阅读理解-六选四 适中0.65 引用1 组卷14

Customs and traditions in China have been formed over thousands of years, and today, there exists a traditional system of values, with the etiquette as its major aspect.

The formation process of Chinese culture began in the Ⅲ millennium BC. Over time, many of the traditions were lost, but most of them have survived and come to our days. In addition, the Chinese traditions are very diverse, since the country consists of different nations and nationalities.

【小题1】 Tibet is the western part of China, where the people have their own unique, and the only one in the world culture, therefore their traditions differ from those of the rest of China. Along with the Buddhists, there also live the Confucians and Muslims who, in their turn, also follow their own traditions and customs.

However, the Chinese have a lot of specific customs and traditions observed by everybody. In particular, it concerns the greetings. Chinese welcoming traditions extend back over 2,000 years. 【小题2】 Today, the modern Chinese just nod their heads, but if they want to show respect, they may bow.

【小题3】 When the Chinese come on a visit, they usually give some wine, tea or candy. If you happen to visit a Chinese you should bear in mind not to give an odd number of presents, as odd numbers are considered unlucky in China. You should not give presents in number of 4 or in black-and-white colour, which are considered as symbols of death in China. The Chinese should not be presented with clocks. They also symbolize death and funerals.

【小题4】 There, a large part of the population still observes traditions and customs, which extend back over three thousand years. There, you can not only visit the unique historical monuments of ancient Chinese civilization, but also plunge into the mysterious and sometimes closed world of the Chinese East.

A.In times of old, when saying hello, the Chinese bowed, folding their hands on chest, so they believed that the lower the bow, the more the respect.
B.Despite the technological progress, a large part of the population observes old-fashioned traditions and customs, which extend back over three thousand years.
C.That is why China attracts millions of tourists from all over the world to China.
D.Like other aspects of Chinese life, culture is heavily influenced by geography and ethnic diversity.
E.The traditions and customs of China are closely related not only to its history, but also to the religions professed(公开表明) in the country.
F.In China, there is another common tradition-giving of presents.
知识点:语言与文化 历史知识中国文化与节日 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Tourists visiting La Gomera and EI Hierro in the Canary-Islands can often hear locals communicating over long distances by whistling — not a tune (曲调), but the Spanish language. The locals are communicating in Silbo, a whistled Spanish language.

Whistled languages are almost developed in rough, mountainous regions or in thick forest. That’s because whistled speech carries much farther than ordinary speech or shouting. As a result, whistled speech can be understood up to 10 times as far away as ordinary shouting. That lets people communicate even when they cannot easily approach close enough to shout. On La Gomera, for example, a few traditional shepherds (牧羊人) still whistle to one another across mountain valleys that could take hours to cross.

Whistled languages work because many of the key elements of speech can be produced in a whistle, says Meyer. We distinguish one speech sound from another by small differences in their sound frequency patterns. A long “e”, for example, is formed higher in the mouth than along “o”, giving it a higher sound.

To language scientists, such languages are more than just a curiosity. By studying whistled languages, they hope to learn about how our brains get meaning from the complex sound patterns of speech. Whisting may even provide a chance to know one of the most dramatic jump forward in human evolution (进化); the origin of language itself.

Despite their interest to both language experts and casual observers, whistled languages are disappearing rapidly all over the world, and some, such as the whistled form of the Tepehua language in Mexico, have disappeared. “Now you still find whistled speech only in places that are very, very remote, that have had less contact with modernity and less access to roads,” Meyer says.

Fortunately, there is still hope. UNESCO, the UN cultural organization, has listed two whistled languages, Silbo, and a whistled Turkish, as the world’s cultural heritage. Such attention can lead to conservation efforts.

【小题1】What led to the development of whistled languages?
A.Geographic inaccessibility.B.Rapid increase in tourism.
C.Greater information capacity.D.Interest of language experts.
【小题2】Why are a long “e” and a long “o” mentioned in Paragraph 3?
A.To show what key elements speech has.
B.To explain the differences between speech sound frequency patterns.
C.To prove the popularity of whistled language in the world.
D.To show the disadvantages of whistled languages.
【小题3】What might be a reason for the disappearance of whistled languages according to Meyer?
A.Difficulty of understanding.B.Lack of attention.
C.Expansion of other cultures.D.Modernization.
【小题4】What does the underlined word “conservation” mean in the last paragraph?

Although the English language has been in a constant state of change, Shakespeare’s works have continued to influence the language we use daily. Shakespeare created many commonly used expressions, new words, and the way of using punctuation (标点符号). 【小题1】

Shakespeare’s talent for making the English language into the powerful written word has ensured his lasting influence on our everyday language. Hundreds of expressions were invented by Shakespeare. 【小题2】

They only know some well-known expressions, such as, “To be, or not to be, that is the question.” can be attributed (认为是……所作) to Shakespeare.

【小题3】 Many of his original words, for example, “uncomfortable” and “fashionable”, are still used today. Shakespeare’s effect on vocabulary is rather amazing when considering how much language has changed since his lifetime.

Shakespeare’s use of punctuation is also distinctive (有特色的). His punctuation is a clue to the way a piece should be performed. Punctuation is required to signal how each line should be delivered. 【小题4】 Consequently, lines without punctuation naturally seem to gather speed and emotional purpose. When analyzing a Shakespearean text, stop and consider how punctuation is used.

In conclusion, Shakespeare is truly a great author. 【小题5】 We will always have the benefit of his remarkable works for many years to come.

A.However, not many people are aware of that.
B.Thus, he affects the English language in a big way.
C.It also forces the reader to pause and slows down the pace of the text.
D.Perhaps we’ll never know these words will gradually appear one day.
E.One of Shakespeare’s biggest contributions to human literature lies in his works.
F.In addition, Shakespeare even invented over one thousand frequently used words.
G.That’s because he developed the English language of his time and showed it through his plays.

There are 7,000 documented languages currently spoken across the world, but half of them could be endangered. It is predicted that 1,500 known languages may no longer be spoken by the end of this century.

Researchers analyzed thousands of languages to identify factors that put endangered ones at risk. The findings highlight a link between higher levels of schooling and language loss, as regionally dominant languages taught in class often overshadow indigenous (土著的) tongues. Additionally, the density of roads in an area is also to blame. “We found that the more roads there are, connecting countries to cities, and villages to towns, the higher the risk of languages being endangered. It’s as if roads are helping dominant languages ‘steam roll’ over other smaller languages,” said Professor Lindell Bromham, co–author of the study.

The study, published in Nature, Ecology and Evolution, estimates one language is currently lost within every three–month period. But levels of language loss could actually triple in the next 40 years, with at least one language per month disappearing unless measures are taken.

“When a language is lost, we lose so much of our human cultural diversity,” said Professor Bromham.“Luckily, many of the languages predicted to be lost this century still have fluent speakers, so there is still the chance to invest in supporting communities to restore indigenous languages.”

There are many Internet sites and apps to help new speakers learn languages like Spanish, English and Chinese, but these now extend to specialist apps designed to teach endangered languages or help preserve them. Ma! Iwaidja, for example, is an app that enables those working with speakers of the Iwaidja indigenous Australian language to record words, phrases and translations. Another initiative is the Rosetta Project, a global cooperation of language specialists and native speakers working to build an open–access digital library of human languages.

The UNESCO International Decade of Indigenous Languages (IDIL 2022–2032), which begins this year, also aims to engage the global community with the critical issue of language loss.

【小题1】What is putting indigenous languages at risk of being endangered?
A.Their history.B.The way they are taught.
C.Exposure to the wider world.D.The influence of climate.
【小题2】What do we know about language loss according to the study?
A.It is hard to predict.B.It will lead to human death.
C.It is getting worse.D.It is out of our control.
【小题3】In Bromham’s opinion, which field is affected most by languages?
A.Economy.B.Technology.C.Globalization.D.Cultural diversity.
【小题4】How does the author introduce the ways to restore indigenous languages?
A.By listing figures.B.By making definitions.
C.By making comparisons.D.By giving examples.
