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Falling on March 20, Spring Equinox, or Chunfen is the fourth of the Twenty-four Solar Terms following Awakening of Insects (惊蛰) about half a month ago. On Chunfen, the day and night balance across the globe. Usually, Chinese people do farm work based on the solar terms (节气). However, Chunfen is one of the few solar terms that has little to do with agriculture. What people often do is to enjoy the good weather by taking part in various activities in different places to celebrate Chunfen. One of the most popular is going outdoors to fly kites.

Yang Liping, a kite maker, who is good at making swallow-shaped kites, a typical type of kite in Beijing said Chunfen is the best time to fly them. Since he was a little boy, it was a tradition for him and his friends to fly kites on Chunfen because the wind is stable and kites can easily soar (扶摇直上).

As a Beijing local, the 59-year-old recalls that 10 years ago, he and his companions often made kites themselves and went to the fields to fly them. They were told by old people that flying kites on Chunfen can get rid of bad luck and bring back good luck. “It was a really happy time in my childhood. But nowadays it’s hard to find a place without high buildings to fly kites in cities,” says Yang Liping, adding that the kites he made are showed in people’s homes as a decoration instead of being flown.

“Sometimes, I can see the elderly in parks fly kites. Young people and children maybe are attracted by entertainment programs on their mobile phones, ” jokes Yang. “My students are interested in making kites. However, they don’t have a good site to fly them and the pandemic held back their passion to go outdoors,” says Yang.

Apart from flying kites outside, the Chinese also have the tradition to cook particular vegetables on Chunfen. People cook newly-springing vegetables to welcome a season of renewal and rebirth.

【小题1】Which statement is wrong according to the first paragraph?
A.Day and night balance on Awakening of Insects.
B.Awakening of Insects falls before Spring Equinox.
C.People in China celebrate Chunfen in different ways.
D.The farming in China is mainly based on the solar terms
【小题2】According to Yang Liping, what can we infer?
A.Yang shows interest in teaching.
B.Yang is satisfied with children’s conduct.
C.Yang is concerned about Children’s future.
D.Yang shows pity towards the kites hanging as a decoration.
【小题3】What will be written next after the last paragraph?
A.Doing the farming.B.Making the kites.
C.Stopping the pandemic.D.Cooking particular vegetables.
【小题4】What’s the passage mainly about?
A.How people make kites on Chunfen.
B.Children’s becoming addicted to mobile phones.
C.What people usually do to celebrate Chunfen.
D.High buildings’ stopping people flying kites freely.
知识点:中国文化与节日 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Sugar painting, as its name suggests, is made from sugar. It is regarded as both sugar and painting to view or eat. It can be seen in temple fairs, market fairs or in parks. Sugar painting is a kind of folk traditional handicraft (手工艺) which is especially popular in northern China.

Boil brown sugar, white sugar and little malt sugar in a fire until it can draw lines. Then the artist scoops up a spoon of the melted (融化的) sugar juice, casting (浇) it quickly back and forth on a stone board to create a shape. The shapes of characters and animals such as dragons, fish,birds, butterflies, Zhang Fei and others attract children’s imaginations the most. After finishing, they scoop up the sugar painting with a wide flat blade and attach (固定) it to a bamboo stick.

As one symbol of Chinese culture nowadays, sugar painting has been gradually getting more and more attention. Chengdu Sugar Painting has been listed in the “National Intangible Cultural Heritage”. Cai Shuquan, born in a sugar painting family in Sichuan Province, has performed sugar painting shows in large Chinese cities and even in foreign countries such as Japan, Germany,Spain, Singapore and so on.

Some say sugar painting may date back to the Ming Dynasty. The handicraft then spread and gradually developed among the common folk. Some other people say the unique folk art was created by the great poet Chen Ziang in the Tang Dynasty. He was promoted by the emperor because of his special handicraft of drawing by melted sugar. In order to pay back the emperor, he took some apprentices (徒弟) to pass on the skill after retirement. Spreading from hand to hand, the handicraft of sugar painting was passed down among the people.

【小题1】What can we know about sugar painting?
A.It is artistic and practical.B.It hardly appears in fairs.
C.It’s an art form made by machine.D.It’s quite popular in southern China.
【小题2】Which is NOT the step of making sugar painting?
A.Heat the sugar in a fire.B.Cast the melted sugar into a spoon.
C.Create a shape with melted sugar.D.Attach the sugar painting to a bamboo stick.
【小题3】What is mainly talked about on sugar painting in the last paragraph?
A.Its shape.B.Its birthplace.C.Its art value.D.Its related history.
【小题4】What’s the main purpose of this passage?
A.To show the ways to make sugar painting.
B.To introduce a traditional Chinese folk art.
C.To present the development of sugar painting.
D.To call on people to protect traditional culture.

【小题1】 Usually it is held in January or February. Of all our festivals, the Spring Festival is the most important to us Chinese. Before it comes, everyone has to prepare things. Several days before the lunar New Year, we clean our houses and decorate them. The old folk say that everything must be new and clean for the Spring Festival celebration so that the New Year will bring happiness and good luck.

【小题2】 We put up some New Year pictures. On the Festival eve, all the family members come back to their hometown. No matter how far away from home a person is, he will always try to get home in time for this big dinner. 【小题3】 It means “come together”. When we’re enjoying the meal, we give each other the best wishes for the coming year.

On the first day of the holiday, we usually stay at home. We get up fairly early and, first thing, exchange New Year greetings. This is a happy moment for the children. 【小题4】And then we let off firecracker and fireworks. We enjoy ourselves very much.

【小题5】We sit around chatting and eating sweets and New Year Cakes and all kinds of delicacies (佳肴). Each family prepares something special. Sometimes we would see some lion and dragon dances. The celebration lasts about 15 days.

A.They can enjoy themselves.
B.They can get some pocket money.
C.Every family enjoys a wonderful dinner.
D.Every year there is a Spring Festival in China.
E.The celebration begins on the eve of the lunar New Year.
F.We often make a special kind of food called “dumplings”.
G.On the second and the third days, we go visiting relatives and friends.

Researchers are often interested in how culture changes over time. All cultures go through periods of change and some cultures change faster than others. For example, in the past 10 years, Chinese culture has changed rapidly as western products have become popular. Other countries, such as France, have created rules to prevent their culture from changing too quickly.

Even though cultures change at different paces, the causes of cultural change are quite similar around the world. One of these is technology and medicine. In the United States the invention and development of birth control pills and other measures helped parents to limit the size of their families. As a result, families grew smaller and parents could give more attention to fewer children.   On the other hand, new technology has also created emotional distance among families.

Cultures also change when they come into contact with other cultures. Immigration, for example, often results in cultural change for both immigrants and the host culture. Immigrants often bring with them different ideas, food, music, language, and manners when they move to a new culture. In Canada, for example, the government has a policy of multiculturalism where immigrants are encouraged to share their background cultures with Canadians while adopting and accepting Canadian culture.

Cultural change can occur due to larger events. For example, economic depression, war, and disaster can endanger societies, which must adapt to these challenges and events. Because of these changes in society, ideas and ways of life also affect the entire culture. For example, during World War II, many American men were sent far off to fight. Consequently, women were suddenly needed to work in the factories. As a result of this change, it is no longer culturally acceptable to believe that they should not have the right to work.

【小题1】In the first paragraph which country has experienced rapid cultural change in the last decade?
【小题2】What will probably be talked about following the last paragraph?
A.Another reason for cultural change.
B.A discussion of immigration policy in France.
C.Another cultural change caused by World War II.
D.Some examples of highly successful working women.
【小题3】What would be a good title for this passage?
A.Immigration Policy and CultureB.Immigration and Culture
C.New Technology and Family CultureD.Theories of Cultural Change
