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Group discussions are a way of expressing your thoughts and opinions with other people. It is an opportunity to learn more about other people and develop your own personality. You become better at group discussions because it will help you throughout your whole life. 【小题1】 then this blog is the right place for you. Here, we will share some things you can do to excel at group discussions.

Learn about the subject

【小题2】 You cannot just walk into a group discussion without having any idea what it is about. So, make sure that you do your research before stepping into the discussion.

Be confident when you speak

The best way to make your discussion go well is by being confident. When someone else is speaking, make sure that you consider their opinion and not simply wait for your turn to speak. 【小题3】 people are more interested in listening to you, and they’ll respect you more as a person.


One of the most important aspects of group discussions is to be a good listener. Active listening is one of the most important skills in life, which is why you need to practice using it.

Use group discussion to express yourself

Group discussions are a way of expressing yourself. It is not just about talking; it is more about putting your thoughts in front of other people. 【小题5】, but people prefer to bear your opinions in order to open their minds.

A.Been an active listener
B.Choose your words wisely
C.When there is a conflict in opinion
D.When you are confident while speaking
E.Speaking your heart out can be hard at times
F.If you are also struggling with such kinds of discussions
G.It is very important that you first collect information about the topic
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As our lives become more closely connected with the digital age, it’s more important than ever to keep the spark of human connections, a key part of which is making small talk. 【小题1】 Here’s how to master the art of small talk.

The cornerstone of effective small talk lies in developing genuine interest. Genuine interest is about actively seeking to understand the other person, valuing their perspectives and appreciating the uniqueness they bring to the conversation. 【小题2】

Small talk extends beyond spoken words; it includes the art of observation. As you engage in conversation, pay attention to the speaker’s body language, facial expressions and tone of voice. 【小题3】 Being familiar with them not only helps you navigate the conversation with sensitivity but also enables you to establish a deeper connection by respecting the slight differences of the other person’s communication style.

Actually listening and connecting with someone is essential for a conversation. By providing your undivided attention, you convey respect and interest in what the other person has to say. 【小题4】 Ask follow-up questions to show that you value their insights. This depth of engagement lays the foundation for a more meaningful connection.

At the heart of successful small talk lies the authenticity (真实性) of your engagement. Authenticity fosters a sense of trust and connection, making the conversation more meaningful and memorable. Avoid the temptation to project an image or use scripted responses. 【小题5】 In the world of small talk, authenticity is the key that unlocks the door to deeper connections and more fulfilling interactions.

A.Instead, let your true self shine through.
B.Some accessible topics are great for small talk.
C.Active listening involves fully engaging with the speaker.
D.Focus on understanding their viewpoints beyond simply hearing words.
E.The signals provide valuable insights into their emotions and intentions.
F.Small talk may be a gateway to building rich and meaningful relationships.
G.By expressing authentic curiosity, you make the other person feel seen and heard.
Being a good student doesn’t mean you have to drop all social activities and dive into your books.It is still possible to have a healthy social life while getting good grades.【小题1】.Here is how you can achieve it:
Decide for yourself at the start of the term that you won’t let your schoolwork sweep you away.【小题2】
Write down your weekly schedule on a piece of paper.Chances are , you’ll have small gaps between classes during the week and more free time at the weekend.Make sure that every time you find yourself in one of those between-class gaps you use the time efficiently .【小题3】
Set aside at least one large amount of time each week as free time.Keep in mind the law of diminishing returns (收益递减).Past a certain point more hours studying will be of little benefit.【小题4】.Protect both your free time and your school time carefully .If one starts to infringe (侵犯) on the other that is just the beginning of a long, slippery downhill slope (斜坡).
【小题5】.This way, you can co-ordinate(协调) your free time with theirs.
Whenever possible, find social activities that take you off campus and away from your schoolwork.
A.Balance is the key .
B.Encourage your friends to follow a similar plan.
C.It is very important to be determined about this.
D.Try not to affect other’s time and just focus on your own.
E.You’re better off spending this time with friends.
F.You can spend more time on social life than on study.
G.Read a few pages of your school book or do some quick chores(杂活),for example.

Preparing to apply for the Ivy League

Many students dream of being admitted to famous schools, especially the Ivy League. For most of them, the chance of admission is very slim. There were 281,060 applicants for eight Ivy League schools in 2021. 【小题1】 How can you stand out from the crowd?

●High GPA

Having a GPA in the top5—10% of your class is essential, and being ranked among the top few students dramatically betters your chances. This is a critical part of your overall application. 【小题2】 You should realize that 54 percent of Harvard’s accepted students had 4.0 (out of 4.0) GPAs. Therefore, strive to enter a first echelon (梯队) school by Harvard’s standards.

●Extracurricular activities

Having only a high GPA or SAT score won’t guarantee you into an Ivy League school. 【小题3】 Logan Powell, dean of admissions at Brown University, tells students Ivies are looking to “admit specialists who focus on a few core interests for all four years of their high school careers”. They would like to see a student who is really interested in what he or she is doing and who is dedicated to perseverance. 【小题4】

Surely, Ivy Leagues want to see a well-rounded applicant who didn’t lock themselves away for four years to get good grades. Join a sports team (even if it’s just an intramural team),join a club or two and get involved with the theater department.

●Early application

【小题5】For instance, at Columbia University, 16 percent of students who applied through the college’s early decision program were four times more likely to get in than students who applied later. The college admissions website states that the reason is that confident and well-qualified applicants tend to apply early.

A.However, it is not enough.
B.Thus, show your passion and strong motivation.
C.You need to show you are smart as well as special.
D.Among them, less than 10 percent got admissions offers.
E.Your outstanding academic performance gains popularity.
F.Each Ivy League college offers an early admission program.
G.Your continuous dedication will ensure your success.
