阅读理解-阅读单选 适中0.65 引用1 组卷60

We have met, just not in person. I am a mortgage (抵押贷款) banker so I do my financial transactions over the phone and computer. This lady is a borrower of mine and I have done two of her refinances over the past few years. She is not a woman that is my mother’s age, not a grandmotherly type of client. She is my age.

We have never met in person. She lives in New Jersey and I live in California. I always try to make a Mortgage transaction as exciting as and as fun as it can be and of course her loan turned out great, but nothing spectacular happened where I saved the day or anything like that. Everything ran smooth. Mortgage is not the most exciting thing in the United States of America. Every couple of months, for the past three years, she would email me a little note that told me how much she appreciated me, how I made a difference in her life, how smart I was, and how thankful she was of me.

I have a stressful job, and sometimes my cheese is falling off my cracker all day long and just one little note from her completely changes my whole day. Sometimes it even makes me cry a little because it’s exactly what I needed to hear. Little does she know that one little action to somebody she barely even knows does so much for me over here on the other end.

This morning I turned on my computer and was trying to wake up and grunting at my emails and there it was, another note from her. I started my day in such a good mood and I let her know how much she makes a difference in my life! I also let her know how lucky the people are that are in her life if she treats everybody like this!

Everyone is so stressed out and lonely right now. Take a moment in your day tomorrow to do one little nice thing for somebody, even if it’s for someone you do not know. You can make one little difference in their life and put into motion a whole stream of positivity after that.

【小题1】What is the possible relationship between the writer and the woman?
A.Buyer and borrower.
B.Manager and employee.
C.Boss and customer.
D.Banker and client.
【小题2】What can we learn from the passage?
A.They live in different countries.
B.The writer borrowed money from this woman.
C.The woman and “I” have met in person before.
D.Both of them are thankful to each other.
【小题3】From the underlined sentence “…sometimes my cheese is falling off my cracker all day long”, we can infer that the writer was______.
【小题4】What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?
A.To tell his/her story with an unknown woman.
B.To introduce his/her job as a mortgage banker.
C.To encourage people to do one little good thing to others.
D.To call on people to make a contribution to the whole world.
知识点:哲理感悟记叙文个人经历 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!
It was the end of my first senior year. I was riding with my friends, and a bottle of beer was passed around the car. Everyone was taking swigs(一大口). When the bottle got to me, I thought:“What should I do?”I took a swig. It was the biggest mistake of my life. I had to drive home later that night.
I went back to my car, got in and drove off. At a stop sign I saw a policeman sitting in the parking lot across the street. His headlights were turned on, and I knew he was going to follow me. Then he flashed his lights at me. All I could think was:“Oh no, that swig!”
I pulled over and waited for him to come to my door. It felt like forever.“Can I see your license and registration, please, Miss?”I gave them to him. He took them and went back to his car for a while. When he returned, he asked if I had been drinking.
“No,”I said. He asked me to step out of my car.
“Walk heel to toe down the white line, please.” I passed the test. Next he had me stand on my left foot, lift my right foot and hold it for 30 seconds. I’m not the most coordinated (动作协调的) person and I can’t even walk and chew gum at the same time, so, needless to say, I didn’t pass. Then he asked me to take a breathalyzer test.
That was where I messed up. I told him I didn’t want to and didn’t understand why I had to. The officer asked me three more times, and I continued to refuse. He told me to turn around and place my hands behind my back. He arrested me right then and there.
The policeman drove me to a police station 20 minutes from my home. He called my parents and told them where I was.
I went to court two months after that, charged with refusing to obey an officer. I got a $700 (4,340 yuan) fine and 40 hours of community service. I’ll be on probation (缓刑) for a year, and I’ll have to take the driving test again. I lost my license for a whole year.
This was a huge learning experience for me. It opened my eyes to how easy it is to make a stupid decision. I want everyone reading this to know that it’s not right to drink and drive. It definitely isn’t worth losing your license over.
【小题1】What can we infer from the first paragraph?
A.The author didn’t remember she had to drive home later when riding with her friends.
B.The author felt just one mouthful would not affect her driving.
C.The author wished she had refused to drink that night.
D.The author lost her driving license on the way.
【小题2】What did the policeman ask the author to do at the stop sign?
a. Show her driving license.
b. Walk in a straight line.
c. Stand on her head.
d. Stand on one foot for 30 seconds.
e. Take her temperature.
A.a, b, dB.a, c, d
C.b, c, eD.b, d, e
【小题3】Which of the following is TRUE according to the article?
A.The author was in jail for 40 hours and had to do community service.
B.The author thought her punishment shouldn’t be so serious.
C.The author believed she would have avoided punishment if she had obeyed the policeman.
D.The author was really sorry that she had made a serious mistake.
【小题4】The article wants to ______.
A.show that severe punishment works.
B.explain how policemen test drivers.
C.warn people against driving after drinking.
D.blame the author’s thoughtless friends.
Dear Seth,

You’re only three years old, and at this point in your life you can’t read, much less understand what I’m going to try to tell you in this letter. But someday, when you’re ready, I hope you will find some wisdom and value in what I share with you.【小题1】

There will be people in your life who won’t be very nice .They’ll tease you or try to hurt you because you’re different.

There’s not much you can do except learn to deal with them, and learn to choose friends who are kind to you and who make you feel good about yourself. When you find friends like this, treasure them, spend time with them and love them.

Be open to life anyway
Yes, you’ll find cruelty and suffering in your journey through life, but don’t let that close you to new things.   【小题2】 Be open to new things, new experiences, new people.
Life isn’t a competition
You will meet many people who will try to do better than you, in school, in college, at work. To them, life is a competition.
But here’s the secret: life isn’t a competition. 【小题3】 . Learn to enjoy the journey and make it a journey of happiness, of constant learning, of continual improvement, of love.
Love should be your rule

If there’s a single word you should live your life by, it should be this: love. 【小题4】

Love not only your loved ones, but your neighbors, your co-workers, strangers, your brothers and sisters in humanity.

【小题5】You are starting out on an unknown, tiring, scary, but eventually great journey, and always remember I will be there for you when I can.


Your Dad

A.It’s a journey.
B.Life is full of love.
C.Life can be cruel.
D.It might sound corny(老掉牙的), but there’s no better rule in life.
E.Finally, know that I love you and always will.
F.Last, think that you are a wonderful human being.
G.Don’t step backwards from life; don’t hide yourself.

The snow was falling and the roads had become dangerous. The schools were dismissed early, but much to my surprise, my appointment wasn’t canceled. So I went, feeling especially heroic. As far as I could see, I was risking my life to keep my word. Snow or no snow, I would be on time for my scheduled donation at the local blood center.

When I got there, I discovered I wasn’t alone. Four more “hero-types” were already lying back in donor chairs with lines attached to their veins, and machines quietly pumping away to collect their lifesaving gifts.

Seeing my fellow donors honoring their own commitments, I realized why I was there. I lay back in my donor chair, ready to make a difference in the life of someone I would never meet.

To be honest, I’d never really thought about why I donate. I just do it. But a few months ago, during one of my regular donations I learned that my blood was specifically for a cancer patient and for a newborn baby—both patients needed what I would give in order to live. I’ve viewed my visits to the blood center differently ever since.

My wife Karen is a donor, too. And more importantly, she has been on the bone marrow (骨髄) list for fifteen years, ever since she signed up to provide bone marrow to a kindergartner with leukemia (白血病). That little girl died before Karen’s bone marrow could help her, but Karen was called again recently. Her test results were still on file, and it turned out she was a potential match for someone else. The caller asked Karen if she would still be willing to become a bone marrow donor. “Yes,” she said and then immediately began answering questions on the pages of paperwork for further testing. It was a race against time.

I wish I could say that this race was won. It wasn’t. The caller later thanked Karen for her participation and asked a few more questions—including whether or not she’d remain on the donor list. “Of course!” Karen answered.

We still keep making appointments. I don’t know whose life my donation may affect. Most likely it will be a stranger, but someday the person needing a blood product could be you or me or maybe a loved one. It is worthwhile to take your time to donate. I like the sense of giving.

【小题1】Why was the man going out on such a snowy day?
A.He was going to risk his life for fun.
B.He was going to do a heroic deed to show off to others.
C.He was going to give a donation to help others in deed.
D.He was going to have an important appointment with his wife.
【小题2】Who or what caused the man to view his visits to the blood center differently?
A.A cancer patient and a newborn baby who needed what he gave to live.
B.The fact that his wife would remain on the donor list after several failures.
C.The fact that his wife signed up to provide bone marrow to a girl with leukemia.
D.Four more “hero-types” lying back in donor chairs with lines attached to their veins.
【小题3】What does the author think of his wife Karen’s action?
A.He objects to what she does.
B.He thinks highly of what she does.
C.He is indifferent to what she does.
D.He doesn’t show any apparent attitude.
【小题4】Which of the following may the man agree with?
A.Many hands make light work.
B.Where there is a will, there is a way.
C.Constant dropping wears away a stone.
D.The rose’s in her hand, the fragrance in mine.
