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Every April I am troubled by the same concern that spring might not occur this year. The landscape looks dull, with hills, sky and forest appearing grey. My spirits ebb, as they did during an April snowfall when I first came to Maine. “Just wait,” a neighbour advised. “You’ll wake up one morning and spring will just be here.”

And look, on 3 May that year I awoke to a green so amazing as to be almost electric, as if spring were simply a matter of flipping a switch. Hills, sky and forest revealed their purples, blues and greens. Leaves had unfolded and daffodils were fighting their way heavenward.

Then there was the old apple tree. It sits on an undeveloped lot in my neighbourhood. It belongs to no one and therefore to everyone. The tree’s dark twisted branches stretch out in unpruned (未经修剪的) abandon. Each spring it blossoms so freely that the air becomes filled with the scent of apple.

Until last year, I thought I was the only one aware of this tree. And then one day, in a bit of spring madness, I set out to remove a few disorderly branches. No sooner had I arrived under the tree than neighbours opened their windows and stepped onto their porches(门廊; 走廊). These were people I barely knew and seldom spoke to, but it was as if I had come uninvited into their personal gardens.

My mobile-home neighbour was the first to speak. “You’re not cutting it down, are you?” she asked anxiously. Another neighbour frowned as I cut off a branch. “Don’t kill it, now,” he warned. Soon half the neighbourhood had joined me under the apple tree. It struck me that I had lived there for five years and only now was learning these people’s names, what they did for a living and how they passed the winter. It was as if the old apple tree was gathering us under its branches for the purpose of both acquaintanceship and shared wonder. I couldn’t help recalling Robert Frost’s words:

The trees that have it in their pent-up buds

To darken nature and be summer woods

One thaw led to another. Just the other day I saw one of my neighbours at the local store. He remarked how this recent winter had been especially long and complained of not having seen or spoken at length to anyone in our neighbourhood. And then, he looked at me and said, “We need to prune that apple tree again.”

【小题1】By saying that “my spirits ebb” in paragraph 1, the author means that _______ .
A.he feels relievedB.he is tired
C.he is surprisedD.he feels blue
【小题2】The apple tree mentioned in the passage is most likely to _______ .
A.be appealing only to the author
B.have been abandoned by its original owner
C.be regarded as a delight in the neighbourhood
D.have been neglected by everyone in the community
【小题3】According to paragraph 4, why did the neighbours open their windows and step onto their porches?
A.They wanted to get to know the author.
B.They were concerned about the safety of the tree.
C.They wanted to prevent the author from pruning the tree.
D.They were surprised that someone unknown was pruning the tree.
【小题4】It can be inferred that the author’s neighbour mentioned in the last paragraph most cared about _______ .
A.when spring would arriveB.how to pass the long winter
C.the pruning of the apple treeD.the neighbourhood gathering
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Connie Monroe clicks a button, flicks her wrist and watches as her neighborhood floods. The shorelines are first to go. Then, the baseball fields at Fleming Park. By the time seawater reaches the senior center, it has flooded streets and over a dozen brick homes. Monroe moves her head up and down, side to side, taking in the simulated (仿真的) view. This is what could happen to Turner Station, a historic African American community southeast of Baltimore, as sea levels rise.

Climate change presents many challenges to coastal communities and to those trying to prepare for its impacts, but one of the most basic is also one of the most vexing: How do you show people and convince them of a possible future?

Communicating the realness and immediacy of the climate threat is hugely important to climate researchers and those aiming to lessen its causes. But it's also the most important to communities faced with coming changes that are already unavoidable. These projects need public support and input. That's why Monroe and other residents (居民) are being directed to sit in metal chairs, put on virtual reality headsets and watch their homes flood.

Turner Station, a community which gets flooded easily, is trying to prepare. It has partnered with the Port of Baltimore, a few nonprofits and a local landscape architecture firm to adopt a range of tools and ways to communicate climate change to the public, because every person is different and every place is different.

The virtual reality program is only the most recent, and perhaps the most effective step. Virtual reality is an immersive experience that can trick the human brain into thinking it's real. But tricking people is not the goal of the sea level rise simulation being used at Turner Station, says Juiano Calil, one of the program's developers. ''The goal, '' he says, ''is to start a conversation and help folks visualize the impacts of climate change and the solutions, and also discuss the trade-offs between them. ''

【小题1】Who is Monroe?
A.A coastal community citizen.B.A climate researcher.
C.An architect.D.AVR program developer.
【小题2】What does the underlined word ''vexing'' mean in paragraph 2?
【小题3】Why is VR technology employed here?
A.It can cut down the risks of climate change.
B.It can show severe results of climate change.
C.It can introduce technology to the residents.
D.It can predict the climate change accurately.
【小题4】What is the purpose of the program?
A.To trick more people to believe.
B.To win the residents’cooperation.
C.To advocate the application of VR.
D.To inform the residents of the solutions.

At just 11 years old, Vince Weishaus runs his own hair salon(发廊) in his parents' basement in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, doing different hairstyles for free.

For Vince, his love of hair started at a very young age. "He has an older sister who had dolls and he would just, at 2 or 3, be playing with the dolls' hair,” recalled Emily Weishaus, Vince's mother.

Not long afterward, he also fell in love with braiding(编辫子). "He watched me do a braid, and then he undid the braid and redid it without me ever showing him how to do it,” his mother said. He found his true passion as a hairstylist when he started cutting his grandmother's hair before he was 5. “At the very beginning, I feel like that's what gave him the confidence to be who he is,” she added.

Vince's hairstyling dream became a reality when his parents presented him with a special surprise on his ninth birthday: his very own salon in their basement. His neighbor had a salon in her home, but she decided to pass on her supplies to Vince when she moved.

Family members and friends have stopped by for appointments—all free of charge—at Vincent Charles Salon. The kid's services range from coloring, to braiding the for proms (舞会), family parties, talent shows and more. He has dyed his own hair different colors, from rose gold to purple. He even colors his friends' hair tips before they head off to camp.

Vince loves learning different practices and tricks of the trade from other hair mentors, such as his own stylist, Chelsea, who teaches him many styling skills.

The sky is the limit for Vince—his eventual goal is to become a world-famous hair colorist one day. His advice to anyone who wants to pursue their own dreams: “Do what they love and be themselves.”

【小题1】What inspired Vince's interest in hairstyling when he was very young?
A.Reading fashion magazines.B.Playing with dolls.
C.Seeing cartoon movies.D.Visiting a hair salon.
【小题2】What is his mother's attitude towards Vince's passion as a hairstylist?
【小题3】What does the underlined word “mentors" in the passage mean?
【小题4】What can we infer about Vince from the last paragraph?
A.He is ambitious.B.He is humorous.
C.He is intelligent.D.He is generous.
Charlton Heston was born in 1923 in Evanston, Illinois. Charlton Heston discovered his interest in acting while performing in plays at his high school. He later spent two years studying theater at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. But he left college to join the Army Air Forces during World War Two.
After the war, he found small roles in the theater as well as in television shows. His performance in a television version of the book Jane Eyre caught the attention of the Hollywood producer Cecil B. DeMille who later asked Heston to play the role of Moses in his movie The Ten Commandments which came out in 1956. This role made Heston famous and defined (明确) his career as a hero and leader. His face and body represented strength and heroism in many different roles. He played cowboys, soldiers and athletes.
The 1959 movie Ben Hur made Charlton Heston an even bigger star. Ben Hur won eleven Academy Awards, including Best Actor for Charlton Heston. Heston starred in many adventure movies during the 1960s. In the 1970s, Heston appeared in popular disaster movies like Earthquake,. Skyjacked and Airport 1975.
Charlton Heston was also very active in the movie industry. He worked to help set up the American Film Institute. In 1977 he was honored for his service in the industry. He received the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. In 1997 he was awarded a Kennedy Center Honor. And, in 2003, President Bush gave Charlton Heston a Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation's highest civilian honor.
In 2000, Charlton Heston issued a statement announcing that he had an Alzheimer's disease. He died in 2008 at his home in Beverly Hills, California.
【小题1】What kind of role did Charlton Heston often play in films?
【小题2】Which film won Best Actor for Charlton Heston?
A.Jane Eyre.
C.Ben Hur.
D.The Ten Commandments.
【小题3】What can we learn about Charlton Heston according to the passage?
A.He began to show his talent in Ben Hut.B.He used to be a soldier.
C.He was once awarded by Kennedy.D.He won eleven Academy Awards.
【小题4】What's the main idea of Paragraph 2?
A.How Charlton Heston became famous.
B.How Charlton Heston began his career.
C.Who made Charlton Heston a popular star.
D.Who made Charlton Heston win so many awards.
