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So many well-fed cats have achieved fame in today’s world of social media that it is difficult to imagine a time when the funny behavior of cats went largely unrecorded. Fortunately, creative types have long seemed to enjoy their company and some past literary greats were only too happy to put pen to paper in celebration of their favourite cats.

Dr Samuel Johnson, is best remembered today for compiling (编纂) the first modern English Dictionary. The entry for cats is hardly flattering: “A domestic animal that catches mice, commonly considered by naturalists the lowest order of the lionlike species.” Yet, Johnson is known to have been devoted to his own pets, particularly Hodge, whom he once famously described as “a very fine cat indeed”.

During the Bronte sisters’ childhood, the three famous 19th-century novelists enjoyed the company of a black cat, named Tom. Charlotte included a description of a pet in Jane Eyre, while Emily wrote an essay in French in praise of cats entitled Le Chat. The title character of Anne’s first novel, Agnes Grey, decides her future husband is the man for her when he rescues a cat.

Edgar Allan Poe’s story, The Black Cat, is so vivid in its description of animal cruelty that it is difficult to imagine its author as an animal lover. Yet, in real life Allan and his cat Catterina were so obviously devoted to each other that, in 1849, they passed away at the exact same moment even though they were many miles apart.

Cats appear in some of the US humorist and novelist’s best-known works such as The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Twain’s favourite cat was Bambino, whom he taught to switch off the lamp at night and took great delight in having it show off this party trick when visitors came to the house.

In the early 1940s, Hemingway moved to Cuba. Boise became the author’s constant companion. Hemingway later featured a cat of the same name in his novel, Islands in the Stream, which shared many characteristics of his real-life cat including a fondness for hunting fruit rats.

【小题1】What is Paragraph 1 mainly about?
A.The majority of people recorded their pet cats.
B.Some past creative people liked cats and wrote about them.
C.Most of the funny behavior of cats was not recorded.
D.Modern people like to show off their cats on social media.
【小题2】What does the underlined sentence mean in Paragraph 2?
A.The cat in the entry is vividly described.
B.The description makes the cat attractive.
C.The definition of the cat is objective.
D.The entry for the cat is eye-catching.
【小题3】How was the cat described in the story The Black Cat ?
【小题4】What did the past literary greats mentioned have in common?
A.They enjoyed the company of their pet cats.
B.They took great delight in showing off their cats.
C.They named the cats in their works after their pet cats.
D.They achieved fame because of the cats they wrote about.
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Have you ever heard of a rattlesnake? It is a poisonous (有毒的) American snake. When it is angry or afraid, it makes a noise like a rattle with its tail. It’s very scary. But Heather Ramirez and her husband, from California, the United States, make a living in an unusual way. They are self-employed (自雇的) snake catchers! They catch snakes, especially rattlesnakes which have gone indoors, and return them to the wild.

Heather describes her work as “protecting people from rattlesnakes--and protecting rattlesnakes from people!” In the area where they live, rattlesnakes often come face to face with people. They are found in stores, offices, houses and gardens. Heather explains that it’s not the snakes that are moving into places where people live, but it’s the other way round. The snakes lived in these places first and then the people built houses.

Most people who see a rattlesnake are feared. If you keep your distance, however, the snake won’t bite (咬) you. In twelve years as a snake catcher, Heather has never touched a snake. She doesn’t take the risk. She picks up the snake with a special tool. This doesn’t hurt them, but it keeps them at a safe distance so that they can’t bite her.

Heather and her husband are very busy because they are never off duty. Catching snakes is a full-time job and they don’t often have a day off. People can get to them at any time of the day or night. Not everyone can do this job, but Heather doesn’t want to do anything else. “I just love my job,” she says.

【小题1】The Ramirezs make a living in an unusual way by ______.
A.catching and selling snakesB.catching snakes as a part-time job
C.protecting snakes in the wildD.being self-employed snake catchers
【小题2】In Paragraph 2, Heather explains why the rattlesnakes ______.
A.never bite peopleB.are afraid of people
C.are found where people liveD.lived with people at first
【小题3】The underlined word “them” in Paragraph 3 refers to “______”.
A.rattlesnakesB.special toolsC.people aroundD.the Ramirezs
【小题4】Which of the following is TURE according to the passage?
A.Heather catches snakes only at night.B.Heather is always ready to do her job.
C.Heather risks touching snakes sometimes.D.Heather has been a snake catcher for 20 years.

A new report from the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and the Zoological Society of London found Earth’s biodiversity is decreasing through years of data on thousands of wildlife populations across the world.

According to the data, animal populations across the world decreased by an average of 69% between 1970 and 2018.

Experts say the rapid loss of biodiversity is a serious and worrying sign of what’s to come for the natural world. “The message is clear and the lights are flashing red.” said WWF International Director General Marco Lambertini.

Many scientists believe that the main cause of biodiversity loss island-use changes driven by human activities such as the development of basic facilities, energy production and deforestation.

But the report suggests that climate change, which has had a wide impact on plant and animal species globally, could become the leading cause of biodiversity loss if rising temperatures aren’t limited to 1.5℃.

Lambertini said biodiversity loss and climate change are already responsible for a series of problems for humans, including death and homelessness from extreme weather, a lack of food and water and an increase in the spread of specific diseases.

But the terrible news comes with signs of hope: Experts say there are possible solutions to the loss of biodiversity. Solutions range from protecting forests to establishing a cross-border trade system in Africa, the report said.

WWF chief scientist Rebecca Shaw said that humans have the opportunity to change how they do things to benefit nature. “Little things that we can do every day can change the direction of these population declines,” said Shaw.

【小题1】What does the new report focus on according to the first paragraph?
A.Climate change.B.Forest protection.
C.Earth’s biodiversity.D.Wildlife habitat.
【小题2】What maybe the main cause of biodiversity loss currently?
A.The spread of specific diseases.B.Climate change on Earth.
C.A lack of food and water.D.Human impacts on land.
【小题3】What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs?
A.It’s unnecessary for humans to continue benefiting nature.
B.There is something humans can do to stop biodiversity loss.
C.It’s impossible for humans to stop the decline of biodiversity.
D.There is no need for humans to worry about biodiversity loss.
【小题4】In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?

Thousands of years ago, Britain was covered by thick forests, home to many animals which no longer live in the United Kingdom. But all this has changed. Now the population of the United Kingdom has increased to sixty-five million. Three-quarters of Britain consists of fields, towns or cities. Although 25 percent of land is countryside, new methods of farming mean that there are fewer birds and small animals living in fields than ever before. Now, the United Kingdom does not have large wild carnivores (肉食动物). In Scotland, there are only 400 wildcats-Europe's rarest cats-but these are much smaller than wolves.

Some people would like to change things, however! Some organizations and writers say that Britain needs to become more natural again. They suggest that trees and plants that grew in the United Kingdom before towns and cities were built should be allowed to grow again. They even say that large wild animals which have not lived in the United Kingdom should be helped to return and live wild. They call this "rewilding".

Not everyone agrees. In the last twenty years, over one million trees which originally grew in Scotland have been planted and there are plans for more - but wild animals? Some people ask if wolves will attack sheep or even humans. They are also angry that rewilding might mean an end to walking in the hills which so many people enjoy. So far, there are no wolves or bears in Britain's forests - but soon there might be!

【小题1】Which fact directly causes fewer birds living in the British countryside now?
A.The increasing population of the UK.
B.Too many fields, towns or cities.
C.The modern ways of farming.
D.Too much hunting.
【小题2】Which of the following statements is wrong?
A.No large wild camivores live in the UK at present.
B.Many animals died out and forests were destroyed in the UK.
C.At least one million trees native to Scotland have been planted.
D.So far, no animals have been sent to the wild, except wolves and bears.
【小题3】Why are some people against "rewilding"?
A.Introducing large animals to the wild will destroy the newly planted trees.
B.Introducing large animals to the wild will do harm to people.
C.Introducing large animals to the wild needs too much effort.
D.Introducing large animals to the wild will cost a lot of money.
