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What I Know about Aboriginal During Adventure

During my adventure, what impresses me most is something about Aboriginal in Australia, which is worth mentioning. They have a complex and fascinating spiritual life. Their culture is filled with ceremonies with special meaning, among which the Walkabout coming of age ceremony for 16-year-old young men is definitely an intense one.

Traditionally, young men who are undertaking their Walkabout ceremony are dressed noticeably. So others know what they are doing. Their bodies are covered with paint and the way they are decorated varies based on region—some will even receive a permanent mark when they set out, such as removal of a tooth.

The journey can cover as much as 1, 000 miles. The landscape of Australia is famously dangerous with soaring temperatures and poisonous creatures, so the young man must be able to adequately and safely provide for himself. He needs to know how and where to get clean water, to build safe shelter, to hunt for food and to identify edible plants. He must also know which plants are medicative as to care for his own wounds and injuries.

While the physical aspect of the Walkabout helps young men prove they are capable members of their tribe, the spiritual aspect makes them a worshiper. He is expected to reflect on his relationship with his ancestral land. He is taught to sing traditional spiritual songs known as “songlines”, which describe their ancestral milestones such as rivers and rock formation. They boys are not given modern instruments such as compasses or drawn maps, so the boy makes his journey with the aid of a spoken map.

Today, the traditional Walkabout ceremony is still considered as an extremely important part of their identity by some young boys, but the physically demanding aspects of the Walkabout seem to lose out. Some young men want to complete Walkabout but do not feel comfortable doing so on foot. Others are unable to take a monthly Walkabout due to school or work. They may choose to experience the Walkabout as a road trip, driving through their ancestral lands.

Nevertheless, as long as the ceremony helps boys connect with their ancestors, the tradition will never fade.

【小题1】How do people know about what aboriginal young people are doing at the Walkabout ceremony?
A.From their famous landscape.B.From the communication with local people.
C.From the songs they often sing.D.From the features of their dressing.
【小题2】Aboriginal young men have to provide for themselves due to ________.
A.lack of efficient transportationB.their good ability to build shelter
C.the harsh condition of landscapeD.the aid of a spoken map
【小题3】What can we learn from the passage?
A.Walkabout ceremony is the most important ceremony among aboriginal.
B.Ancestral milestones still have an impact on capable young man in the tribe.
C.The tradition of the ceremony is likely to disappear even if preserved well.
D.The physically demanding aspects are taken into account at the Walkabout ceremony.
【小题4】The main purpose of the passage is to ________.
A.criticize the negative aspects of Walkabout ceremony of aboriginal
B.call on us to preserve the tradition of Walkabout ceremony
C.appeal to us to worship our ancestors more
D.give an objective introduction of a traditional ceremony
知识点:外国文化与节日说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

In Colonial days, farm families worked from sunrise to sunset and sometimes longer. People had little time for play. They did not have a chance to see other people as much as we do today. But sometimes they were able to turn hard work into good times and still visit with their neighbours.

In Virginia, Indian corn was an important crop. In late autumn after the weather had turned cold, the corn was ready to be harvested. Each ear had a cover of leaves called the husk (壳). The colonists pulled ears of corn from the dry stalks and stored the ears of corn. Later, they held a corn husking­party.

On a clear night in November, neighbouring families gathered to husk (剥去……的壳) the corn. They lit lanterns in a barn and piled the corn in high mounds(垛) on the floor. Then everyone went to work.

Most of the corn was yellow or white. But from time to time, a red ear was found. The person who found it was supposed to have good luck.

As people worked together, they enjoyed each other’s company. There was cider to drink and cakes and cookies to eat. Corn husking was a favourite with boys and girls because they liked the chance to have a party.

【小题1】When and where were corn husking parties held?
A.They were held in barns at night.
B.They were held in the fields at night.
C.They were held on farms during the day.
D.They were held on farms on moonless nights.
【小题2】Why did boys and girls like corn huskings?
A.They liked the chance to dress up.
B.They liked to have parties.
C.They liked to count the ears of corn.
D.They liked to do hard work.
【小题3】What is the passage mainly about?
A.It is about harvesting an important crop.
B.It is about Indians during Colonial days.
C.It is about dances held in colonial barns.
D.It is about how to husk corn.
【小题4】How would the person feel when he found a red corn?
A.He would feel very happy.B.He would feel very sorry.
C.He would feel very worried.D.He would feel very satisfied.

World Environment Day is celebrated annually on June 5th and was created to inspire people around the globe to take an active part in environmental protection and learn more about ways we can help to guarantee the future of our planet is safe.

The very first World Environment Day took place in 1974, established by the United Nations General Assembly on the first day of the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment that took place in 1972. Each year the United Nations picks a theme and a host city where anyone who is concerned about the environment can talk about environmental topics with others, followed by different kinds of exhibits to promote environmental awareness. Environmentalists, academics and scientists come together to bring new ideas on the table concerning the environment.

The 2018 World Environment Day was hosted by India, and the theme was Beat Plastic Pollution. It urged people to explore and choose supportable alternatives like paper or cloth bags to reduce the production and use of disposable plastic, which made up 10% of all of the waste. Even though the United Nations picks a specific host city every year, people around the world still celebrate World Environment Day in their hometowns with parades (游行), concerts, cleaning up, tree planting and all kinds of green actions to work towards having a beautiful planet and battling pollution.

World Environment Day is not a public holiday, so you won’t be getting the day off work or school, but if you want to celebrate, why not bring it to the attention of your parents, friends, colleagues or classmates? World Environment Day is all about working together to take action for the planet, so try to get everyone you know interested in helping do something. Things as small as making sure people have a way to recycle can make a difference. You could also try beautifying your neighborhood by planting gardens, learn about green foods, raise money for a local wildlife conservation group or simply learn about the effects of different products on the earth.

【小题1】What do people do on World Environment Day?
A.Decide a host city.
B.Hold a theme party.
C.Discuss environmental ideas.
D.Show some plastic products.
【小题2】Which of the following words is closest in meaning to the underlined word “disposable” in Paragraph 3?
【小题3】What’s the main idea of the last paragraph?
A.Every bit of effort counts.
B.Doing is better than saying.
C.Many hands make light work.
D.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.


If you’re planning on hitting a cultural festival this year, make sure you check out the background information about some of them.


Burning Man started in 1986, when Larry Harvey and Jerry James built a 8-foot-tall wooden figure and dragged it to San Francisco’s Baker Beach. They lit it on fire and thus one of the world’s strangest, wildest parties was born. It takes place from the last Sunday in August to Labor Day, with an emphasis on freedom, creativity, and self-expression.


Arguably the biggest festival in the world, Brazil’s Carnival is widely considered “the greatest show on Earth”. The event takes place in February or March, attracting nearly 5 million people who’re baking in the heat each year. There are annual samba competitions for the celebration, and the carnival parades are usually the stuff of legend.


Located in Northeast China, Harbin receives some seriously cold winter winds blowing over from Siberia. So why would any healthy person want to visit for this month-long Chinese festival, which officially starts on January 5. Because it’s home to the largest ice sculptures in the world, and the celebration takes over the entire city. Activities in the area during the festival include touring ice lantern exhibitions and swimming in the river’s cold waters.


The rest of the world could learn a thing or two from the Netherlands about properly celebrating the national governor’s birthday. King’s Day is now officially celebrated on April 27 and includes an official government ceremony followed by sporting competitions and family-friendly celebrations. The great climate also makes for ideal conditions for a country-wide flea market you have to see to believe.

【小题1】Which festival can people attend in August?
A.Burning Man.B.Carnival.
C.Ice & Snow Sculpture Festival.D.King’s Day.
【小题2】What do Carnival and Ice & Snow Sculpture Festival have in common?
A.They share religious origins.
B.They attract visitors most at night.
C.They include underwater activities.
D.They are held in extreme temperatures.
【小题3】What is special about King’s Day?
A.It is celebrated around the world.
B.It ends with a wonderful ceremony.
C.It features an ice lantern exhibition.
D.It is in honor of the head of the country.
