阅读理解-七选五 较易0.85 引用2 组卷54

Asking for or accepting help can bring up a wide range of complicated emotions, like there’s the fear of being seen as needy or weak. Although accepting help from others is difficult, giving and receiving is a necessary part of life.

【小题1】. For many people, the difficulty in asking for or receiving help is tied to childhood. As psychologist Lisa Firestone points out, these feelings often develop from having our requests go unnoticed at an earlier age.

Sometimes these unnoticed requests are a result of neglect or because parents are too busy to notice. Maybe they were undertaking some jobs to make ends meet or didn’t have additional family support to spare. 【小题2】. When your needs go unnoticed, it can create feelings of shame about asking for or receiving help, while also forming an extreme sense of independence.

How do you get better at accepting help? One way to get better at accepting help is to start with small requests, such as asking for directions. 【小题3】. Practicing this in good environment can ease some of the emotions that can appear suddenly.

【小题4】. If you feel very uncomfortable, wait a few moments to let these feelings calm down before accepting or denying the help.

Helping others feels good. Although asking for help is hard, one way to make it a little easier is to focus on how it feels when you help others. 【小题5】.

A.Start small and make it a habit
B.It can feel like a burden to ask for help
C.Whatever the cause is, it may affect you
D.Having needs ignored can make asking for help difficult
E.We grow up in situations where help comes with duties attached
F.And remember that the same thing applies when others are helping you
G.Another way to get better at accepting help is to listen to your internal reactions
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Telling lies is usually seen as a misbehavior. 【小题1】. Under certain circumstances, it is understandable that you tell untruth if you believe telling a lie is a sensible choice.

Sometimes, telling a lie serves certain purposes. A lie may end up encouraging you if you have been struggling for a long period of time to achieve something, 【小题2】. At that point, what you need to keep on is encouragement as opposed to truth that can make you give up altogether. Take English learning as an example, You may feel frustrated for not making any progress despite all your efforts. However, if someone tells you that your English is much better than before, you will regain your confidence. 【小题3】.

On some occasions, we have to tell white lies to protect our beloved ones from being struck by discouraging news. 【小题4】. It is wiser for you not to tell the truth that may shock the person and make his disease even worse. White lies can cushion the blow and protect the people from tough reality.

Still and all, long-term relationship between people is based on honesty and trust. 【小题5】, we might as well think twice and weigh the pros and cons before telling a lie. Just like things are never one-sided, I think it is not appropriate to judge whether we should never tell lies or we should tell lies. Instead, whether we should tell a lie depends on the situation, and we should judge these situations carefully.

A.Therefore, telling lies can sometimes be beneficial
B.If you are an honest man and you deserve others’ trust
C.However, reality does not always encourage truth-telling
D.Although telling lies can be considered proper in certain situations
E.especially when you don’t see much progress of a task despite a great deal of effort
F.even when you have made much progress because you have put all your efforts into it
G.For example, imagine one of your family is dying and there’s no way to prolong his life

More and more people are making eco choices on the road. Follow these tips to get your next trip off to the greenest start possible.

Pack light

Lighter luggage is the first step to reduce your travel footprint. Pack quick-dry, washable items that you can mix and match. 【小题1】. This multipurpose item will come in handy throughout your travels.

Go your own way

Some destinations are too popular for their own good, but there are so many beautiful places to visit beyond these overcrowded hotspots. Get off the beaten track. 【小题2】. Visit a different national park, or explore smaller towns in the countryside.

Slow down

You may as well stay a little longer and really get to know a place. Start up a conversation and find out where the locals like to eat and drink. Get around using public transport, book a homestay, and explore some days without a plan. 【小题3】

Show kindness

Visiting another country is a chance to build bridges between cultures, and learn about different points of view. 【小题4】, and be kind to those who help you on your travels. A tip or thank you and a smile can brighten the day of the people that help you carry your bags, check you in, or serve your meals.


Social media can take a beautiful destination from fantastic to horrible in no time when shared images and videos draw crowds from around the world. National parks and other ecosystems have suffered a lot from the flood of travelers. Avoid sharing the location on social media.

A.Travel green
B.Share with care
C.Go gently and respectfully
D.Choose a lesser-known city
E.Don’t forget to take a large scarf
F.Look after the people and wildlife you meet along the way
G.The unexpected people and places are what make slow travel so special

To prepare for an exam, as a student you have to start early. It is easier when it comes to getting serious about preparing for an exam.

As to how to go about it, the first thing you need is a plan. 【小题1】. That is the first day to start studying for real. Plan out how many hours you will spend each day studying until the exam. Make a schedule and stick to it.

【小题2】. This helps to develop a big-picture overview of the material. Start with big topics and leave room for subtopics. Fill in the information as best as you can. Once you see all the units of information in front of you, it will be easier to organize your studying.

To find out if you understand what you have been studying, try working with someone else who will ask you questions about the material. If you can answer and explain without too much effort then you are prepared. 【小题3】.

On the night before the exam, make sure you get eight hours of sleep. On the morning of the exam, wake up about thirty minutes earlier so that you can do a quick refresher of some of the main points from your exam review. These last thirty minutes keep the information fresh in your mind without wearing you out. 【小题4】 . You need to be healthy and careful to do your exam well. Make sure you arrive early so that you are not rushing around right before the exam starts.

By following these guidelines, you are better prepared for an exam. You will feel more confident and in control. 【小题5】, you are more likely to do better in the exam.

A.When you feel as such
B.When you are used to tests
C.You have studied for a whole term
D.Eat a full breakfast of healthy food
E.Start with the day one week before the exam
F.The second thing is to outline the material you need to study
G.Usually, doing this will show areas that require more attention and study
