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Have you ever been in mid-conversation with someone, when you look over and find them standing in the same position as you or holding the same facial expression? It may seem like they have consciously(有意识地) copied you, but it is much more likely that it is the chameleon(变色龙) effect at play.

The chameleon effect is the unconscious imitation(模仿) of another person’s gestures or behaviour. Just as a chameleon attempts to match any environment’s colours, people acquire the behaviour of others to bring them closer together and help make their interactions smooth.

The chameleon effect was confirmed in an experiment by psychologists John Bargh and Tanya Chartran d in 1999. The first part of their experiment included 78 people, who each spoke with an experimenter. During the test, Bargh and Chartrand studied whether participants would copy the actions of someone they hadn’t met before, like moving the foot and touching the face. The second part measured the impact that copying someone has on the person being imitated.

In the first stage, participants increased their face touching by 20% and their foot movement by 50% while in conversation about a photograph with the experimenter. The individuals weren’t aware of what they were being studied for, and the photograph was used to catch their attention to ensure unconscious acts. The second stage involved half of the participants being copied, and then determining the likeability of the experimenter. The results showed that those who were imitated scored the experimenter higher. It has shown that when someone copies our behaviour, we develop more positive feelings about them. These interactions could be a person unconsciously willing to be liked, and forming a moment of connection.

The main reasons behind humans’ imitation are positive. However, when people carry this chameleon effect to the extreme, they can lose their sense of self. Those who change their entire personalities in different groups often go unnoticed. But more common signs of the chameleon effect are easier to notice. Next time you are in a social gathering, take a look around and you might just see some chameleons for yourself.

【小题1】Why do people acquire others’ behavior?
A.To grab others’ attention.B.To build a bond with others.
C.To adjust to the surroundings.D.To match the environment’s colour.
【小题2】How did the experimenter ensure participants’ unconscious behaviors?
A.By hiding a camera from them.
B.By keeping a close eye on their actions.
C.By distracting their attention from a photo.
D.By directing their attention to a photo.
【小题3】What can be concluded from the experiment?
A.Too much of the chameleon effect can be positive.
B.People imitating others are not easy to be observed.
C.People tend to appreciate others imitating their behavior.
D.The copied movements help people to feel less anxious.
【小题4】Which of the following reflects the chameleon effect according to the passage?
A.A comedian copies a celebrity vividly on stage.
B.Close friends share similar behaviors over time.
C.Students adopt teachers’ accents for fun in secret.
D.People change their habits to cheer up others on purpose.
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Despite living in it, we hardly know exactly how big the Milky Way is. But new research has provided us with an answer. Using a large survey of stars instead of just models (as previous researchers did), astronomers have now determined the disk of our galaxy to be 200,000 light years across twice as large as was believed a decade ago.

Astronomers know the Milky Way to be a spiral (螺旋状的) galaxy with a flat central disk composed of spiraling arms and a thin outer cloud of stars called the halo ( 光 晕 ). Most of the stars are found in the disk, which rapidly thins out at the edges. The size of the galaxy is measured from the point at which the number of stars in the disk significantly drops, so finding disk stars is key to determining the Milky Way’s size.

Coincidentally, disk stars tend to be much younger than the halo stars. Since stars gradually build up elements over generations, the disk stars’ composition can be different from that of the halo stars, allowing astronomers to figure out which stars belong to which population.

With a process known as spectroscopy ( 光 谱 学 ), researchers studied the chemical composition of over 4,600 stars from two surveys, and mapped out which stars are part of the disk and which belong to the halo. The results clearly show disk stars much farther from the center of the galaxy than before.

The researchers still believe the density of stars in the disk gets lower in an exponential ( 指数的) manner— just farther away from each other than previously thought. Although the galaxy has been supersized, it is still smaller than its neighbor Andromeda, which measures over 220,000 light years across. While our galaxy is looking larger, it ’ s not putting on much weight. Because the outer reaches are much less dense than the center of the galaxy, the additional area is only thinly populated with stars. These few extra stars are only a drop in the bucket compared to the rest of the galaxy, so overall the mass of the Milky Way remains largely unchanged.

【小题1】What has new research found about the Milky Way?
A.It's hard to know its size.
B.It can be measured by using models.
C.It has grown much larger than before.
D.It’s much larger than previously thought.
【小题2】Where is the size of the Milky Way measured?
A.At the end of the halo.
B.At the edge of the disk.
C.At the start of the disk stars.
D.At the point of the spiraling arms.
【小题3】How can researchers distinguish disk from halo stars?
A.By studying their chemical composition.
B.By measuring their distance to the sun.
C.By measuring their weight.
D.By comparing their size.
【小题4】The underlined part in the last paragraph probably refers to ______.
A.the speed of the stars’ moving
B.the weight of the stars in total
C.the number of stars in an area
D.the size of the Milky Way
【小题5】What can we infer about the stars in the Milky Way?
A.They are unevenly distributed.
B.They are heavier than previously predicted.
C.They make the Milky Way larger than others.
D.They mainly stay in the outer ranges of the disk.

Undoubtedly, music can comfort the soul for some, and it could also be a temporary reliever for physical pain. Listening to favorite songs could reduce people’s sensibility of pain, according to a new study published in the journal Frontiers in Pain Research. And the most effective pain relievers were songs describing bittersweet experiences and causing strong feelings.

The study invited 63 young adults to bring two of their favorite songs, which were required to be at least 3 minutes and 20 seconds long. One selection represented their favorite music of all time, and the other was the song they could use to comfort loneliness. The researchers also had the young adults pick one of seven songs that the team considered relaxing and were unfamiliar to the study participants. Each person experienced 7-minute blocks (隔音) where they were instructed to stare at a monitor screen while listening to their favorite music, or one of the seven relaxing instrumental songs, or a scrambled (打乱) version of both songs and the relaxing song chosen. One 7-minute block had people sitting in silence. All the while, the researchers stuck a hot object to the participants’ left inner forearms. When assessing their experiences, people were more likely to report feeling less pain when listening to their favorite songs compared with hearing the unfamiliar relaxing song or silence.

After interviewing the participants about the song they brought and their rating of pain, the researchers found people who listened to bittersweet and moving songs felt less pain than when they listened to songs with cheerful themes. People who listened to bittersweet songs also reported more chills — the thrill and tremble you get on your skin from listening to pleasurable music. “When people are listening to music they enjoy, by our measurements it can reduce the pain that we’re feeling by 10%,” said Patrick, a professor of biomedical and molecular sciences.

【小题1】Which kind of music can best relieve pain according to the study?
A.Relaxing music.B.Unfamiliar music.
C.Emotive music.D.Instrumental music.
【小题2】What’s the second paragraph mainly about?
A.The explanation of concepts.B.The process of the experiment.
C.The presentation of study findings.D.The application of research methods.
【小题3】What is true about the participants in the experiment?
A.Their sensibility of pain was evaluated.
B.They listened to the music in the open air.
C.They each listened to three pieces of music.
D.They brought two favorite songs randomly.
【小题4】What can we learn from Patrick’s statement?
A.Listening to songs can decrease our pain to 10%.
B.The more music you enjoy, the less pain you feel.
C.Certain types of music can help you feel less pain.
D.Feelings of pain can’t be measured by instruments.

The atmospheric level of carbon dioxide (CO2)—a gas that is great at trapping heat, contributing to climate change—is almost double what it was prior to the Industrial Revolution. This presents a challenge to researchers attempting to design artificial trees or other methods of capturing (捕获) carbon dioxide directly from the air. That challenge is one a Sandia National Laboratories-led team is trying to solve.

Led by Sandia chemical engineer Tuan Ho, the team has been working on a project using powerful computer models combined with laboratory experiments to study how a kind of clay can take in carbon dioxide and store it. “These fundamental findings have potential for direct-air capture; that is what we’re working toward,” said Ho. “Clay is really inexpensive and rich in nature, which should allow us to reduce the cost of direct-air carbon capture significantly, if this high-risk, high-reward project ultimately leads to a technology. What’s more, it can be used like sponges (海绵) to absorb carbon dioxide, and then the gas will be ‘squeezed’ out of and pumped deep underground.”

Carbon capture and storage is the process of capturing extra carbon dioxide from the Earth’s atmosphere and storing it deep underground with the aim of reducing the impacts of climate change such as more frequent severe storms, rising sea levels and increased droughts and wildfires. This carbon dioxide could be captured from fossil-fuel-burning power plants, or other industrial facilities or directly from the air, which is more technologically challenging. Carbon capture and storage is widely considered one of the least controversial technologies, to deal with climate change.

“We would like low-cost energy, without ruining the environment,” said Susan Rempe, a Sandia bioengineer on the project. “Direct-air carbon capture is important for reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in the air. We can live in a way that doesn’t produce as much carbon dioxide, but unfortunately, we can’t control what our neighbors do.”

【小题1】What problem is presented in paragraph 1?
A.The constant change of atmosphere.
B.The design of artificial trees.
C.The rising amount of carbon dioxide.
D.The storage of carbon dioxide.
【小题2】What does “that” underlined in paragraph 2 refer to?
A.A computer-aided model.B.High-reward investment.
C.Some low-risk technology.D.Clay-based carbon capture.
【小题3】What can be inferred from Susan Rempe’s words?
A.We need joint efforts to reduce carbon release.
B.Carbon dioxide holds the key to air pollution.
C.Human activities have ruined our environment.
D.Our neighboring countries should take the blame.
【小题4】Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.To Capture Carbon Dioxide or Not?
B.Can Clay Capture Carbon Dioxide?
C.What Carbon Dioxide Can Create
D.How Carbon Dioxide Traps Heat
