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When it comes to parenting, it can be hard to know which issues are important and which ones are not. According to parenting expert Anne Murphy, a family dinner matters. “Having a family dinner doesn’t only mean hours of sharing various kinds of food,” she said. “It means getting together as long as you can—even if it’s just 15 minutes for pizza. Or make it breakfast or lunch — whatever you can do.”

Never waste your valuable time on TV. Keep the conversation joyful — Murphy thinks it makes a difference. Studies have shown that teenagers whose families eat together are less likely to abuse drugs. They also have better grades and — perhaps most importantly — better relationships with their parents. “It brings more benefit to children than many after-school activities,” she added.

Homework has become a hot issue recently. According to a study, the amount of time kids spend on homework has increased dramatically.

“The point of homework is to make students continue to learn after school hours,” Murphy said. “However, giving too much homework runs the risk of turning kids off school and even worse — turning them off learning in all forms.” They will turn to other things, such as computer games, some of which are violent, or drinking for fun. Therefore, some experts came up with an idea, that is, kindergarteners and first graders get 10 minutes of homework. Second graders get 20 minutes, and so on.

Murphy offered tips to parents who think their children are getting too much homework. “Talk to other parents to see if they also think so, and then talk to the teacher,” she said. “Have a discussion about it, and let the teacher know that you want to work together on a solution.”

【小题1】What do we know about homework from the passage?
A.The time spent on homework shouldn’t be over 10 minutes.
B.Too much homework may make students lose interest in studying.
C.Homework does not help children continue learning after school.
D.Parents should decide the amount of homework for their children.
【小题2】From the passage, we can learn that ________ .
A.children’s time spent on after-school activities is being reduced
B.computer games are making children increasingly violent
C.it is unnecessary for young children to do homework
D.some experts think it necessary to reduce children’s homework
【小题3】What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.What matters in parenting.
B.How to develop a close relationship with children.
C.Family education is important for children.
D.Parents say no to too much homework.
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March 21 has been declared World Sleep Day, a time to recognize and celebrate the value of sleep. Many sleep experts hope it will be a wake-up call.
According to a poll (民意调查)by the National Sleep Foundation, nearly 4 in 5 Americans don’t get as much sleep as they should during the workweek. On average, adults are thought to need at least eight hours of sleep a night, although some can manage with less and some won’t do well without more. But the survey found that, on workdays, only 21% of Americans actually get a full eight hours of sleep, and another 21% get less than six.
To many of us, the thought of spending more time sleeping is, well, a big yawn. On the other hand, the thought of being smarter, thinner, healthier and more cheerful has a certain appeal. And those are just a few of the advantages that can be ours if we consistently get enough sleep, researchers say. Also on the plus side: We’re likely to have better skin, better memories, better judgment, and, oh, yes, longer lives.
“When you lose even one hour of sleep for any reason, it influences your performance the next day,” says Dr. Alon Avidan, director of the UCLA Sleep Disorders Center.
A study published last year found the same to be true even of children. When kids aged 8 to 12 slept for just one hour less for four nights, they didn’t function as well during the day.
But sleeping has an image problem. “We see napping or sleeping as lazy,” says Jennifer Vriend, a clinical psychologist in Ottawa, Canada, and the leading author of the study with children. “We put so much emphasis on diet, nutrition and exercise. Sleep is in the back seat.” In fact, she adds, no matter how much we work out, no matter how well we eat, we can’t be in top physical shape unless we also get plenty of sleep.
【小题1】The underlined part in Paragraph 1 means _____.
A.To wake up the sleepers
B.To draw people’s attention
C.To serve as a morning call
D.To declare the special day
【小题2】From Paragraph 3 we can infer that _______
A.Being healthier is one of the advantages for us
B.Sleeping has nothing to do with one’s expectations
C.Spending more time on sleeping is a waste of time
D.Enough sleep is the guarantee of the appealing things
【小题3】What Jennifer Vriend said in the last paragraph implies that _______.
A.Sleeping is an image problem
B.People care little about sleeping
C.Lazy people tend to sleep long
D.Sleeping is only part of our life
【小题4】What is the purpose of the passage?
A.To talk about people’s sleeping problems.
B.To provide an investigation result of sleeping.
C.To arouse the awareness of enough sleeping.
D.To stress the function of sleeping at night.
Four Simple Keys to Transform Your Life
The Power of Choice.Every one of us makes countless choices every day.Every choice we make has an impact on our lives.Even insignificant choices can affect what we experience and how we feel.When hunger strikes, we can reach for a healthy, nutritious snack, or we can choose the sugar high of junk food.The more important the decision, the greater its effect.For instance, how do I act towards that person who treated me badly? Do I generally choose to be passive, or do I actively set clear intentions and create what I want in my life? Every choice we make, however big or small, affects us in some way.
How Do You Make Choices? If you are interested in living a richer, fuller life, there is a foundation upon which you can base all of your decisions which can make life better not only for you, but also for those around you.This foundation is to choose based on what's best for all.Imagine a world where every parent, spouse(配偶), friend, teacher, business person, and politician truly did their best to choose what's best for all involved in every decision they made. We would certainly live in a more caring, supportive world.
It's the Intention."But how do I know what is really best?" you might ask.The answer is simple.It doesn't matter.What matters is not the choice you make, but rather the intention beind your choice.What matters is that whatever decision you make, you are clear in your intention of choosing based on what's best for all.If it later turns out that you made what appears to have been a bad choice, there's no need for guilt.Knowing that you did your best to choose with a sincere desire for what's best for all, your conscience stays clear and open.This then allows you to more easily learn from your mistakes, and to live with a clear heart and mind.
What's Best for Me, Too! Choosing what's best does not mean you have to always sacrifice yourself for others.An overly(过度的) exhausted mother can lose her temper easily.Some time off for this mother might seem selfish, yet in the long run, it can help her to be a better mother to her children.So as we move through each day of our lives, let us remember to include ourselves as we do our best to choose what's best for all.
【小题1】Which of the following is FALSE?
A.Whenever hunger strikes, we will reach for a junk snack
B.Every choice, however big or small, has an influence on us.
C.Even small choices affect how we feel..
D.We make choices every day.
【小题2】How should we make choices?
A.To be interested in a richer, fuller life.
B.To make life better for ourselves.
C.To imagine a world where everyone did their best.
D.To choose based on what's best for all.
【小题3】Why does the author say, "What matters is not the choice you make, but rather the intention behind your choice."?
A.Because the choice you make is not important.
B.Because you may have made a bad choice.
C.Because this allows you to stay clear and improve.
D.Because there is no need for guilt.
【小题4】How to choose what is best for us?
A.We need to devote all our life to others.
B.We need to put away some time for ourselves.
C.We need to sacrifice ourselves for others.
D.We need to be selfless every minute.

Ever since Donald Trump was elected the President of the US, the entire Trump family has been put under the microscope. In China, the spotlight has been mainly focused on Trump and his daughter Ivanka. She is described on WeChat as an extremely influential role model with stunning beauty, a successful career, and a happy family. She leads dream life that a million girls would kill for. Yes, she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. But she got where she is by herself

There are always articles that say people born into wealthy families are better-looking and have a better-family background than you, but these people do work harder than you. Are you a loser if you are raised in an ordinary family? Should you feel guilty at sleeping eight hours a day because Ivanka sleeps five?

If you just want to keep a stable nine-to-five job, does it mean you are not ambitious? What if you don't work out or eat healthily? Does that mean you will not find your Mr or Miss Right? There is a tendency in the media nowadays to encourage elitism(精英主义).They are trying to brainwash young people into thinking that they should invest a huge amount of time and money in bodybuilding and appearance enhancement so as to improve the quality of their life and join the elite. But what's the disadvantage of being of average quality? Do you really need to go to the gym five days a week unless you are gym maniac(狂人)? Do you really need to break your neck to earn your first pot of gold only to worry constantly about how to be accepted into high society later?

Don't let the idea of elitism get to you. Everybody has a right to live the life they want. Human beings should not be judged a success or failure on whether they are a part of the elite or not. As long as you lead a happy and comfortable life, why bother to chase after other people's shadows? Choose your own life path and go for it.

【小题1】What does Paragraph 1 serve as ?
A.A lead-inB.A backgroundC.An argumentD.A summary
【小题2】What does the underlined phrase “ kill for“ in paragraph 1 mean?
A.Have a burning desire for.B.Show a strong hatred for.
C.Feel dissatisfied with out of envy.D.Attempt to escape from in reality.
【小题3】What's the author's attitude towards an ordinary office clerk?
【小题4】What is the message mainly conveyed in the story?
A.Every man is the architect of his own fortune.
B.Follow your own course and let people talk.
C.Laziness in youth spells regret in old age.
D.He who does not advance loses ground.
