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The term e-waste is short for “electronic waste”. It refers to electrical or electronic products that are thrown away when they are no longer needed. These include computers, televisions, ovens, and basically anything else that runs on batteries or has an electrical cord.

E-waste has been a problem since the 1970s because of how difficult it is to separate things like metal and plastic from various products. Also, many electronics contain toxic materials that can pollute the environment if left in landfills. Over the past few decades, the problem of e-waste has only increased along with advancements in technology.

E-waste is now the fastest-growing waste stream around the world. The total amount of e-waste created every year is expected to reach 74 million tons by the year 2030. Currently, it’s estimated that only about 17 percent of global e-waste is properly recycled. However, the United Nations hopes to bring that number up to 30 percent by the end of 2023.

With more people using smartphones and computers every year, the problem of e-waste cannot be ignored. To increase the recycling rate of e-waste items, cities should consider adding special collection boxes at grocery stores or government offices. There should also be delivery or pick-up services for e-waste items. That way, these items can be sent directly to people who are able to properly take them apart and recover their useful components.

Despite current difficulties, e-waste has great recycling potential. In addition to the items thrown away, lots of people keep old devices that aren’t used anymore. As a whole, they add up to a lot of metals and minerals that can, and should, be recycled. If these components are recycled to make new products, there would be less of a need to dig for more around the world.

So, if you must replace your phone or computer, try returning the device to the manufacturer or dropping it off at an e-waste processing facility if there is one nearby.

【小题1】What does “electronic waste” refer to?
【小题2】What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?
【小题3】Decide which part of the following statement is wrong. Underline it and explain why.
In order to reduce e-waste, people had better keep old devices that aren’t used anymore or drop them off in special collection boxes.
【小题4】Apart from the ways mentioned in the passage, please share your way(s) to reduce e-waste. (About 40 words)
知识点:环境污染社会问题与社会现象 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Compared with the obvious environmental issues we hear about every day, littering often takes a backseat-but it’s more pressing than we may think.

Some may say that a banana peel out of your car along the motorway would be a harmless action. Actually, they are wrong. A banana peel can take up to two years to decompose(分解),and with a third of motorists admitting to littering while driving, that’s a whole lot of discarded banana peels, or much worse. An orange peel and a cigarette butt has a similar biodegrading(生物降解)term to that of a banana, but tin and aluminium cans last up to 100 years, and plastic bottles last forever, so do glass bottles and plastic bags.

Despite the fact that longer-lasting materials will serve to damage the environment and its animals for longer, we can’t only measure the severity of a certain type of rubbish by its lifetime. For example, despite having a fairly short biodegrading span, more than 120 tons of cigarette-related litter is thrown away in the UK every day. Similarly, our regular littering here and there has caused the UK’s mouse population to increase by 60 million. This suddenly isn’t so mysterious when you consider that since the 1960s our annual littering has increased by an amazing 500%.

It’s not a cheap habit either: UK taxpayers spent $500 million on keeping the streets clean. So, it’s not surprising that if caught fly-tipping, you could face a $20, 000 fine. Regardless of how severe the punishment might seem, however, among the reported cases only 2, 000 were punished out of 825, 000, so we still have some way to go in making sure people observe the rules.

To take back our beautiful cities, we need to do more than simply not leaving rubbish where it ought not to be. We need to care more about the world around us.

【小题1】Which of the following is easiest to decompose ?
A.An aluminium can.B.A plastic bag.
C.An orange peel.D.A glass bottle.
【小题2】What can we know from Para. 3?
A.Annual littering has increased a little in UK since the 1960s.
B.Shorter-lasting materials will be less harmful to the environment.
C.Cigarette-related litter is a severe environmental problem in UK.
D.Regular littering has caused the UK’s mouse population to reach 60 million.
【小题3】Which of the following can best describe UK’s punishment on littering according to Para. 4?
A.Every little helps.B.A drop in the bucket.
C.No pains, no gains.D.Fear is often greater than the danger.
【小题4】What is the best title of the passage?
A.Littering, a surprisingly big issue.
B.Environment issue, a big concern.
C.Long-lasting material, a hidden danger.
D.Rubbish collection, an urgent task.

You are drinking plastic,I’m drinking plastic and we’re all drinking plastic.Bottled water drinkers may be drinking the most plastic of all.

A new study released by Orb Media evaluates that on average,a liter of bottled water from big brands like Dasani,Aquafina,and Nestle,contains roughly 10.4 tiny plastic bits.The world drinks them in swiftly,consuming roughly a million plastic bottles a minute,as The Guardian evaluates.Aquafina and Dasani both said that their bottled water is tested on strict standards.Nestle said the company hasn’t found microplastics in its water bottles beyond a “trace(微量)level”.Evian did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

In our modern,plastic-filling world,these little plastic bits-many thinner than a human hair-seem to be very common everywhere.We don’t know exactly what these plastic parts are doing to our bodies,but we’re drinking them in anyway.That’s an alarming possibility,because in the ocean,these little plastics are doing harmful things to fish.In some species,they’re even slowing down growth and reproduction.

While there isn’t clear evidence yet that the plastics in single-use water bottles can increase cancer risk,we know that bottles containing a chemical called Bisphenol A(BPA) do.The hard BPA plastics in certain reusable water bottles can lead to higher risks of breast cancer,and other diseases.And a few studies suggest the softer kinds of single-use water bottles can have similar chemicals inside.

The tiny plastic bits aren’t just in our bottles.They come out of our taps,too.The tiny plastics are also swimming in the seas and disturbing the way fish eat.In some countries,microplastics are even slipping into the salt markets.Even Dasani wrote in its statement:“It’s clear the world has a problem with plastic waste.”

【小题1】What can we infer about Evian?
A.It is a social medium.
B.It produces a chemical.
C.It can be a plastic bottle.
D.It can be a water company.
【小题2】What does the author intend to do in Paragraph 3?
A.Describe basic facts about plastics.
B.Focus on the potential danger of plastics.
C.Discuss the living conditions of fish.
D.Illustrate the part plastics are playing.
【小题3】What does the author’s attitude towards microplastics sound?
【小题4】What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Here’s What Microplastics in Bottled Water Do.
B.Bottled Water Does Harm to the Environment.
C.The Importance of Recycling Water Bottles.
D.Species Are Suffering From Microplastics.

Conifers (针叶树) are generally better than broad-leaved trees at purifying air from pollutants. But deciduous (落叶的) trees may be better at taking in particle-bound pollution. A new study led by the University of Gothenburg shows that the best trees for air purification depend on the type of pollutants involved.

Trees and other greener in cities provide many benefits that are important for the well-being of residents. Leaves and needled on trees filter air pollutants and reduce exposure to poisonous substance in the air. But which trees purify the air most effectively? Researchers from the University of Gothenburg have collected leaves and needle from eleven different trees growing in the same place in the Gothenburg Botanical Garden (GBG) to analyse which cub-stances they have absorbed.

“This tree collection provided a unique opportunity to test many different species of trees with similar environmental conditions and exposure to air pollutants,” said Jenny Klingberg, a researcher of the GBG

A total of 32 different pollutants were analysed, some of which are bound to articles of various sizes. Others are gaseous. This project has focused on paths (多环芳烃). In cities, traffic is the biggest source of these pollutants, which are released due to incomplete burning in engines.

“Our analysis show that different species of trees have different abilities to absorb air pollutants. Conifers generally absorb morn gaseous paths than broad-leaved trees. Another advantage of conifers is that they also act as air purifies in winter, when air pollution is usually at its highest,” said Jenny Klingberg.

“This study contributes to improving our understanding of the ability of trees to clean the air and which species are best at absorbing air pollutants,” said Jenny Klingberg. This known-edge is important for urban planning when designing sustainable cities. While trees and green-era can contribute to better air quality in cities, at the end of the day, the most important measure is to reduce emissions.

【小题1】Which is the determining factor in choosing the most suitable tries to purify air?
A.Air quality.B.Geographical location.C.The height of plants.D.The kind of pollutants.
【小题2】Why did the researchers collect leaves and needled from GBG?
A.To compare their shapes.B.To create a tree collection.
C.To figure out what they absorb.D.To display them on exhibition.
【小题3】What may cause more paths to be released?
A.Fuel vehicle’s.B.Electric engines.C.Traffic accidents.D.Complete burning.
【小题4】What is the most effective way to better air quality in cities?
A.Decreasing emissions.B.Planting more conifers.
C.Raising public awareness.D.Designing sustainable cities.
