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In the west of the city Seville in Spain, a sea of giant mirrors is reflecting the sun’s energy to provide “concentrated solar power (CSP)” while brightening the path to a new wave of green energy projects.

The 624 carefully positioned mirrors reflect the sun’s heat towards a 50-meter-tall central tower where it is concentrated and used to boil water into steam. The superheated steam is then used to turn a turbine (汽轮机) that can produce up to 11 megawatts of electricity—enough power for 6,000 homes—according to Solucar, the Spanish company that has built the power plant.

The Spanish tower, known as PS10, is the first stage of an ambitious development. By 2025 it is hoped that additional towers will create “a solar farm” with an output of 500 megawatts, which would be enough power for 180,000 homes, almost the entire population of nearby Seville.

CSP produces no greenhouse gases and the only pollution is visual. There is also the possibility that production can keep going around the clock-even when the sun has gone down. Solucar is currently testing technology at a plant near Granada that will pump 50 percent of the electricity generated in the day into the Spanish national grid (国家输电网), and use the other 50 percent to melt salt, which will then act as a kind of battery, storing the sun’s power. When dusk falls, the heat stored in the molten salt can be used to generate power through the night.

The Sahara, the world’s largest desert, has always been seen as a problem. But with large-scale CSP projects, suddenly all that empty space, with its year round clear skies and hot sun, has a value that could transform local economies. It could potentially turn Africa into an exporter of energy to power-hungry Europe.

【小题1】What is the Spanish tower PS10 used to do according to the text?
A.Store boiled water.B.Generate electricity.
C.Reflect the sun’s energy.D.Brighten the path nearby.
【小题2】The underlined phrase “a solar farm” in paragraph 3 refers to a place where       .
A.towers like PS10 are set up
B.greenhouses are built to make profits
C.crops are grown with new technology
D.farmers mainly use solar energy at home
【小题3】The plant near Granada melts salt in the day so that       .
A.molten salt works better than water when producing electricity
B.melting salt can reduce environmental pollution
C.some sun power can be saved for the night use
D.salt is easy to melt in the sun
【小题4】Which word can best describe the author’s attitude towards the future of CSP?
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On a summer day in 2019, Raj Patel and his friend Sally Blake walked past a pool. It was filled with smelly algae (水藻), making it hard for workers to clean up. So the two 17-year-old students from Chicago decided to create a robot to deal with this problem. On Aug 19, the 18th Science and Environment Invention Award was announced. Patel and Blake’s invention of a water surface cleaning robot received the Gold Award.

It took them about four years to finish the robot. The robot moves like a boat and can be controlled from far away on the waterside. To collect garbage, the robot has two plates as “hands”. Then a conveyor belt is used for sending the garbage to a basket. “There is also a heating sheet under the belt to help dry the garbage and make it easy to deal with,” said Patel.

Compared to other robots of its kind, their robot is small, light and eco-friendly. “It has a solar panel (太阳能电池板) set on top,” said Blake.

The journey to build their robot was full of difficulties. But they worked hard to deal with these problems. One challenge was the balance of the boat. “It used to be heavy and easy to turn over. On the advice of our teacher, we changed the top part from steel to alloy (合金) to make it lighter,” said Patel.

As for their next step, they hope to make the robot work on its own. “We will continue to learn programming skills to make our dreams come true,” said Blake.

【小题1】What inspired the invention of the cleaning robot?
A.The desire to win an award.B.The difficulty of cleaning smelly algae.
C.The passion for cleaning robots.D.The terrible situation of the pool.
【小题2】What is paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.The robot’s benefit.B.The robot’s influence.
C.The robot’s development.D.The robot’s working principle.
【小题3】How is the cleaning robot different from other robots of its kind?
A.It uses the boats.B.It owns a solar panel.
C.It can work on its own.D.It changes some metals.
【小题4】In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?

Making eye contact with a robot can be a very strange experience. Scientists even have a name for the teeing: the “uncanny valley”. Now, researchers at the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) in Italy have found that it is more than just a feeling. They ran an experiment that showed how a robot’s gaze can trick people into thinking they are socially interacting with a human being. That experience can slow a person’s ability to make decisions.

“Gaze is an extremely important social signal,” said the lead writer, Professor Agnieszka Wykowska, “The question is whether the robot’s gaze will evoke very similar mechanisms in the human brain as a human’s gaze would.”

The team asked 40 participants to play a video game of “chicken”. Each player had to decide whether to permit a car to run straight toward another car or to turn to avoid a crash. The people played against a human-like robot sitting across from them. During breaks in the game, players had to look at the robot. Sometimes the robot would look back and at other times it would look away. As the interactions happened, the scientists collected data on participants’ behavior and brain activity.

“Our results show the gaze of the robot had an impact on the way humans made decisions and humans’ responses so humans were much slower in making decisions in the game,” Wykowska said. Given that the robot, is designed loosely to copy the shape and appearance of people, it’s not altogether startling perhaps that its gaze can influence people’s attention.

The findings could be useful for deciding where and how human-like robots might be placed. When we understand when and how robots change people’s social behavior, “then we can decide in which sort of context this is desirable and beneficial for humans and in which context this should not occur,” Wykowska said.

【小题1】What does “it” mean in paragraph 1?
A.Making eye contact with a robot.B.A strange valley.
C.The research on robots.D.A robot’s experience.
【小题2】According to the research, which of the following sentence is correct?
A.Robots were designed to make decisions to avoid a crash.
B.40 people were asked to play against each other.
C.Players were not allowed to look at the robot
D.Robot gaze could affect people’s decision making abilities.
【小题3】What does the author think of the results according to paragraph 4?
【小题4】What’s the purpose of the text?
A.To advertise the robot.B.To introduce a study.
C.To stress the importance of eye contact.D.To show robots’ ability to make decisions.

A tracked robot approaches a pile of brushwood blocking its path. This is Rolan, short for Robot Manipulator (操控者), who is practising for what is its graduation ceremony, when it will show off its skills. After a pause, it reaches out an arm, takes hold of a branch, lifts it up and drags it clear.

Though this is a small action for a human being, it is a breakthrough for robots, according to Stuart Young of the Army Research Laboratory, who is in charge of the RoMan project. As is known, robots easily become confused by something unexpected, some unfamiliar and none with convenient handles. Taking it apart is far beyond the power of any industrial robot. Dr. Young says that, as far as he knows, RoMan is the first machine able to manipulate unfamiliar objects in an unknown environment.

Just as a human being would, it has to learn about the world through observation and experiment before manipulating it. So it is trained on numerous tree branches until it is able to recognize unfamiliar ones for what they are and knows to grasp the trunk, rather than the leaves or the branches. Having grasped an object, RoMan assesses its weight and decides whether to try to lift it or drag it.

Dr. Young hopes to take this further by dealing with piles of burning tyres. He also wants RoMan to be able to use its body weight in the way a human being might to push open a tight door or to move heavy furniture by bracing against a wall. One problem with RoMan is that it is still impractically slow. It often takes 10-15 seconds to decide what to do. RoMan will also need to learn to deal with a wider range of objects.

However, the device's future could be bright. Beyond military applications, its following generations might work in warehouses, pick fruit, clear litter or tidy people's homes. They might even collect rocks from the surface of Mars.

【小题1】Why does RoMan take a pause before taking action?
A.The branch is too heavy for it.
B.It is reflecting on its next move.
C.It takes time to show off its skills.
D.It is totally confused by the mess.
【小题2】What does the underlined word "it" refer to in Paragraph 3?
A.Everything existing around.
B.Observation before manipulating.
C.The similarity to a human being.
D.RoMan's ability acquired by training.
【小题3】What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.The author's wish for RoMan.B.The power of RoMan's weight.
C.Dr.Young's regret for RoMan.D.RoMan's room for improvement.
【小题4】In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?
