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With new faces everywhere, the time in Grade 1 was really tough for me. Since I was an Indian girl, nobody wanted to talk to me. Every spare minute was spent alone, and no classmates would group with me for projects.

Feeling lonely and sad, I was in desperate need of close friends, with whom I hoped to share my happiness and sorrow. A girl named Fatin, who was cute, clever and talented, appealed to me deeply. However, she seemed to be avoiding me as well. Being only six years old, I didn’tunderstand why people treated me like that, I opened up to my mother about all this, almost crying my eyes out.

Mom smiled, patting me on the shoulder and comforting me until I calmed down. She looked into my eyes and encouraged me, “Honey, don’t worry. They’re just not familiar with you. Try to bring out the best in you. They’ll befriend you as long as they see your excellence.” At that time, I didn’t believe her, but Mom was right.

One day, my teacher, Miss Bibiena, announced that there was to be a speech competition. My heart pounded wildly. I really enjoyed participating in speech competitions. Actually, I was quite good at them. The only problem was that the whole school would be watching me and I knew none of my audience.

However, I was determined to do it. I gathered all my courage, marched up to the teacher and said, “Miss Bibiena, I want to join in the speech competition.” She stared at me for such a long time that I started to feel uncomfortable, but then I saw a gentle smile spreading over her face. She handed me an application form.

The next day, I arrived at school early to submit my form to the teacher. Taking the form, Miss Bibiena said encouragingly to me, “For a new student, you have lots of courage. Do your best, Sneha!” Rarely did Miss Bibiena praise anyone. On my way to class, I smiled at her remark, which lifted up my spirits that day.

Until the competition day, I practised my speech whenever possible.
As I went off the stage, I heard someone call my name.
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Our washing machine needed to be fixed and we had called for a service person to mend it. The machine drum was making a lot of noise and the clothes were not being washed properly. The service man could only speak Spanish and it was a tough time for me to communicate with him. He was patient enough to let me know what was wrong with the machine and he conveyed the parts that were to be fixed. When the machine finally started working properly, I breathed a sigh of relief and asked about the service charge. The bill amount came to be around $41.3.

I quickly gave him a $50 note and requested the balance amount. When he searched his pocket and said that he had none, I went inside and started hunting for the exact change. All the time, at the back of my head I was scared that he might get his hands on something from the house. You see, there were expensive gadgets and jewels on the earrings stand hanging out there in the living room where he was waiting. And last time when I was getting my air conditioner fixed, I found my ring was lost. And the ring was from my grandma. The only guy that might take it was the service man, for we hadn't had any visitors. I even called him later but he said he did not see anything like a ring. I could feel from his voice that he was hiding something but I had no evidence of his stealing my ring.

My jewels were only a few steps from him and he could easily grab one without being noticed. I even kind of heard his steps in the hall.

In a hurry, I somehow fished out a $20 note, two separate $10 notes and the remaining tens. I rushed to the living room and immediately handed him the service charge. I wanted him to thank and leave but he stood there still.


His expression confused me.


Now I'm recollecting the incident as I write.


During that hot summer, little Sammy and his sister Marie spent their vacation at their grandparents’ farm. The farm was filled with fun and adventure, but one day, an unfortunate accident occurred. While playing, Sammy accidentally shot his grandmother’s beloved pet duck with a slingshot (弹弓). Panicked, he quickly hid the duck behind a pile of old wood in the yard. He was afraid to tell his grandmother the truth, worried about being punished.

However, what he didn’t know was that his sister Marie had seen the entire event. The next day, when Grandma asked Marie to wash the dishes, Marie seized the opportunity to shift the responsibility onto Sammy. She said, “Sammy told me he wanted to help in the kitchen today, Grandma.” Sammy was shocked and confused because he had not said such a thing. Marie approached him and whispered threateningly, “Remember the duck?” It was then that Sammy realized Marie had seen his secret and was now using it to make him do the housework she didn’t want to do.

This situation continued for several days. Whenever there were household chores to be done, Marie would threaten Sammy with “Remember the duck?”. Sammy felt an increasing burden of guilt and responsibility.

注意:续写词数应为 80左右。

Finally, he couldn’t bear the secret and pressure any longer and decided to tell everything to Grandma


Born to be different

I stood in front of the mirror, whispering to myself, “If I didn’t have this scar (疤痕), the world would embrace me more warmly.” With a heavy heart, I turned away from my reflection and gazed out of the window, the daily school routine—a constant reminder of the tightness in my chest. Each day, I prepared my sell for the unavoidable questions—the disgusted glances, and the eye-rolls as I bravely attempted to explain what it truly meant to be born with a cleft (裂缝,裂口).

Born with a cleft lip and orphaned (孤儿) at birth, I entered multiple adoptive homes until ages even when I was finally adopted by my forever home. But the frequent transitions had already left a bad mark on my young soul and I’d fallen behind in my schoolwork, and my appearance-related insecurities robbed me of any confidence. My future seemed clouded and uncertain, and I constantly sought approval from others, often finding myself in the wrong crowd.

Deep inside, I was fully aware that I was on the wrong path. Although the future remained a mystery, I desired something different and realized that I had to change the course of my life.

Thankfully, in middle school, my life took a turn. I started to hang out with uplifting friends—individuals who accepted me without judgment and taught me the value of self-love. My sixth-grade social studies teacher, Cynthia, with her passionate delivery of history, often had me staying after class to further explore global issues. She inspired me to become the change I longed to see in the world.

One day, I delivered a speech in front of my classmates, discussing the significance of the “Treaty of Versailles (《凡尔赛条约》)”. After my speech, Cynthia called to me. “Ashleigh, I would like to speak with you for a moment, please.”


My legs shook like trees in a storm.


Cynthia nodded approvingly, “Ashleigh, I’d like to suggest you consider a career in polities.”

