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When 16-year-old Grayden Brunet joined the Sackets Harbor, New York, volunteer fire department in 2017, he was the youngest. He was so excited to be following in his dad’s footsteps that he persuaded (说服) two classmates, Niklas Braz ie and Dalton Hardison, to sign up too. A few years later, the older firefighters quit en masse (集体退出) over COVID-19 concerns,

Suddenly, the three teens not only were helping the Sackets Harbor volunteer fire department, they were the Sackets Harbor volunteer fire department. They were the ones responding to heart attacks, car accidents, and suicides. They were the ones speeding COVID-19 patients to hospitals. “We went from not even having our licenses to saving people’s lives,” Hardison told CBS. As far as the teens were concerned, they couldn’t quit. If they did, Brunet told North County Public Radio, “The community would lose the ambulance (救护车).”

The three of them worked hard alone for a year until help arrived in the form of five more teens, all motivated to serve their neighbours in the town of 1,300. “When they call 911, they’re expecting someone to help them,” says Sophia DeVito, who was 16 when she joined. “The job is hard and challenging.” One night last fall, the crew responded to two ambulance calls and a fire. They got home at 5:30 a. m., just two hours before school started. “It’s definitely hard coming back from the calls and having to take a maths test,” Grayden’s younger brother Gannon told WWNY. But they don’t mind the grind (苦差事). And how are the looks on the faces of 911 callers when they meet their rescuers? Priceless, says Cooper Anton son. “A lot of people ask, ‘Wait, how old are you?’”

【小题1】Where did Grayden’s father work?
A.At school.B.In a hospital.C.At a fire department.D.In a store.
【小题2】How many teenage volunteers were serving the community at last?
A.Only one.B.Three.C.Five.D.Eight.
【小题3】What can be learned from the text?
A.All the teenage volunteers have got their licenses.
B.Sophia DeVito considers the job heavy and difficult.
C.The volunteers’ duty is simply to help put out the fire.
D.The teenage volunteers once left the fire department.
【小题4】What’s the teenagers’ attitude towards their work as volunteers?
知识点:记叙文善行义举(个人)生活故事 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!
It was a weeknight. We were a half dozen guys in our late teens, hanging around “the flat” — as usual. The flat was poorly furnished, which, after some time, grew tiresome. We wanted action.
We got in a car, big enough for all of us to crowd into — and off we went, in search of adventure. We soon found ourselves at Blue Gum Corner, a place named after the huge old blue gum tree that stood by there, a well-known local landmark. It stands at a minor crossroad leading to our town. The trunk is tall and smooth with no handholds for climbing. About six metres from the ground the first branch sticks out over the road. We parked beneath the huge old tree and discussed what we might do. All of a sudden we hit upon an idea — a hanging! I was chosen as “hangee”.
The plan was quite simple. As I stood upon the roof of the car, the rope (绳子) was threaded down my jacket through my collar and down one leg of my jeans. I put my foot through the loop at the bottom. There I hung, still. The boys rolled about laughing until, a car, I hear a car! Before they ran to hide in the nearby field, they gave me a good push so that “the body” would swing as the car drove by.
To our disappointment, the car simply turned off for town without even slowing. The boys came out of their hiding places and we discussed the situation. Surely they had seen me, hadn’t they? Then we heard another car. The act was repeated, but still without any obvious reaction. We played the game about five or six times, but as no one seemed to notice, we abandoned the trick.
What we did not know was that every car that had passed had unquestionably seen “the body” and each one, too scared to stop, had driven directly to the local Police Station. Now at that time of the night, the local policeman was sound asleep in his bed, so the first person sent to the scene was the traffic officer that happened to be on duty that particular night. He had been informed that some person had been killed, by hanging, at Blue Gum Corner. When he arrived, the body was gone! And he was hearing “unnatural sounds” from the surrounding area. As far as he knew, some fierce animal was hiding in the field before him, possibly dragging a body behind him — and we thought we were scared!
He went to his radio and made a call that really began to worry us. I lay so close that I could hear every word. He called for the “armed police” and a “dog team, better make it two” and he had a “serious situation” at Blue Gum Corner. Then the police officer arrived. After a briefing from the traffic officer he decided not to go into the field until armed police and dog teams arrived. Now two spotlights were on the field and none of us could move.
As luck would have it, police cars cannot leave their spotlights on all night without charging their batteries. So, after a time, the two officers began lightening the field by turns, allowing us the opportunity to move on our fours for freedom. One by one, we all managed to steal away and make our way home. Behind us we left what must have looked like a small city of lights, police cars, roadblocks, barking dogs, armed officers and an old rope hanging from a tree.
When I think back to that night, to that tree, to what the drivers of the cars think happened, to what police believe happened, and to what I know happened, I am reminded of a simple truth — our eyes see darkness and light, color and movement, our ears hear only vibrations (振动) in the air. It is how we explain these vivid pictures that shapes our “reality”.
【小题1】The boys made the “hanging” plan in order to ______.
A.make a fool of the police
B.draw public attention
C.seek fun and excitement
D.practise acting skills
【小题2】Seeing that no car passing by stopped, the boys must have felt ______.
【小题3】Why was the traffic officer sent to the scene of “hanging”?
A.Because a fierce animal kept the traffic in disorder.
B.Because the local policeman was not available at that time.
C.Because some naughty kids were playing a terrifying game.
D.Because many scared drivers turned directly to him for help.
【小题4】The boys managed to escape from the field when ______.
A.the two police cars were being charged
B.the police officer was taking over the duty
C.the traffic officer was making a call for help
D.the two spotlights were not working together
【小题5】What is conveyed in the passage?
A.Actions speak louder than words.
B.The truth lies beneath the surface.
C.Experience is the best teacher.
D.To see is to believe.
【小题6】What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Blue Gum TreeB.A Body Found Hanging
C.Escape to FreedomD.A Disappointing Experience

Pearl S. Buck was born in Virginia, the United States in 1892 and her parents were missionaries. When Buck was four months old, her parents took her with them to China.

From childhood, Buck spoke both Chinese and English. She grew up playing with Chinese children. She never developed a feeling of superiority toward the Chinese. Rather, Buck was better equipped to recognize some of the absurdities (荒唐的行为) her parents’ profession.

Buck returned to the United States to attend Randolph-Macon Women’s College. However, the country of her birth was largely unfamiliar to her, so she felt like a foreigner. After graduation, she returned to China to take care of her sick mother. Her first and only biological child, Carol, was born a few years after she got married. Due to a tumor, Buck had to have an operation. Soon afterwards her daughter was severely ill. Almost at the same time, her mother died after her long illness. Despite these misfortunes placed on her life, she refused to be defeated.

The Good Earth, her best-known book, was published in 1931. The novel quickly gained an international reputation. It was cited in the decision to award her the Noble Prize for Literature, “for her rich and truly great descriptions of peasant life in China and for her biographical masterpieces” a year later. Pearl Buck’s works after 1938 are too many to mention. Her novels continued to deal with the confrontation (对抗) of East and West, her interest spreading to such countries as India and Korea.

Buck also devoted herself to humanitarian causes. With her husband, she founded an adoption agency for mixed-race Asian and American children. These children were often outcasts in Asian countries because of their mixed blood and because they were often the illegitimate (私生的) children of American servicemen.

Buck spent all her life trying to help people in the USA understand Chinese culture. She wanted to prove to her readers that the universality of mankind can exist if they accept it.

【小题1】What can we know about Buck?
A.She couldn’t speak English when she was young.
B.She couldn’t get on with her parents.
C.She was proud of her parents’ profession.
D.She grew up in China.
【小题2】What is The Good Earth mainly about?
A.Conflicts in India and Korea.B.What Buck saw in China.
C.Children’s life in an adoption agency.D.Why Buck chose to live in China.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “outcasts” in Paragraph 5 refer to?
A.Children whose parents were Asians.B.Children whose parents were busy.
C.Children who were disabled.D.Children who were abandoned.
【小题4】Which of the following can best describe Buck?
A.Ambitious and polite.B.Brave and patient.
C.Determined and generous.D.Positive and humorous.

A job is more than just a job, especially to the older generation. “It’s not the money that matters, but the sense of self-worth,” 56-year-old Cheng Wonlan said. So, every day Ms Cheng carries a bag of parcels, letters and documents of all shapes and sizes and does her rounds in North Point. She’s a deliverer.

Five years ago, Ms Cheng was a nurse at a private clinic. She had worked there for almost 30 years but was made jobless when the clinic closed down. It was extremely difficult for her to find another job as a nurse. “People do not trust my ability when they learn how old I am,” she said. After two years of searching, the mother of two eventually found another nursing job. But then after two years, she quit. Why?

“My colleagues were young and they didn’t understand me because of my age. They often asked me, ‘You are so old, what are you working for?’ ”I was very unhappy.“ she said. So while the rest of her family left for work, she was left to lonely boredom at home. Then, one of Ms Cheng’s neighbors told her about Employee’s Retraining Board (ERB) offering retraining courses for older people on specific occupations, such as convenience store assistants, junior clerks and so on.

”I was interested in courier work. I didn’t think my age was a barrier because I was fit and healthy,“ she said. Upon graduation from the ERB, Ms Cheng was offered a job by the Speeding Shuttle Courier Service Company Limited. But then Ms Cheng was caught between honor and employment. It took Ms Cheng 24 hours to make up her mind and eventually she took heart and went off to work as a courier.

Ms Cheng’s employer is delighted with her. “Ms Cheng has been working with us for two months and has shown a good responsible attitude to work.” Anthony Chong, who runs the company, said. Mr Chong said he hired older people because they were able and reliable. “Age is not an important factor but attitude is. Many old people are more capable than youngsters. They will not run from difficulties but young ones might,” he said. “It is not easy to recruit young people since many of them shy away from hardship and challenges.”

【小题1】Why was it difficult for Ms Cheng to find another nursing job?
A.Nursing clinics were hard to find.B.She found it difficult to trust others.
C.People thought she was too old to work.D.People didn’t think she had enough work experience.
【小题2】Why did Ms Cheng leave her second nursing job?
A.She was bored with changeless work.B.Her family asked her to.
C.She was too old to do the job.D.Other staff made her upset.
【小题3】What is the Employee’s Retraining Board’s aim?
A.Finding jobs for older people.B.Teaching new skills to older people.
C.Training older people to be healthier.D.Providing older people with new goals in life.
【小题4】What does Anthony Chong think of young people?
A.Able and reliable.B.Less experienced than the older ones.
C.Fitter and stronger than the older ones.D.More likely to give up than the older ones.
