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In the United States, people generate approximately 35 million tons of food waste every year, and as individual families, they waste about 30 percent of the food we buy. For the average four-person household with a monthly food budget of $1,000, that’s like throwing $300 straight into the garbage every month.

It’s not just the personal budgets that are affected by food waste, either - it contributes to the ongoing climate crisis as well. The yearly amount of water and energy wasted from uneaten food in America every year would be enough to power 50 million homes, and the amount of greenhouse gases produced from food waste was equivalent(相等的) to the carbon dioxide emissions of 42 coal-fired power plants, according to a 2021 report from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

At home, the core issue is that people buy too much food and then throw so much out because the ingredients “do not match food preferences”,according to a 2020 report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. It’s true that there are far more factors that contribute to waste within the food system than just the consumer behavior.“It’s so much bigger than a consumer problem,” said Pamela Koch, associate professor of nutrition education at Teachers College, Columbia University. But that doesn’t mean the personal efforts can’t still have an impact. “There’s so much that consumers can do," said Roni Neff, associate professor of environmental health and engineering at Johns Hopkins University’s Bloomberg School of Public Health.

The process starts with “recognizing what we’re throwing out and what led to it,”Neff said. “If we understand our own patterns and what’s going on in our homes,” she continued, the next step is“figuring out how to set up the environment to make it as easy as possible to avoid food waste.”

【小题1】What is the purpose of using figures in Paragraph 1?
A.To attract more cleaners.
B.To show the richness of food.
C.To tell the seriousness of the food waste.
D.To introduce the size of individual families.
【小题2】What is the result of food waste?
A.Improving the climate crisis.B.Reducing the personal budgets.
C.Increasing the greenhouse gases.D.Changing coal-fired power plants.
【小题3】What can be inferred from Paragraph 3?
A.Food system works well.
B.Food preferences are easy to satisfy.
C.Consumer behavior has been improved.
D.Personal efforts are encouraged to save food.
【小题4】What is the best title of the text?
A.Fight against Food WasteB.Study of Food Production
C.Save Money in Daily LifeD.Ways of Protecting the Environment
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Trees are magicians with carbon, pulling it out of the air at remarkable rates to store it in their bodies. They are so good at removing this greenhouse gas that “planting trees” is often synonymous with doing environmental good.

And lots of people are planting trees. The number of tree-planting organizations has grown by almost 300 percent in the past 30 years, according to a 2021 paper in the journal Biological Conservation. But while tree planting can capture a great amount of carbon, it is hardly a silver bullet for the climate crisis — express estimate that even if we maximized our available lands for trees, this alone would not be enough to counteract carbon emissions caused by humans. Plus, many plantations grow the same few species in monocultures, which can hurt local biodiversity.

The minority of tree plantations are set up with carbon capture solely, or even primarily in mind, says Jacob Bukoski, a forestry scientist at Oregon State University. Most trees are planted with the goal of harvesting timber or wood pulp (木浆) for paper. Tree-planting organizations are more likely to create plantations for commercial reasons, the authors of the 2021 paper also note, rather than for biodiversity or carbon capture.

In forestry, there’s a saying that you have to plant “the right tree in the right place, for the right reason.” But when many tree plantations are established for commercial purposes, the tree that is planted is often not the “right” tree, says Jesús Aguirre-Gutiérrez, an ecologist at the Environmental Change Institute at the University of Oxford.

In a paper published recently in the journal Trends in Ecology & Evolution, Aguirre-Gutiérrez and colleagues argue that focusing on the goal of carbon removal by natural process causes organizations to ignore the importance of restoring balanced ecosystems. The result is a collection of trees that do not support local organisms or promote biodiversity in the way native plant species would have. These problems deserve particular notice in tropical areas where land is vast, and conditions such as stable temperatures and high humidity promote tree growth, as ignoring them while planting trees is damaging. When plantations increased the woody cover of the Brazilian savannah by 40 percent, this “resulted in an about 30 percent reduction in the diversity of plants and ants,” Aguirre-Gutiérrez and his co-authors write in the new paper.

Aguirre-Gutiérrez doesn’t want to discourage people from growing more trees, he says. Rather, we need a better way to protect the natural ecosystems and species there, like encouraging the restoration of native forest tree species. Local plants will be “better adapted to the conditions” in these environments, he says, which means they, and nearby species, are more likely to thrive. “If we go in that direction, that will bring us the added value of capturing carbon, but also this sustainability.”

【小题1】Experts are concerned about tree plantation to reduce greenhouse partly because ______.
A.the number of tree-planting organizations is growing too fast.
B.the speed of tree planting falls far behind that of carbon emission.
C.the selection of species in tree planting can harm local biodiversity.
D.the land available to plant trees is not fully explored and developed.
【小题2】In paragraph 4, “the right reason” refers to ______.
A.mass plantation of carbon-absorbing trees
B.biodiversity preservation with local species
C.harvest of timber or wood pulp for paper
D.tree plantation for commercial purposes
【小题3】Why does the author mention “Brazilian savannah” in paragraph 5?
A.To show the benefits of planting trees in tropical areas
B.To illustrate the vastness and eco-diversity of tropical areas
C.To highlight the negative impact of planting trees in tropical areas
D.To discourage people from randomly planting trees in tropical areas
【小题4】Which of the following statements will Aguirre-Gutiérrez most likely approve of?
A.People and organizations should plant as many trees as they can to capture carbon.
B.Plants in tropical areas can thrive better due to its vast land and agreeable climate.
C.Preserving biodiversity plays a more sustainable role than capturing carbon only.
D.Tree plantation organizations are irresponsible and focus only on making profits.

Climate change is a growing threat and many businesses are looking for ways to reduce their carbon footprint. According to Forbes, going green isn’t just good for the planet and it’s also good for businesses because 80% of customers respect eco-friendly businesses!

One of the best ways to make the change to environmentally friendly business practices is to listen to the experts. They can tell you which changes are the most influential and which are unimportant.

If you want to create a more energy-saving office, look at your lighting. First, replace your incandescent bulbs (白炽灯) with energy-saving bulbs. Though they may cost a bit more, they use less energy while they burn and they last longer, which will save you money in the long run. Second, don’t leave your lights on after hours. Many businesses leave their offices and parking garages lit after everyone has clocked out and gone home for the day or even the weekend. It’s time to start flipping all of those light switches before you head out!

When you have a long-distance business, consider limiting your travel, including your car travel and in particular your plane travel as much as possible. Keep in mind that train travel is a more environmentally friendly way to get around. The most ideal (理想的) choice is to hold virtual meetings, because there are tons of free or low-cost online resources that make video meeting a breeze (轻而易举的事) and you can start closing deals right from your own office without spending days on the trip.

We’ve provided a few ideas for eco-friendly business practices that can be achieved in a short amount of time. However, if you want to get serious about environmental friendliness, you’ll need to set some long-term goals.

【小题1】Why does the author mention Forbes?
A.To call on people to protect the environment.
B.To present reasons for businesses to reduce pollution.
C.To introduce the influence of climate change on the economy.
D.To show the relationship between customers and businesses.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “flipping” probably mean?
A.Turning on.B.Changing.C.Turning off.D.Repairing.
【小题3】How can we describe the choice of having video meetings?
A.Bark up the wrong tree.B.Promise little but do much.
C.Rob Peter to pay Paul.D.Kill two birds with one stone.
【小题4】What does the text mainly talk about?
A.How to deal with climate risk.B.How to do business with less cost.
C.How to be eco-friendly businesses.D.How to choose energy-saving lights.

In the past few weeks Richard Eckersley has noticed a change in people who come into his shop. The previous (以前的) Manchester United footballer, who turned his back on the game to set up the UK’s first “zero waste” store on Totnes High Street in Devon, says it is no longer only environmentalists who came in, looking for a cleaner way to shop. “A lot of new people are coming in. We are getting calls every week from around the country from people wanting to set up something similar in their towns,” says Eckersley, who set up the Earth.Food.Love shop with his wife Nicola in March 2017.

More than 200 miles away, Ingrid Caldironi shares the enthusiasm. She set up the plastic-free (无塑料的) Bulk Market in east London. “We have had an amazing response,” she says. Eckersley and Caldironi are at the head of an anti-plastic movement in the UK that has been fuelled by newspaper investigations including The Guardian’s Bottling It series and The Blue Planet television series.

But their enthusiasm is not shared by big supermarkets, which have no interest in reducing their plastic waste. “For a nation of shopkeepers we are falling behind in this race,” says Sian Sutherland, founder of the campaign A Plastic Planet which led the calls for plastic-free goods shelves. Wandering through supermarkets where everything is covered in plastic, Sutherland says action rather than words is needed. Her co-founder Frederikke Magnussen explains the origins of their campaign. “It started with two unreasonable women who wanted choice — and supermarkets are all about choice, right? I can buy sugar-free, fat-free, African food, Asian food, yet if I want to buy plastic-free it is impossible for me to do so.”

Eckersley says, “After Willow, my daughter, was born, it made me think about what future lies ahead for her. I wanted to say that I at least tried, and I wanted to make a difference.”

【小题1】What has happened to Richard Eckersley’s business?
A.It has spread worldwide.
B.It is attracting large numbers of customers.
C.It has received many complaints about its goods.
D.It is facing fierce competition from other similar stores.
【小题2】What do we know about Ingrid Caldironi?
A.She lost money on her business.
B.She built a plastic-free store in Devon.
C.She had little interest in waste reduction.
D.She took part in an anti-plastic movement.
【小题3】How have big supermarkets reacted to the plastic-free idea?
A.They are giving up their original ideas.
B.They are offering more choices.
C.They show little concern for it.
D.They support it.
【小题4】What led to the campaign A Plastic Planet?
A.Customers’ need for plastic-free goods.
B.Plastic coverings in supermarkets.
C.The Blue Planet television series.
D.Richard Eckersley’s store.
