书面表达-读后续写 较难0.4 引用1 组卷86

When I was very young, I liked to listen to my mother’s stories. Lying in bed at night was my happiest moment. Every night, I always fell asleep with my mother’s wonderful stories.

When I went to school and began to know how to read. I liked to read fairy tales by myself. I was often lost in the wonderful world described in the books.

I showed more interest in books when I met Mr. Smith. who discovered my deep love for literature. He gave me many storybooks and taught me knowledge about literature. With his encouragement, I began to write my own stories.

Gradually, I developed a strong interest in writing stories, and I felt that writing was not a difficult thing, but a kind of pleasure. When I wrote a story, I would show it to my teacher. He praised me every time and encouraged me to keep writing.

That’s how I have got into the habit of writing. Even after I started working, I would send my stories to my teacher as usual.

One day my teacher recommended me to a publisher. I borrowed my mom’s old, blue car for the day. I drove 12 miles to the county newspaper office. I had on the seat beside me a short one-page story I had just written and I hoped to get it published that day. I was excited, nervous and a little scared. What if the publisher didn’t want it?

When I arrived. I parked across the road and knocked on the door. The secretary let me in and walked me to the office. He was a large man but the kind smile he shared with me soon put me at ease. He read my handwritten story-I didn’t even own a typewriter at the time. Then he said he really enjoyed it and would include it in his next week’s edition.

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My heart jumped with joy but I wanted even more.
My teacher and the publisher would turn me into a writer.
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14-year-old Joe was a lazy phubber (低头族) who always needed help from his mom for everything. His father, Jack, realized how serious his son’s problem was, so he decided to make some changes.

One day, Joe would be late for school, but he still focused on his phone. He was so concentrated that he had no time to put on his socks and shoes, so his mom helped him.

With everything ready, Joe was waiting for his father to drive him to school as usual. To Joe’s shock, his father should let him go to school on foot instead this time. “What? No! I can’t do it. Please, Dad, give me a ride,” Joe yelled. But Jack insisted, “You’re a big boy now, Joe! Just walk. Get used to it,” he said.

Joe had no way but to walk to school. After what seemed a century, he finally arrived at school, out of breath. Having struggled to move into the classroom, he threw himself on the chair. It was suffering even for a few minutes. How lazy and weak Joe was!

When Joe was having a break, a boy in a wheelchair (轮椅) entered the classroom following Miss Li. The boy was Paul, who was new to the class and happened to live in the same neighborhood as Joe. He moved here with his parents recently after he lost his legs because of an accident. Despite the horrible experience, Paul never gave in to the bad luck, but was always willing to accept challenges with courage, confidence and independence.

New as Paul was in class, he received warm welcome from classmates. Joe failed to make a single friend all these years. Nobody liked him for his laziness. What Paul got that day made him even more upset.

The next day, Jack still refused to drive Joe to school, ignoring his begging. Quite disappointed, Joe had to walk to school again.

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On the way to school, Joe met Paul in his wheelchair.


In the following days, Joe seemed to change into a totally different boy.


When Mark was five years old, his parents separated and he stayed with his mother.

As Mark grew up he occasionally (偶尔地) thought of the brief time he shared with his father and longed to see him again one day. However, as he grew into his late teens, thoughts of his father began to fade away.

After he graduated from college, Mark got married and one year later, had a boy. The years passed.

One day when Mark’s son was five years old and as Mark was preparing to shave his face, his son looked up at him and laughed, “Daddy, you look like a clown (小丑) with that cream on your face.”

Mark laughed, looked into the mirror and realized how much his son looked like him at that age. Later, he remembered that his mother said he had told his own father the same thing.

This event started him thinking about his own father a lot and he began asking his mother. It had been a long time since Mark had spoken of his father and his mother told him that it was now over twenty years since she had spoken to him. In addition, all her knowledge of his father stopped when Mark became eighteen.

Mark looked deep into his mother’s eyes and said, “I need to find my father.” His mother then told him that his dad’s relatives had all passed away, and she had no idea where to begin searching for him but added, “Maybe, just maybe, if you contact the United States Embassy in England, they might be able to help you.”

Even though the chances seemed slim, Mark was determined. The very next day, he made an overseas call to the American Embassy.

“U.S. Embassy, how may we help you?”

“Ahh...hi, my name is Mark Sullivan and I am hoping to find my father.”

There was a long pause and the ruffing of some papers,’ and then the man said:

“Is this Mr. Mark Joseph Sullivan?”

“Yes,” Mark answered anxiously.

They checked the birth place and date.

注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;

Mark then overheard the man as he made an excited announcement to his coworkers.


The following day, Mark received a phone call from his overjoyed father.


Tom was the school tough guy because his dad was a tough guy. If anyone dared to disobey him, they received a good beating.

Until Victor arrived, that was. No one would have said that Victor or his dad looked like tough guys: they were small and had no muscles. However, this was what Victor said to Tom when Tom went up to him to make him afraid.

“Hey new kid. You should know that I’m the leader, and I’m the toughest guy here. ‘‘

”You might be the leader but I am toughest guy here. ‘‘

That was when Victor got his first beating. The second was the day Tom tried to take a girl’s sandwich from her. ‘‘This girl is a friend of mine and I am the toughest guy in school. So she won’t give you her sandwich’’ – were Victor’s last words before the blows started raining down on him.

His third beating came when he didn’t want to hand over his own sandwich and had to fight for his lunch.

‘‘Tough guys like my dad and me don’t steal from others because stealing is not right, and you are supposed to be a tough guy too?’’ he replied.

Victor got hit regularly, but he never backed down. The fact that he was so brave in defending those weaker than him began to impress the rest of his classmates, and he soon gain many admirers. Lots of other children began to play with him, so Tom had even fewer chances to hit Victor and his friends, and fewer and fewer children were scared of Tom. New brave boys and girls appeared who copied Victor’s attitude, and the playground became a better place.

One day, at the school door, Tom’s giant dad asked him who Victor was.

‘‘That small kid with little strength is the tough guy who’s the new boss of the playground? You’re useless! I’m going to hit you and show you what a tough guy really is! ‘‘

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That wasn’t the first time that Tom got hit, but it was the first time that Victor’s dad was there to stop that happening. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
That was when Tom’s dad understood why Victor said that his own father was a tough guy.
