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Yuan Longping, known as the “father of hybrid rice (杂交水稻之父)”, is one of China’s most famous scientists. Yet, he considered himself as a farmer because he continually worked the land in his research. Indeed, his slim but strong body was just like that of millions of Chinese farmers, to whom he devoted his life.

Yuan was born in 1930 in Beijing. His parents wanted him to pursue a career in science or medicine. However, what concerned him most was that farmers often had poor harvests and sometimes even had a serious shortage of food to eat. To tackle this crisis, he chose to study agriculture and received an education at Southwest Agricultural College in Chongqing.

After graduating from Southwest Agricultural College in 1953, he worked as a researcher. Yuan realized that larger fields were not the solution. Instead, farmers needed to boost yields (产量) in the fields they had. How this could be done was a challenging question at the time. Yuan was convinced that the answer could be found in the creation of hybrid rice. A hybrid is a cross between two or more varieties of species. One characteristic of hybrids is that they usually attain a higher yield than conventional crops. Through intense effort, Yuan overcame enormous technical difficulties to develop the first hybrid rice that could be used for farming in 1974. This hybrid enabled farmers to expand their output greatly.

Witnessing the development of hybrid rice, Yuan once said “I saw my super hybrid rice plant growing as high as sorghum (高粱). The panicle (head of rice) was as large as a broom, and the grains as big as peanuts. I was very happy to rest under them with my assistant.”

Today, it is estimated (估计) that about 60 percent of domestic (国内的) rice consumption in China is made up of crops produced from Yuan’s hybrid species and his species have allowed China’s farmers to produce around 200 million tons of rice per year.

【小题1】Why did Yuan Longping consider himself a farmer?
A.Having a figure like farmers.B.Researching the land constantly.
C.Leading a life in the countryside.D.Graduating from an agricultural college.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “tackle” in paragraph 2 mean?
A.Sharpen.B.Unearth.C.Get rid of.D.Give rise to.
【小题3】What is the main advantage of hybrid rice?
A.Its higher yield.B.Its creation process.
C.Its poor harvests.D.Its varieties of species.
【小题4】What is Yuan’s attitude to the development of the hybrid rice?
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As firefighters battled a five-alarm fire al a supermarket in the Bronx earlier this month, New York City officials gathered beside what they said was the cause of the fire: the blackened shell of what was once a sit-on electric scooter. The burning joined the more than 200 fires in New York City last year caused by batteries from e-bikes, electric scooters and similar devices. Lithium-ion (锂)battery explosions are now the third leading cause of fires in the city, the fire department says. In short, there are more fires because there are so many more e-bikes and scooters these days.

Lithium-ion batteries power many rechargeable devices that are part of our modern lives: cell phones, laptops, vapes, cordless power tools and electric vehicles of all kinds, from cars to scooters to e-bikes to hoverboards. They’re small, lightweight and powerful but they’re also prone to overheating and catching fire, said Michael Pecht, a professor of engineering at the University of Maryland. “Ever since lithium-ion batteries started to be popular in products, we’ve seen fires, ” he said.

At issue is the high density of the batteries, which is a double-edged sword, said Pecht, who also serves as director of the Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering, a university research center that consults with companies on reliability and safety issues, including batteries.

“They can provide a lot of power to our cell phones and to our computers for a relatively long period of time in a very small volume, ” he said. “But because we have so much energy packed in that small volume, if there is a problem, then they’re very flammable. ” Defects or contamination in the manufacturing process can eventually lead to short circuiting or other failures.

There’s not currently much regulation of e-bikes and scooters. But fire officials add that. you should charge your device away from flammable materials like furniture and pillows, and that you shouldn’t charge or store your device in a location that blocks your access to an exit. If your battery starts to fail, it may be safest to buy a new one. “Don’t repair anything yourself and buy from a company where you know that they’re using brand-name batteries,” Pecht said.

【小题1】What can we learn about fires in paragraph 1?
A.They brought extraordinary damage.
B.They resulted from battery explosions.
C.They frequently broke out in the city.
D.They enveloped the supermarket soon.
【小题2】What does Michael Pecht think about lithium-ion batteries?
A.They are commonly used by factories.
B.They have smaller size and lower cost.
C.They are associated with the rising number of fires.
D.They encounter reliability and safety issues for now.
【小题3】What do you take into consideration while charging your device?
A.Staying away from public area.
B.Keeping a close eye on device.
C.Using water to put out the flames.
D.Replacing an old battery if it starts to fail.
【小题4】Which is the most suitable title for the text?
A.Reasons of Batteries’ Catching Fire.
B.Tips lo Keep Yourself Safe.
C.Popularity of Rechargeable Devices.
D.More Devices and More Fires.

There is an old saying in China that goes, “The days of the Sanjiu period are the coldest days. ”Sanjiu period", which is in Minor Cold, refers to the third nine﹣day period(the 19th to the 27th day) after the day of the Winter Solstice (冬至). There are many different customs related to Minor Cold in China.

Eating hotpot

During Minor Cold people should eat some hot food to benefit the body and defend against the cold weather. Winter is the best time to have hotpot and braised mutton with soy sauce. But it is important to notice that too much spicy food may cause health problems.

Eating huangyacai

In Tianjin, there is a custom to have huangyacai, a kind of Chinese cabbage, during Minor Cold. There are large amounts of vitamins A and B in huangyacai. As huangyacai is fresh and tender, it is fit for frying, roasting and braising.

Eating glutinous rice(糯米饭)

According to tradition, the Cantonese eat glutinous rice in the morning during Minor Cold. Cantonese people add some fried preserved (腌制的) pork, sausage and peanuts and mix them into the rice.

Eating vegetable rice

In ancient times, people in Nanjing took Minor Cold quite seriously, but as time went by, the celebration of Minor Cold gradually disappeared. However, the custom of eating vegetable rice is still followed today. The rice is steamed and is unspeakably delicious. Among the ingredients(原料), aijiaohuang (a kind of green vegetable), sausage and salted duck are the specialties in Nanjing.

【小题1】What is a special custom in Tianjin in Minor Cold?
A.Eating hotpot.B.Having vitamin A and B pills.
C.Having huangyacai.D.Buying cabbage.
【小题2】How do the Cantonese eat glutinous rice?
A.They fry and toast it.B.They eat it for dinner.
C.They steam it with soy sauce.D.They mix it with many other things.
【小题3】This text may be taken from the ________ column of a newspaper.

You are walking down a busy street on your way to work. You pass a busker (艺人) playing a song you haven’t heard in years. Suddenly, you’re mentally reliving the first time you heard the song. The music takes you right back to where you were, who you were with and the feelings associated with that memory. This experience is known as a music-evoked autobiographical memory. It’s a common experience and it just comes to mind spontaneously. Amazing, isn’t it?

Research has recently begun to explore the connections between music and evoking memories. First, music tends to accompany many distinctive life events, such as celebrations, graduations, weddings and funerals, so it can play an important role in reconnecting us with these self-defining moments. Music also often arrests our attention, due to the way it affects our minds, bodies and emotions. When music draws our attention, this increases the likelihood that it will be encoded in memory together with details of a life event. And this then means it is able to serve as an effective reminder of this event years later.

Another recent study found that more familiar music evokes more memories and brings memories to mind more subconsciously. And the reason is that we typically reengage with songs more often over our lifetime compared to films, books or TV shows.

Indeed, the power of music to connect us with our past shows how music, memories and emotions are all linked—and it seems certain songs can act as a direct line to our younger selves.

“It seems then that music appears to have the ability to reconnect us with more emotionally positive moments from our pasts. This suggests that using music therapeutically may be particularly fruitful. That will be great news for some patients.” says Kelly Jakubowski, Assistant Professor in Music Psychology, Durham University.

【小题1】What does “spontaneously” underlined in the text probably mean?
【小题2】What is the second paragraph mainly about?
A.What music can do with one’s well-being.B.The process of music arousing memories.
C.The links between musicals and memories.D.Why music can bring back memories.
【小题3】What does Kelly Jakubowski imply?
A.Music can strengthen people’s memories.B.Music is only linked to a certain occasion.
C.Music functions better than anything else.D.Music can be used for medical treatment.
【小题4】What is the text?
A.An online survey.B.A science report.
C.A book review.D.A diary entry.
