语法填空-短文语填 适中0.65 引用1 组卷51

Imagine a place where, as a nature lover, you have a chance to see 17 species of animals, 94 different kinds of birds and 230 types of plants in just four days.

It might seem like an impossible task, especially for someone who is not a 【小题1】 (profession) scientific researcher. But that’s exactly 【小题2】 those who took part in the Nangqen International Wildlife Watch Festival did, 【小题3】 many of their sightings recorded in their cameras.

The event, 【小题4】 (hold) between July 20 and 23 this year in Nangqen county, Qinghai province, was organized by the county government and Shanshui Conservation Center, a nonprofit organization based in Beijing, 【小题5】 (celebrate) the rich biodiversity of this unique part of China.

For the festival, more than 50 wildlife enthusiasts from across China, Australia, France, the United Kingdom and the United States formed 17 teams and did 【小题6】 (they) best to be the one that could photograph 【小题7】 most species. The contest area 【小题8】 (main) ranged from their base camp at 3,800 meters to 5,000 meters—well above the tree line.

Members of the local community 【小题9】 (hire) as drivers, guides and to run the campsite at which the 【小题10】 (participate) stayed during the festival.

知识点:人与动植物 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!
