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Dreams of world peace are as old as wars. But as the women of Wales were recovering from World War I, they demanded peace in droves.

Still sorrowing the husbands, sons, and loved ones who fought in the war, in 1923 the Welsh League of Nations United (WLNU) drafted a petition (请愿书) at Aberystwyth University calling for a warless world.

The petition was signed by roughly three quarters of all the women in Wales and was said to be seven miles long. The document was then packed in a large oak chest and sent across the Atlantic.

It was the WLNU’s hope that America would join in their mission for peace, and so they toured with the petition across the country before President Calvin Coolidge gave it to the Smithsonian for preservation.

As the centennial anniversary of World War I approached, a plaque was found in the archives at the Temple of Peace in Cardiff mentioning the petition, but nobody knew what it was, says Mererid Hopwood, chair of the Women’s Peace Petition Partnership.

So in 2017, an email was sent to the Smithsonian inquiring about the status and location of the chest and its petition.

Having arrived at the National Library of Wales on March 29 this year, Hopwood received it along with other members of the Peace Petition Partnership and described opening the chest and finally getting to see its contents (内容) as an emotional moment.

Hopwood is hoping more Welsh citizens will have similar experiences now that the petition has returned to its original home. The petition will be digitized, along with all signatures and addresses, so the public can view it online and see if their grandmothers or previous tenants of their homes signed 100 years ago.

Clearly the world has not yet achieved the petition’s great goals, but Hopwood said the signatures gave her hope.

【小题1】What was the petition meant for?
A.A thirst for peace.B.An end to WWI.
C.A fight for Wales.D.A call for apology.
【小题2】What can we infer about the petition from Paragraph 3?
A.Most Welsh signed on the petition.B.Welsh asked for Americans’ help.
C.Welsh women wished for peace.D.Welsh women honored the war.
【小题3】How did Hopwood like the reappearance of the petition?
A.She could lead the petition.B.It would cause a big storm.
C.Welsh could be free of wars.D.Her hope for peace is on fire.
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In Central America, scientists have made some recent discoveries about the ancient Maya people. These findings show that the Maya developed their civilization centuries earlier than experts thought. While Europe was still in the midst of the Dark Ages, these Maya had charted the heavens, evolved the only true writing system native to the Americas and were masters of mathematics and calendar. Without advantage of metal tools, beasts of burden or even the wheel, they were able to construct vast cities. Their legacy in stone, which has survived in an impressive fashion at places, lives on as do the seven million descendants (后嗣) of the classic Maya civilization.

Scientists have made some recent discoveries about the ancient Maya people. Experts call the time between the year 250 and the year 1900 the Classic Maya Period. It was a period of great civilization. Until now, scientists think that earlier Maya people were simple farmers. The discoveries show that they used writing, drew pictures and built complex structures. Three separate teams made the discoveries in the rainforest of Guatemala (危地马拉).

Scientists have found some things they say are more than 2000 years old. For example, a team found two masks inside the main pyramid in a city. These masks are three meters tall. They are cut in the image of a sun god. The Maya used the pyramid as a temple. The masks may have been a part of ceremonies led by a king.

At Waka, scientists found the burial place of a woman they think was a Maya queen. They believe she ruled more than 1,200 years ago. Her bones were lying on a stone table. Many jewels surrounded her remains. The team also found pieces of green stone that appeared to be the remains of the kind of war helmet worn by rulers. Scientists say the discovery will help them understand how Maya women shared power with men. Not many burial places of important royal women have been found. Also in northern Guatemala, scientists found a stone showing an 8th-century king playing a game of ball with visiting rulers. It is the third such stone found at the city of Cancuen. They also found large pieces of stone with writing and pictures of leaders. A Guatemalan expert called it one of the greatest masterpieces of Maya art ever discovered in Guatemala.

【小题1】How is the text organized?
A.Supporting examples—Argument—Explanation.
B.Opinion—Discussion—Important description
C.Main idea—Conclusion—Supporting examples
D.Introduction—Supporting examples—Comparison
【小题2】The scientists’ findings show that ________.
A.Maya people lived a simple life in Guatemala in the midst of the Dark Ages
B.The Maya developed their civilization centuries earlier than experts thought
C.Maya people succeeded in their legacy from generation to generation
D.The classic Maya civilization that their ancestors created is attractive
【小题3】Which of the following is the most valuable according to the passage?’
A.Two masks inside the main pyramid in a city
B.A burial place of a woman
C.A stone showing an 8th-century king
D.Large pieces of stone with writing and pictures of leaders
【小题4】What might be the most suitable title for the text?
A.Earlier Development of MayaB.The Greatest Discovery
C.A Research on MayaD.A Scientific Adventure

In 1858, two men wanted to be elected United States Senator from Illinois. One was Stephen Douglas. The other was Abraham Lincoln. Douglas was already the Senator, but his term in office was up. Lincoln had once been a U.S. Representative but was then a lawyer in Illinois.

The men agreed to have seven public meetings, or debates, in seven different cities in Illinois. That way, voters all over the state would have a chance to hear what each man stood for.

The first debate was in Ottawa on August 21, 1858. The main thing the men disagreed on was slavery. Douglas believed that as new states joined the union, they should decide for themselves whether or not they wanted to be a slave state or a free state. Lincoln believed that slavery should not spread beyond the states that already had slaves. He said the United States could not survive as half-slave and half-free states.

The debates drew large crowds in all seven cities. People in the entire country were paying attention. Lincoln lost the Senate race. The debates did, however, make him well known everywhere.

In 1860, it was time to elect a new President. Lincoln won the Republican party’s nomination(提名). Douglas won the Democratic party’s nomination. The two men again faced each other to get the people’s votes. This time Lincoln won. He became the nation’s 16th President.

The slavery issue was still causing bad feelings between slave and non-slave states. By the time Lincoln took over as President on March 4, 1861, seven states had left the union. A month later, the Civil War began.

【小题1】Why did the two men have debates in seven cities?
A.To protect themselves.
B.To persuade each other.
C.To make their views known better.
D.To give the voters some advice.
【小题2】What view did Stephen Douglas stick to in the debate?
A.The new states should unite with other states.
B.The new states should separate from the Union.
C.The new states were free to keep slavery or not.
D.The new states should not keep slavery any more.
【小题3】What was the result of the debates?
A.The debates made Lincoln famous.
B.Voters strongly disagreed on slavery.
C.Lincoln failed in the president election
D.Douglas drew more attention in the country.
【小题4】Why did the civil war break out?
A.The Northern states rose up.
B.Lincoln was defeated in the election.
C.The Southern states still kept slaves.
D.There was conflict between slave and non-slave states.

The Inca Empire was the most powerful of the day, ruling western South America between 1400 and 1533. And the Inca leaders sometimes needed vacations! That’s why the Inca built Machu Picchu in what’s now Peru. All that’s left today are ruins, but about 500 years ago, it was a bustling royal residence. Peek into the past to discover the secrets of this awesome spot.


The royal family lived mostly in the mountainous capital city, Cusco. But during the winter, they could move down to the warmer Machu Picchu. Emperor Pachacuti Inc a Yupanqui likely ordered construction of it around 1450. There, the royals could feast and entertain guests. The other 750 residents served the rulers and maintained the city.


Earthquakes are common in Peru, so Inca builders designed Machu Picchu to resist these shakes. They cut the stones to fit together, and they didn’t use any material, like cement, to bind them. This way, when the ground shook, the stones could bounce around and then settle back into place.


The Inca didn’t have a written language and instead used knotted cords called quipu (KEE-poo) to send messages and keep records. Experts think the style of the knot and the color of the string contained information. Researchers are now using computers to try to untangle these long-lost codes.

【小题1】Why did the Inca Empire build Machu Picchu?
A.For pleasure of more residents.B.For the recreation of the leaders.
C.For relocating the capital city.D.For appealing to more vacationers.
【小题2】What did Inca builders do to resist the shakes?
A.They made the stones fit together.B.They used cement to bind them.
C.They made the stones bounce around.D.They settled the stones back into place.
【小题3】How did the Inca share important information?
A.By telling others face to face.B.By writing it down on large stones.
C.By using their own unique language.D.By coloring some materials picked.
