语法填空-短文语填 适中0.65 引用1 组卷38

It’s certainly enjoyable to catch up with friends’ activities or watch your favorite content creator while you’re eating. 【小题1】, bringing your cellphone to the dinner table is not only disrespectful to others, but it can also do harm 【小题2】 your health. First of all, if you’re at the dinner table with other people, you have a 【小题3】 (responsible) of making them not feel like they’re eating alone. 【小题4】 (share) a dinner table with your family, friends, or romantic partner isn’t only about eating. There might be a person sitting right in front of you, and you may not even remember 【小题5】 they look like. Phone use 【小题6】 (lower) the enjoyment people get from real-world social interactions (社交).

If you have kids, dinner time can be your chance to be a role model for them. When you’re not on your phone, unaware that you’re sitting at a table with other people, it will engrave (铭记) polite table 【小题7】 (manner) and healthy eating habits in your children.

When in reality, the story is 【小题8】 (complete) different. Besides affecting relationships, if your attention is not 【小题9】 (concentrate) on eating, you are close to many physical and mental health problems.

It’s not that hard to keep your phone away from the dinner table 【小题10】 should serve as a bond (纽带). Better throw it to another room so that you can enjoy your meal.

知识点:饮食习俗 社会问题与社会现象 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Yum cha, literally drinking tea, is unique in its form and feature among various types of breakfast in China. It is very popular in Guangdong, Hong Kong and other Cantonese-speaking 【小题1】(region) and used to last from 5:00 or 6:00 to 11:00 in the morning. But nowadays, many tea houses serve it all day long and one can go for yum cha any time. Apart 【小题2】 being a way of leisure, it has been part of Cantonese daily life after years of development.

The origin of Cantonese morning tea tradition can 【小题3】(find) in the Qing Dynasty. There were the restaurants called “Yili”, hanging a wooden board with the word “Tea Talking”, 【小题4】 the passers-by could rest. It only served simple tea and cakes 【小题5】 the environment was very poor, with only a few wooden tables and benches available. Then the tea shops appeared and then the even larger tea houses. Since then, it 【小题6】(become) common for Cantonese people to go to the tea house to drink morning tea. With time 【小题7】(pass) by, the tea has been a supporter in those tea houses while various delicate dim sums (点心) 【小题8】(constant) appear.

【小题9】(compare) with other types, Cantonese morning tea has its own etiquette (礼节). While drinking tea, you need to help your friends or families pour tea first and bend the right index finger (食指) and middle finger and knock on the table 【小题10】(express) your gratitude if others pour you tea. When the teapot is empty, open the cover to show the waiter the need for tea.
