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Archaeologists in Germany have uncovered some of the earliest evidence of the use of clothing, with newly discovered cut marks on a cave bear’s paws suggesting the prehistoric animal was skinned for its fur some 300,000 years ago.

The discovery in Schöningen, northern Germany, is exciting because despite the written records of cave men and women covered in fur in some popular cultures, very little is truly known about how early humans clothed their bodies. Fur, leather and other organic materials typically can’t be preserved beyond 100,000 years.

“The study is significant because direct evidence of prehistoric clothing is scant and we know relatively little about how humans in the deep past were protecting themselves from cold winters. From this early time period, there are only a handful of sites that show evidence of bear skinning, with Schöningen providing the most complete picture,” said study author Ivo Verheijen from Tübingen University in Germany.

Cave bears were large animals, about the size of polar bears, that went extinct about 25,000 years ago. The cave bear’s fur, which has long outer hairs that form an airy protective layer, and short, dense hairs that provide good insulation (隔离), was suitable for making simple clothing or bedding.

The clothing in the site probably wrapped the human body without careful tailoring. The eyed needles needed to sew more excellent designs didn’t emerge in the archaeological record until about 45,000 years ago.

“We found the cut marks on the cave bear’s hands and feet where very little meat or fat is present on the bones, which argues against the cut marks originating from the butchering of the animal,” Verheijen said. “In these locations, the skin is much closer to the bones, which makes marking the bones inevitable when an animal is being skinned.”

The Schöningen site in Germany is most famous for the discovery of the oldest known wooden weapons that were used to kill prey 300,000 years ago.

But it’s still challenging to figure out exactly when ancient humans began wearing clothing. Genetic studies of lice (跳蚤) indicate that clothing lice separated from their human head louse ancestors at least 83,000 years ago and possibly as early as 170,000 years ago, which suggests humans were wearing clothes before major migrations out of Africa. Bone tools found in what’s now Morocco suggest that humans were processing animal skins 90,000 to 120,000 years ago.

【小题1】What did archaeologists find in Schöningen?
A.Fur of a cave bear.B.Bones with cut marks.
C.Pieces of prehistoric clothing.D.Evidence of prehistoric hunting.
【小题2】What does the word “scant” underlined in paragraph 3 probably mean?
A.Not correct.B.Not very much.
C.Not valuable.D.Not clear enough.
【小题3】What did Verheijen aim to do in paragraph 6?
A.To give an explanation.B.To provide some examples.
C.To offer more details of the study.D.To show the importance of the study.
【小题4】What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.Previous studies on human clothing.
B.The process of studying human clothing.
C.Other new discoveries of human clothing.
D.An unsolved mystery about human clothing.
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Things to Do with Kids in San Francisco


The Exploratorium is a 21st-century learning lab. It takes the best part of a hands-on children’s museum and mixes it with real science, exploration, and adventure. It is a fun and interesting place or children and adults alike. I would not recommend the Exploratorium for children under age 5.

Palace of Fine Arts

The Palace of Fine Arts is a great place to visit when the weather is nice. The gardens are beautiful and it’s fun to walk around and explore. A lot of special events seem to be held here including weddings. The kids really enjoy walking around and taking pictures.

San Francisco Cable Cars

No trip to San Francisco would be complete without a ride on a cable car. The best line to pick up is the Hyde line because it is the longest. The best time to go is first thing in the morning because the lines can be long. Another tip is to pick it up mid-line. Or ride another two lines where they won’t be as crowded.

Boudin Museum Bakery Tour

The Boudin Museum Bakery Tour cannot be missed. You may be blown away by the enthusiasm and knowledge of your tour guide, the quality of the museum, hands-on and photography friendly exhibits, and the rich San Francisco history that is a part of Boudin Bakery. Don’t miss taking the test to find out what kind of bread you are. It sounds silly but trust me, you’ll want to take the quick quiz.

【小题1】Which of the following can give kids hands-on science experience?
A.Palace of Fine Arts.B.Exploratorium.
C.Boudin Museum Bakery Tour.D.San Francisco Cable Cars.
【小题2】What do we know about San Francisco Cable Cars?
A.Few people like to ride them.B.Their round trips take a short time.
C.They are running on three lines.D.They often break down on the way.
【小题3】What can visitors do on their Boudin Museum Bakery Tour?
A.Learn to be a guide.B.Hold special events.
C.Walk around a garden.D.Take an interesting test.
Can you be too beautiful? It is hardly a problem that most of us have to bother — as much as we might like to dream that it were the case.
Yet the blessings and curses of beauty have been a long-standing interest in psychology. Do those blessed with shiny faces and an attractive body live in a cloud of appreciation — or does it sometimes pay to be ordinary?
Combing through decades of findings, social psychologists Lisa Slattery Walker and Tonya Frevert at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte havereviewed all the evidence to dateand their conclusions are not what you might expect.
At the most basic level, beauty might be thought to carry a kind of halo(光环) around it; we see that someone has one good quality, and by association, our deep mind may assume that they have other good ones too.
Even in the courts, a pleasing appearance can work its magic. Attractive criminals are likely to get less strict sentences, or to escape punishment entirely; attractive plaintiffs(原告), meanwhile, are more likely to win their case and get bigger financial settlements. “It’s an effect seen everywhere,” says Walker.
But if beauty pays in most circumstances, there are still situations where it can have opposite results. While attractive men may be considered better leaders, for instance, hidden sexist prejudices can work against attractive women, making them less likely to be hired for high-level jobs that require power. And as you might expect, good-looking people of both sexes run into envy — one study found that if you are interviewed by someone of the same sex, they may be less likely to employ you if they judge that you are more attractive than they are.
More worryingly, being beautiful or handsome could harm your medical care. We tend to link good looks to health, meaning that illnesses are often taken less seriously when they affect the good-looking. When treating people for pain, for instance, doctors tend to take less care over the more attractive people.
And the bubble of beauty can be a somewhat lonely place. One study in 1975, for instance, found that people tend to move further away from a beautiful woman on the pathway — perhaps as a mark of respect, but still making interaction more distant. “Attractiveness can convey more power over visible space — but that in turn can make others feel they can’t approach that person,” says Frevert. Interestingly, the online dating website OKCupid recently reported that people with the most beautiful pictures are less likely to find dates than those with less perfect pictures.
Ultimately, Frevert points out that focusing too much on your appearance can itself be harmful if it creates stress and anxiety — even for those already blessed with good looks. “If you are crazy about attractiveness, it may affect your experience and interactions,” she says. It’s an outdated saying, but no amount of beauty can make up for a bad personality. As the writer Dorothy Parker put it so elegantly: “Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone.”
【小题1】From paragraph one, we can learn that _______.
A.we might always dream about being bothered by others[
B.most people are not afraid of being too beautiful
C.some may be bothered by their unattractive appearance
D.being too beautiful can be a problem bothering everyone
【小题2】Which is the benefit for beautiful people?
A.An attractive plaintiff has more chances to get away with punishment.
B.Beautiful criminals are more likely to persuade the judge and win the case.
C.Good-looking people are often regarded as having many good qualities.
D.Women with pleasing appearance will always be considered as better leaders.
【小题3】What can be inferred from OKCupid’s finding?
A.Don’t use perfect pictures when trying to find dates online.
B.Less attractive women are lonely because of their appearances.
C.We may feel more excited to approach those with attractive appearances.
D.People with perfect pictures will find dates sooner or later.
【小题4】What might be the best title for the passage?
A.Sexist PrejudiceB.Negative Sides of Beauty
C.Blessed with BeautyD.Beauty vs Ugliness

Even if you are naturally shy, these three tricks will help you to quickly build a new social circle in any new city.

1. Take pictures

One of the great things about taking pictures at an event or party is that it gives you an excuse to get in touch with the person later. Everybody loves seeing pictures of themselves, and it’s very easy after taking a picture to say “If you’d like I can email it to you.” This can be the seed that leads to new connections. The next time you hear about a fun event email your new contacts to let them know about it.

2. Eat alone in public

You might feel self-conscious eating by yourself but it has an important benefit: you are much easier to approach when you are alone. People may be afraid of interrupting you or being rude if you are in a conversation with someone else. Bring a book or newspaper to read (this will make you feel less self-conscious). Plus, having an interesting book with you will give others an excuse to start a conversation if they’ve read it.

3. Join a class, sports team, or club

Yoga, salsa dancing, volleyball, Toastmasters (a public speaking club), a class for work, etc. Take up a new hobby or continue an old one!

These are all great places to meet new people, primarily because you will be forced to see the same people over and over again in the class. You will automatically make friends with them if you have a common interest and are forced to see each other again.


*In the beginning, never turn down an invitation from someone, even if it’s something you wouldn’t normally do.

*Email your new friends with fun things to do instead of always asking what their plans are. If they have a better plan you can drop yours and join them. This will help establish you as someone who is contributing value instead of just taking it (people want this in a friend).

*Don’t let little things in life upset you or be a negative person. People don’t want to be around someone like that!

【小题1】When having meals, you’d better ________ if you want to make new friends.
A.approach others to show conscious friendliness
B.start a conversation with those who have friends aside
C.invite others to your apartment to eat together
D.sit on your own in public places
【小题2】According to the text, which of the following is NOT mentioned as an advantage of joining a class?
A.It helps you find out people who share a common interest with you.
B.It helps you find out your interest and take up a new hobby.
C.It offers an opportunity to meet the same people repeatedly.
D.It is a good way to meet new people and make friends in a new city.
【小题3】Which of the following pieces of advice is a tip from the text?
A.Try to be outgoing and talkative instead of being shy.
B.Never turn down an invitation from your friends.
C.Offer suggestions on how to spend time together.
D.Always give a positive response to any request.
【小题4】By writing the text, the author intends to tell us ________.
A.why you should change when you move to a new city
B.how you can make new friends in a new city
C.why you should make new friends in a new city
D.how you can keep in touch with strangers
