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All of us hope for success. In fact, it really isn’t that hard. 【小题1】

·Do well in school.

Try your best, listen to the teachers, do your homework, study, and get good grades. 【小题2】 And a better education will help you to get a great job in the future.

·Do something good in your community.

If you like helping people, volunteer at a soup kitchen. If you love helping the environment, plant trees or pick up garbage. 【小题3】 You’re making a big difference in the world, and above all, having lots of voluntary hours will make your resume (简历) more attractive !


Remember they’re there to help you be the best that you can be. Respect them and value their opinions, even if they annoy you sometimes. Keep in mind that they do the things because they care about you and want you to succeed in life.

·Have good friends to help you out !

Friends are there to support you and lift your spirits. 【小题5】 And create a group of supportive, loving friends that can help you succeed in life. Find a few really good friends that will stick with you once you leave high school.

A.Do what you love.
B.Be nice to your parents and teachers.
C.Be with people who make you happy.
D.This could be your job for the rest of your life.
E.Doing so will help you get into a better university.
F.Even as a teenager, you can achieve success in your life.
G.When you help others, it will m make you feel better about yourself.
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Have you ever seen an animal being mistreated (虐待)? Seeing a pet or wild animal get hurt might make you sad, angry, or afraid. You might think there’s nothing you can do.【小题1】

Keep your eyes and ears open.

Get to know pets in your neighborhood.【小题2】Look out for animals who:

﹡ have cuts or other bruises(伤痕)

﹡ avoid or attack people when people come close

﹡ are too thin

﹡ are missing fur

﹡ are almost always left outside

These signs don’t necessarily mean a pet has been hurt on purpose, but they shouldn’t be ignored.【小题3】 Or if you see someone hurting an animal, write down the details. What did you see or hear? Where? When? Were other people around?


Never move an injured animal! Ask a parent, teacher, or other adult you trust for help. Find out whether the injured animal in your town can be saved by animal shelters or police. Keep their phone numbers at hand. If the person mistreating animals is a friend or family member, tell an adult you trust.

Speak up.

Let other kids know what to do if they see an animal being hurt. Using the information above, make posters to hang or flyers (传单) to hand out at school. Include the phone numbers of the police department or animal shelters who can save the injured animals. 【小题5】They need us to speak up for them!

A.Remember, animals can’t speak for themselves.
B.Watch for changes in the way they look or act.
C.Send it to animal shelters.
D.Report it.
E.In fact, the good news is that everyone —including you—can be a helping hand for animals.
F.Animals are friends of human beings.
G.If you see any of these signs, set them down.

It took so long to organize your room and each closet, but it only takes a few days for you to return to your old bad habits. Learning how to organize something is one thing, but staying organized is a completely different matter. Here is some advice for you to follow through.

Set deadliens for yourself. 【小题1】 Therefore, you have to set deadlines. For example, if you have a lot of tasks to finish, you need to set deadlines for each task. This way can urge you to finish all the tasks in an organized way.

【小题2】 One of the reasons why you may be struggling to stay organized is because you spend too much time on one task and then leave no time for other things you have to do on a day. Instead of making sure that you do Task A perfectly, make sure that you do a great job of it. 【小题3】

Reward yourself for tasks you’ve accomplished. If you want to continue to follow through on staying organized, don’t just do one task and move on. 【小题4】 If you never stop to let yourself know what a great job you’re doing, or take a break from time to time, them you’re likely to feel stressed out and refuse to stay organized.

【小题5】 Wanting to stay organized doesn’t mean that you have to do everything alone. If you want to clean your household, you should make sure that anyone else sharing the space with you also does their share of tasks; if you want to keep things running smoothly at work, take responsibilities together with your colleagues.

A.Avoid perfection.
B.Turn to others for advice.
C.Cooperate as much as you can.
D.Then give yourself enough time to move on.
E.You should reward yourself for saving much time.
F.Instead, give yourself a treat that delights you most.
G.To stay organized, you need to get things done on time.

Tips to Keep Your Pets Safe During the Winter Season

You’re undoubtedly well aware of the dangers of leaving dogs in hot automobiles in warm weather.【小题1】Everyone may suffer from the effects of winter weather, including our four-legged pals. Remember to keep your pets safe while it’s chilly outside.

General advice

If it’s too cold for you, it’s probably too cold for your pets. Don’t keep your pets outdoors for long periods of time during freezing weather.【小题2】

Here are more suggestions to help avoid cold weather hazards from having an impact on your pet’s health.

Take care of their hair and skin

Consider acquiring a coat or sweater for your pet if it has short hair and keep pet’s coat/sweater as long as you can in the winter to keep them warm. Veterinarians advise keeping your house humidified and towel dry for your pet as soon as they enter to prevent itchy (发痒的) skin. 【小题3】When washing your pet, use a moisturizing (保湿的) shampoo. Provide extra food and water

【小题4】Give your pet extra food,and ensure the water in its bowl is always fresh and not frozen.To avoid your pet’s tongue freezing to their metal bowls, use plastic ones for food and water.


Like people, pets’ resistance to cold can vary depending on their coat, body fat reserves, degree of exercise,and health. Consider your pet’s tolerance for chilly weather and make adjustments as necessary. To protect you and your pet from any health concerns brought on by the extreme cold, you should cut the length of your walks. Consult your veterinarian if you need assistance calculating your pet’s safe temperature range.

A.Know your pets’ limits
B.Create an emergency kit for pets
C.Short-coated animals may need a coat or sweater during walks.
D.Pets who spend the winter outside use a lot of energy to keep warm.
E.Avoid bathing your pet too often when it’s chilly to prevent dry skin.
F.Prepare at least five days’ supplies of food and water before traveling.
G.But do you realize that the cold seriously endangers animals’ health?
