 【小题1】 like wisdom, responsibility, and the ability to adapt to change. Financial maturity is about making wise decisions regarding money. It 【小题2】 understanding the importance of saving, investing, and managing finances for long-term stability. Adaptability is another key aspect of maturity. It enables individuals to 【小题3】 life’s ups and downs with resilience and flexibility,

Mature individuals often exhibit 【小题4】 features such as confidence and firmness, which command respect and 【小题5】 from others. In society, mature individuals are often seen as leaders and mentors, 【小题6】 upon their experiences to guide and inspire others. Acknowledging tiny and learning from challenges is a typical mark of maturity. Instead of 【小题7】 difficulties, mature individuals face them head-on, using them as stepping stones towards personal growth.

The impact of maturity on personal and professional development is 【小题8】. It requires self-reflection, discipline, and a willingness to learn from both successes and failures. As educators, it is our responsibility to ins till the value of maturity in our students 【小题9】 them with the skills needed to undergo the complexities of life and achieve their goals.

In conclusion, maturity is essential for success and fulfillment. Let us embrace change as a(n) 【小题10】 for growth and celebrate the growth of maturity in ourselves and others as we go through life.

Direction: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. offline        B. flashed          C. momentary     D. processing        E.   response
F. correctly       G. dropped        H. visual          I. limits       J. distracting       K. immediately

Making a Mistake Can Put Your Brain on ‘Pause’

Mistakes can be learning opportunities, but the brain needs time for lessons to sink in.

When facing fast decisions, even the 【小题1】 distraction of noting an error can decrease accuracy on the next choice, researchers report in the March 15 Journal of Neuroscience.

“We have a brain region that monitors and says ‘you messed up’ so that we can correct our behavior,” says psychologist George Buzzell, now at the University of Maryland in College Park.   But sometimes, that monitoring system can backfire, 【小题2】 us from the task at hand and causing us to make another error.

“There does seem to be a little bit of time for people, after mistakes, where you’re sort of   【小题3】,” says Jason Moser, a psychologist at Michigan State University, who wasn’t part of the study.

To test people’s 【小题4】 to making mistakes, Buzzell and colleagues at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va., monitored 23 participants’ brain activity while they worked through a challenging task. Concentric(同心的)circles 【小题5】 briefly on a screen, and participants had to respond with one hand if the two circles were the same color and the other hand if the circles were slightly different shades.

After making a mistake, participants generally answered the next question correctly if they had a second or so to recover. But when the next challenge came very quickly after an error, as little as 0.2 seconds, accuracy 【小题6】 by about 10 percent. Electrical activity recorded from the 【小题7】 cortex(大脑皮层)showed that participants paid less attention to the next experiment if they had just made a mistake than if they had responded 【小题8】.

The cognitive demand of noting and 【小题9】 the error seems to divert attention that would otherwise be devoted to the task, Buzzell says.

In real life, people usually have time — even if just a few seconds — to reflect on a mistake before having to make another decision. But in some activities such as driving a car or playing a musical instrument, people must rebound from errors quickly while continuing to correctly carry out the rest of the task. Those actions might push the 【小题10】 of error processing.
