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Developing better relationships with neighbours

Good neighbours are a lot like electricity or running water: we don’t know how much we depend on them until we don’t have them. They make our lives more pleasant and give us a sense of who we are, both as an individual and as a member of the community. Here’s how to develop your relationships with these very important people in your life.

Strike up a conversation. Often neighbours don’t even know each other’s names. 【小题1】 Most neighbours enjoy making small talk with the folks on the other side of the fence. So as you see them at work in their yards, smile, wave, and say hello. Ask how their kids are (whether they’re babies or in college), whether they could use an extra cucumber from your garden, or what they think of the price at the local supermarket.

Reach out to the newcomers. These days, the old Welcome Wagon is a thing of the past. But your new neighbours may be feeling lonely and unsure, especially if they’re far from home, and might appreciate a friendly face bearing fresh-baked chocolate cakes. 【小题2】 Invite them over for coffee or tea when they get settled, give them your number, and point to your house as you say goodbye.

Avoid causing inconveniences. Return anything that you borrow from a neighbour, such as tools, in good repair and as soon as you’ve finished with them. Replace anything that belongs to your neighbour that you, your children, or your pets break or soil. Make sure that your car is not blocking his doorway. 【小题3】 The talk will be good.

【小题4】 In a good relationship, it’s really the little things that count. Help to bring in the mail for an elderly neighbour when there is a heavy rain. When a neighbour forgets to take in his rubbish cans, roll them back into his yard. If you’re truly concerned, you’ll know when your neighbour needs some cheering up — a bunch of flowers or a helping hand when it’s needed. All it takes to develop your relationships with your neighbours is the respect for their feelings.

A.Be a good listener.
B.If you value your friendships with your neighbours, spend time with them.
C.But it’s okay to be the one to break the ice, even if you’ve lived next door for years.
D.Care about the details.
E.Recommend the best places to eat and sleep.
F.Such random acts of consideration will have your neighbours talking.
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Eight Things a Burglar Won’t Tell You
Should you spend your money on a home security system? A look inside a burglar’s mind might help you decide.
1.Of course I look familiar.I was here just last week cleaning your carpets,painting your shutters,or delivering your new refrigerator.
2.Hey,thanks for letting me use the bathroom when I was working in your yard last week.While I was in your home,I unlatched the back window to make my return a little easier.
3.To you,leaving that window open just a crack during the day is a way to let in a little fresh air.To me,it’s an invitation which I am more than happy to accept.
4.If it snows while you’re out of town,get a neighbor to create car and foot tracks into the house,or it will be ________.By the way,loud dogs and nosy neighbors are the two things I hate most.
5.It’s raining.You’re fumbling with your umbrella,and you forget to lock your door---understandable.But understand this: I don’t take a day off because of bad weather.
6.Do you really think I won’t look in your sock drawer? I always check dresser drawers,the bedside table,and the medicine cabinet.Here’s a helpful hint: I almost never go into kids’ rooms.
7.You’re right: I won’t have enough time to break into that safe where you keep your valuables.But if it’s not fastened,I’ll take it with me.
8.Avoid announcing your vacation on your Facebook.com page.It’s easier than you think to look up your address.
【小题1】Money and valuables might be the safest if kept in your______.
A.kids’ room
B.sock drawer
C.medicine cabinet
【小题2】The underlined words “a dead giveaway” here may probably be something that______.
A.throws away useless things at home
B.warns a burglar that someone is dead
C.tells a burglar the truth
D.frightens a burglar away
【小题3】We can draw a conclusion from the text that______.
A.burglars seldom steal in bad weather
B.if you do housework yourself,you’ll stay away from burglars
C.you yourself are sometimes to blame for a theft
D.you can always count on your neighbors when you are out
【小题4】The main purpose of the article is to _____.
A.summarize when burglars steal most frequently
B.encourage people to spend money on home security systems
C.explain why burglars take up stealing
D.teach people how to protect their homes

Have you ever struggled to understand how someone else feels? Building up your empathy (同理心) skills helps you connect with your friends. 【小题1】

What is empathy?

Empathy is a kind of capability that lets you step into someone else’s shoes and then figure out how they are feeling. For instance, if you can see your friend is upset after losing a football match and you support them by telling them some warm and motivating words, you are showing empathy. Miranda McKeamey set up an organization called EmpathyLab that builds empathy through reading. 【小题2】 “Empathy is a force for change,” she says.


Scientists say empathy isn’t something you are born with, it’s a skill you can acquire through learning. One way you can do this is by active listening. When someone is talking to you, listen closely and respond in a way that shows you understand their situations and emotions thoroughly. Reading, advocated by EmpathyLab, is also a great way to boost empathy, since stories can take you inside someone else’s mind and show you the world through their eves and emotions.

Put empathy into action.

【小题4】 This could mean trying out something that is important to a friend or family member, like exploring their favorite place. EmpathyLab advocated ideas for putting empathy into action in schools or at home. That might be connecting with someone new in your class and having a friendly conversation, or making small changes to your behaviour. All small acts of kindness to others can make a difference, which in turn will be copied by someone else. 【小题5】

A.How can you have more empathy?
B.Who need empathy most in daily life?
C.Besides, it also spreads kindness and inspires them to do the same.
D.To find out more conducts you can do, log in EmpathyLab.UK.com.
E.Only by putting empathy into action can you relate to others’ bad lives.
F.She believes even small, supportive actions can have a positive impact.
G.Miranda recommends going into the thick of people’s lives to show empathy.

Greatness is found beyond our comfort zone. We know this and yet we find it difficult to take the step. 【小题1】It means doing whatever it is that makes you uncomfortable or doing things that you resist or even fear. But as long as you do that, you will step out of your comfort zone and make a difference. 【小题2】Here are some easy ways for this purpose.

Rediscover your motivation. We all have a grand vision of who we want to be and what we want to achieve. It is this vision that pushes us forward. The motivation we get from our vision has taken us this far, but we tend to become comfortable instead of pushing for greatness.

【小题3】Dream once more, revisit your grand vision, and remember the person you want to be and the things you want to achieve. By going back to your vision you'll find the drive and passion to take the first step out of your comfort zone.

Manage risks. We resist leaving our comfort zone because there are risks involved. Things might go wrong and we are afraid of the negative "what ifs". To overcome this fear and manage the risks, figure out what the worst results could be. 【小题4】We can take some preventive measures that would reduce our risk. Finally, prepare a plan in case things do go wrong.

Start small and correct as you go. There is magic in taking the first step, even if it's a small step. You can always correct your mistakes after you've taken action. It is more valuable to be in motion, pushing forward, making mistakes and then correcting than to stand in the sidelines motionless. This is what high achievers do. They get started and make corrections as they go. 【小题5】

A.No doubt that's not easy.
B.What they don't accept is not trying.
C.So we need our vision to be strong again.
D.Then you can decide whether you should go on or not.
E.Once you know this, think of ways you could minimize them.
F.Meanwhile, we want to make the process as painless as possible.
G.However, getting out of our comfort zone requires a proper procedure.
