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Scientists exploring a marine trench(海沟) near Japan were surprised to find a type of snailfish in one of the deepest parts of the ocean, at 8, 336 meters below the surface. The creature is probably the deepest fish anyone will ever find.

“They can’t really go any deeper,” says deep-sea scientist Alan Jamieson of the University of West Australia, who led the team that made the discovery, considering the theoretical limit of fish physiology(生理机能) is around 8, 400 meters to ensure that fish cells don’t become too small at such enormous pressures. “If anyone does find fish deeper than this, it will not be by much,” Jamieson says. The previous record holder, a junior snail fish seen in the Mariana Trench, was filmed at a depth of 8, 178 meters in 2017.

Prosanta Chakrabarty, director of fishes at Louisiana State University’s Museum of Natural Science, is impressed that the fish could survive so far down, where the water pressure is 800tes that of the surface. “At that depth, everything from gas exchange for breathing to nearly every physiological function seems impossible,” he says. “I can barely swim to the bottom of a swimming pool without my ears exploding.”

Jamieson’s team discovered the snail fish in August 2022 at the bottom of the Izu-Ogasawara Trench, near the main islands of Japan. To explore deep ocean trenches, the team was using manned and unmanned underwater vehicles equipped with cameras, lights and batteries, along with a weight to carry the equipment to the seafloor, unexpectedly photographing the fish.

The warmer water seems to be why the snail fish survive. These snail fish are living near the edge of what’s possible. “The difference is less than a degree, so we wouldn’t care,” Jamieson says. “But it makes a difference to sea animals.”

In an e-mail to Scientific American, Dahiana Arcila, a scientist who studies fishes noted the part played by technology in the discovery. “Detectors and landers will gain a deeper understanding of the unexplored regions of our planet’s oceans,” she wrote.

【小题1】What can we learn from the first paragraph?
A.The snail fish is native to the marine trench.
B.The finding is within the expectations of the scientist.
C.It was the Japanese scientists that conducted the exploration.
D.The fish maybe the deepest one in the ocean now and forever.
【小题2】What do the explorations in 2017 and 2022 have in common?
A.They both made record-breaking discoveries.
B.They both used manned and unmanned vehicles.
C.They both expanded the limit of fish physiology.
D.They both found snail fish at a depth of 8, 400 metres.
【小题3】How does Prosanta Chakrabarty feel about the latest finding?
【小题4】What does the author want to show by mentioning an e-mail in the last paragraph?
A.To emphasize the necessity of marine exploration.
B.To encourage a deeper exploration of unknown oceans.
C.To stress the role of advanced technology in the research.
D.To confirm the importance of the discovery to our planet.
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Bacteria and fungi (真菌) might call to mind the images of diseases and spoiled food, but they also do a lot of good. The billions of microbes (微生物) in a handful of dead leaves, for example, act as nature’s recyclers and regenerate nutrients needed for the next generation of plants to grow.

“If it weren’t for bacteria and fungi, we’d be surrounded by masses of dead trees and plant matter. So they actually do a really important job.” said Sydney Glassman, an assistant professor of the University of California, Riverside.

While microbial communities are the engines driving the breakdown of dead plants and animals, little is known about whether they are equipped to handle big changes in climate. In a paper published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Glassman and his colleagues examined what happens after microbial communities move into new climate conditions. The study is a first step toward understanding the vulnerability of these ecosystems to climate change.

To mimic (模仿) a warming planet, the researchers chose five study sites that differ in climate along the San Jacinto Mountains, three of which are in natural reserves operated by the University of California. “While we know that climate influences how fast microbes can recycle plant material, we don’t know how important the particular types of microbes are to recycling,” said Jennifer Martiny, co-author of the study.

To move the microbial communities around, the researchers contained the microbes in nylon containers with tiny holes. These “microbial cages” were filled with dead grass and live microbes sourced from each study site.The containers allowed water and nutrients—but not microbes—to move in and out. The amount of grass decayed by the caged microbes was measured at 6, 12, and 18 months.

The study confirmed previous results that sites with moderate climates saw the most rot and therefore were the most effective places for nutrient recycling. Quite surprisingly, however, the source of the microbes also affected the amount of rot. For example, when moved into the drier bushes, grassland-sourced microbes outperformed the bush residents by as much as 40 percent.

“We expected to see a ‘home-field advantage’ situation where every microbial community decomposed (分解) best at its own site, but that wasn’t the case,” Glassman said. “While we know that microbes decompose plants more slowly in hotter and drier environments, we are just now learning that specific microbial communities play an independent role in decomposition, and it is yet to be seen how these communities will be affected by climate change and desertification.”

【小题1】The author regards bacteria and fungi as________.
A.a double-edged swordB.a natural chemical weapon
C.a requirement for evolutionD.a threat to biological diversity
【小题2】Which can explain the underlined word “decayed” in paragraph 5?
A.Totally absorbed.B.Regularly recycled.
C.Greedily swallowed.D.Gradually destroyed.
【小题3】What can we infer from the study?
A.Climate affects the speed of microbes’ recycling plant material.
B.Microbes from other sites can perform better than the local ones.
C.Researchers have found out how desertification impacts microbes.
D.Microbes in drier bushes outperformed grassland-sourced microbes.
【小题4】Which is the best title of the passage?
A.A way to avoid dead trees and plant matter
B.Nutrient-recycling microbes may feel the heat
C.“Home-field advantage” doesn’t apply to microbes
D.How climate change improves nature’s ability to recycle

Phil Wise’s heart raced as he opened one of the transport tubes. He and a team of scientists stepped back as a young Tasmanian devil(袋獾) named Oddity came out. Oddity took a cautious look around and then ran into the forest on Maria Island.

Wise is a wildlife biologist from the Save the Tasmanian Devil Program. The scientists working with this program study Tasmanian devils, monitor their health, and track the devils found in the wild. Because a rare disease is reducing the number of devils, Oddity and 14 others were raised on a preserve and then brought to Maria Island to be released into the wild.

Though they are raised in zoos all over the world, devils live wild only in Tasmania. They are important to the ecosystem because they eat dead animals they find, which helps clean up the environment. But a cancer called Devil Facial Tumor Disease (DFTD) is killing devils on mainland Tasmania, endangering the species. The goal of the scientists who released Oddity and the others was to create a population of disease-free Tasmanian devils on Maria Island. Oddity is a part of this “insurance population” of devils raised in zoos and wildlife preserves.

The scientists chose Maria Island for the release because there is no DFTD there. It is separated from mainland Tasmania by the ocean. Devils from the rest of Tasmania can’t get there, which prevents the facial disease from spreading.

Wise and his fellow scientists monitored Oddity and the 14 other Tasmanian devils. The animals did so well that 13 more devils were released. The 28 original Tasmanian devils have reproduced; there are now around 80 devils. Scientists are now figuring out their next move. According to Wise, the focus will soon shift to moving some of the healthy devils back to mainland Tasmania.

Wise says he is “extremely happy to know that animals are getting a chance to be free in the wild in an area that is free of DFTD. It is the ultimate aim of all who work to conserve threatened species.”

【小题1】Why did Wise and his team release the Tasmanian devils like Oddity?
A.To prevent DFTD killing them out.B.To find out a treatment for DFTD.
C.To control the DFTD spread in zoos.D.To protect Maria Island from DFTD.
【小题2】What probably made Maria Island chosen for the release?
A.Its wildlife diversity.B.Its geographic location.
C.Its natural resources.D.Its improved ecosystem.
【小题3】How was the released Tasmanian devils’ life?
A.Their safety was uncertain.B.Their number was going up.
C.They hardly enjoyed freedom.D.They recovered from DFTD.
【小题4】What does the text mainly talk about?
A.A program studying Tasmanian devils.B.A disease threatening Tasmanian devils.
C.A measure to save Tasmanian devils.D.A habitat of wild Tasmanian devils.

The cultivation of plants by ants is more widespread than previously realized, and has evolved on at least 15 separate occasions.

There are more than 200 species of ant in the Americas that farm fungi (真菌) for food, but this trait evolved just once sometime between 45 million and 65 million years ago. Biologists regard the cultivation of fungi by ants as true agriculture appearing earlier than human agriculture because it meets four criteria: the ants plant the fungus, care for it, harvest it and depend on it for food.

By contrast, while thousands of ant species are known to have a wide variety of interdependent relationships with plants, none were regarded as true agriculture. But in 2016, Guillaume Chomicki and Susanne Renner at the University of Munich, Germany, discovered that an ant in Fungi cultivates several plants in a way that meets the four criteria for true agriculture.

The ants collect the seeds of the plants and place them in cracks in the bark of trees. As the plants grow, they form hollow structures called domain that the ants nest in. The ants defecate (排便) at designated absorptive places in these domain, providing nutrients for the plant. In return, as well as shelter, the plant provides food in the form of fruit juice.

This discovery prompted Chomicki and others to review the literature on ant-plant relationships to see if there are other examples of plant cultivation that have been overlooked. “They have never really been looked at in the framework of agriculture,” says Chomicki, who is now at the University of Sheffield in the UK. “It’s definitely widespread.”

The team identified 37 examples of tree-living ants that cultivate plants that grow on trees, known as epiphytes (附生植物). By looking at the family trees of the ant species, the team was able to determine on how many occasions plant cultivation evolved and roughly when. Fifteen is a conservative estimate, says Campbell. All the systems evolved relatively recently, around 1million to 3 million years ago, she says.

Whether the 37 examples of plant cultivation identified by the team count as true agriculture depends on the definitions used. Not all of the species get food from the plants, but they do rely on them for shelter, which is crucial for ants living in trees, says Campbell. So the team thinks the definition of true agriculture should include shelter as well as food.

【小题1】According to biologists, why is ant-fungus cultivation considered as a form of true agriculture?
A.Because it occurred earlier than human agriculture.
B.Because it fulfills the standards typical of agricultural practices.
C.Because it redefines the four criteria for true human agriculture.
D.Because it is less common than previously thought.
【小题2】What motivated Chomicki and others to review the literature on ant-plant relationships?
A.They determined on new family trees of the ant species.
B.They overlooked some tree-living ants that provided nutrients for the plants.
C.They never studied the ant-plant relationships within the context of agriculture.
D.They never identified any an t species that engaged in cultivation of fungi.
【小题3】Which of the following statements is supported by the team's findings according to the passage?
A.Ants’ cultivation of plants is limited to a few specific species.
B.The cultivation of fungi by ants is considered the earliest form of agriculture.
C.True agriculture in ants involves only food-related interactions with plants.
D.Ants have independently cultivated plants on at least 15 distinct occasions.
【小题4】What is the passage mainly about?
A.The evolution of ants in the plant kingdom.
B.The widespread occurrence of ant-plant cultivation.
C.The discovery of a new ant species engaging in agriculture.
D.The contrast between ant agriculture and human agriculture.
