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Yoga has a well-deserved reputation for helping to improve balance and flexibility and for promoting calm and relaxation. But when it comes to weight loss, many people assume that other types of exercise, like cardio or strength training will be more helpful. While you might not burn as many calories (卡路里) by practicing yoga as you would by running or doing some other high-intensity aerobic activity (有氧运动), yoga can still raise your heart rate and help build muscle-and, at rest, muscle burns about twice as many calories as fat does. “Studies show that aerobic forms of exercise, which is any exercise that uses your large muscle groups and raises your heart rate, are beneficial for weight loss,” says Sally Sherwin, a yoga teacher with the Cleveland Clinic Wellness Yoga. “Power or vinyasa yoga, a type of high intensity yoga, fits this kind.”

Just how many calories you burn varies depending on how long and intense your exercise is, as well as other factors, such as your weight, age and gender. But according to Erin Casperson, lead faculty with the Kripalu Center for Yoga &Health, practicing yoga can also help you burn more calories long after you hit the mat, even if you don’t do more intense forms of yoga. That’s because yoga’s other benefits can help with weight loss too.

Yoga helps manage stress, and studies show that high levels of cortisol (皮质醇), a stress hormone, can lead to an increase in abdominal fat, Cortisol surges can also increase your cravings for high-fat and high sugar foods and drinks while simultaneously reducing your muscle mass. “Yoga has an impact on the body’s stress response and reduces the production of hormones linked to weight gain such as cortisol,” Erin Casperson says.

Several studies have confirmed that doing yoga does reduce cortisol levels. In one study, researchers found that practicing yoga seemed to impact the hypothalamus (下丘脑), reducing cortisol production. And a 2020 study found that doing meditative yoga reduced participants’ salivary cortisol levels.

【小题1】What can be inferred from paragraph 1?
A.Yoga doesn’t contribute to weight loss.
B.You might burn more calories by practicing yoga than running.
C.Yoga plays an important role in raising your heart rate and building muscles.
D.Cardio and strength training are known for helping to improve balance and flexibility.
【小题2】The amount of calories you burn differs depending on ______
A.the intense forms of yogaB.the duration and intension of your exercise
C.the type of yoga mat you selectD.the type of aerobic exercise you choose
【小题3】According to Erin Casperson, which of the following statements is correct?
A.The reason why yoga can lose weight lies in its intense exercise.
B.We can combine other forms of sports to lose weight except for yoga.
C.We must do more intense forms of yoga in order to burn more calories.
D.Yoga can decrease the production of cortisol which is connected with weight gain.
【小题4】Who would be interested in the passage?
A.A journalist who writes travel journals.B.A student who likes playing sports.
C.A novelist who tries to lose weight.D.A teacher who enjoys reading magazines.
知识点:体育健身 个人保健说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

On my 70th birthday, in September 2019, I decided to participate in 70 different sports before I turned 71. The motivation? Simply to have some fun. Athleticism, after all, does not end at some arbitrary (任意的) age.

Shortly after my 70th birthday, I took a crack at paddle-boarding. Family members were greatly entertained, watching me first try to get on the board, then stand on the board and finally fall into the water before trying all over again. Lesson learnt: Perseverance pays off. Eventually I stood, I balanced and I paddled. An early success.

Winter sports brought their own challenges. A pick-up game of hockey resulted in the odd collision. The quality of play was hardly inspirational, but it was certainly fun. Then came the attempt to teach myself the basics of figure skating. It left me falling flat on the ice, my elbow and knee aching. I refused to give up. If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again, which I called self-discipline.

However, the outbreak of COVID-19 shut down most of my city, which became a setback to my 70-at-70 goal. By then I had tried nearly 35 sports. Individual sports would have to be the order of the day: Running, jumping, walking. For track, I built my own high jump and hurdles. Athletics does not have to be complicated.

There were some health advantages, too, to all the exercise I was getting. Each activity triggered endorphins that brought an immediate high. Over the longer term came the realisation that dreams are important, regardless of how far-fetched or unrealistic they might seem. As youngsters we dream of playing in the big leagues or participating in the Olympics. As we age, our hopes and dreams change, but one should never let them disappear. We need something to look forward to; what’s better than to wake up each morning knowing there is a game to play?

【小题1】What lesson did the author learn from paddle-boarding?
A.Having some fun.B.Having perseverance.
C.Mastering any of the sports.D.Being entertained.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “setback” in Paragraph 4 mean?
【小题3】What is the author’s dream in his 70s?
A.Taking a crack at paddle-boarding.B.Playing in the big leagues.
C.Participating in the Olympics.D.Having a game to play.
【小题4】Which statement may the author agree with?
A.One can only get fun from sports.
B.One cannot dream big as they age.
C.One can be prevented from sports at any arbitrary age.
D.One can never lose hopes and dreams regardless of age.

Winter is often a low point for outdoor lovers, as cold weather pushes them indoors. However, winter can be a beautiful time of year for a winter trail(小路)walk. 【小题1】

Generally, winter walking presents dangers. 【小题2】 You will need to wear   appropriate clothing and always you have proper footwear for your winter walking.

Above all, you should dress warmly. The best way to dress for cold weather exercise is to wear more layers(层). When you warm up from the exercise, you can take off layers so you will never become over-heated.   【小题3】Wear clothes that are waterproof and breathable. In addition always have a good hat and a pair of gloves, one of the most effective ways to pre-serve body heat.

Shoes are a very important aspect of winter walking.   Instead of using regular shoes on a winter walk, consider trying a pair of snowshoes, a fun way to enjoy your trail. 【小题4】With snowshoes, you will still need to wear good waterproof shoes. With a good pair of snowshoes, you will be able to explore much more of your trail and the surrounding area during the winter.

【小题5】Spend some time finding a trail that is open and safe to walk on during the winter. If you can’t find a trail that fits your requirements, you can come up with an alternative plan. Walk around your local neighborhoods to view the holiday lights or go to your local park where you will probably find some sort of walking trail that is accessible during the winter.

A.Nor will you suffer from being too cold.
B.It may even rain while you are out walking.
C.You may find your favorite trails closed during the winter.
D.You will be more steady on the snow and get a better workout.
E.Why not continue to spend time outside, taking winter trail walks?
F.A trail that normally gets lots of traffic may be empty during the winter.
G.The severer the weather is, the more careful you need to be when walking.

Benefits of sport

Whether you simply go for a long walk in the park, ride your bicycle through the countryside or go to the gym, getting your body moving will not only make you feel more energetic, but will also improve your health.

Involving yourself in an activity that makes you breathe a little more heavily will improve the development of your heart and lungs and help them work more effectively and efficiently. Additionally, regular exercise will tone your body by contributing to the development of your muscles, bones and joints and will also help you maintain a healthy body weight. 【小题1】, making you better prepared to fight off infection.

【小题2】. Swimming, for example, is an excellent physical activity as nearly all muscles are used when you swim. As a result, it provides a good full—body workout, improving coordination (协调), balance and muscle strength. Of course, swimming is also a great way to cool down on a hot day.

Sport, as well as being a physical activity, has a mental aspect too. 【小题3】. Sport builds character and develops a number of qualities that are essential for a successful life. Included are three qualities worthy of special consideration.

First and foremost, sport requires self—discipline, without which it will be difficult for you to keep exercising. In order to do better than others in sport, you will have to set goals, make plans and stick to thoughts and actions, even without immediate rewards. 【小题4】. Everyone has their ups and downs, and therefore, a big part of life means having to deal with success and failure. Engaging in competitive sport will help you understand that the most important thing is not to win, but to learn and improve yourself. Finally, sport will help you understand how important teamwork is. It will show you that you often need to depend on others for your success and, similarly, that you can also make a contribution to the success of others.

The world of sport is a fairground of exciting chances where you can discover who you really are. 【小题5】

A.Every sport has its own specific health benefits
B.Doing exercise, your heart and lungs must work harder
C.It can help define who you are and who you can become
D.It’s time, I think, to put on your sports shoes and go play
E.Secondly, sport will encourage you to keep a positive attitude
F.Another advantage of exercise is that it will improve your body’s immune system
G.Although my schedule is very tight, I will take exercise as a part of my daily routine
