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Do you love reading about the adventures of the X-Men? How about Superman? Maybe Scott Pilgrim is more your style. If any of these stories are familiar, you’ve likely been reading one of the most popular types of books around — comic books!

For many, though, just reading comic books isn’t enough. Do you ever dream of making your own? If so, you’re not alone. People all over the world come up with new stories every day. The process of writing a comic book can be daunting, though. Where would you begin?

All great comic books start with a great idea. Think up an interesting main character or have an exciting adventure in mind. From there, you can build a whole cast of characters and imagine the world they live in. Then, put together the plot of your story. What is the major conflict? What events will lead to the climax? Once your idea is fully formed, it’s time to start writing.

Before designing your comic book, you should give a description of the main points or major events involved in your work first. It can help direct how to write your own comic book. Once you know the major events that will happen in the story, you can choose the layout for the comic book.

Most comic book creators sketch the comic first in pencil, then add ink and color later. A minor slip or human errors will be avoidable in the final comic. Another option is to use design software to create the graphics for your story. While creating the book, don’t forget to leave room for lettering! You’ll want to have plenty of space to add dialogue and sound effects.

When your comic book is finished, the final step is to publish your work. Many authors sell their comics online or allow people to download portions of them for free. This can help you build a following. If you dream of writing for DC Comics one day, this is a great way to get started. Most large comic publishers look for stories that are already popular with online audiences. The larger an audience you can build, the better.

【小题1】What does “daunting” underlined in Paragraph 2 mean?
【小题2】When should you start writing your comic book?
A.After having the characters.B.After setting a certain world.
C.After finding design software.D.After figuring out the events.
【小题3】Why is it necessary to leave space while drawing?
A.To add a contact number.B.To have conversations.
C.To beautify the comic book.D.To allow readers to comment.
【小题4】How do comic authors often promote their works?
A.By building a team.B.By filming them.
C.By providing free downloading.D.By holding book signing.
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Guide to Planning a Trip

Planning a trip can be stressful if you’re not sure where to start or you’re afraid you’ll forget something important. These are the steps that I always follow when I’m planning a trip.

Pick your destination

【小题1】 Picking the right place according to the season is a key factor in understanding     how to plan a trip successfully. Usually, the ideal season to visit the above places is completely different. Also, considering the cost while picking a destination is important.

Set up the transportation

This is usually one of the most tedious steps, but you can make it much easier by reading our guide on how to find cheap flights or trains. 【小题2】 Upon arriving the destination, you can either use public transportation or rent a car. Some cities have good public transportation systems, so it’s up to you.


Decide how many nights you want to stay and book the places to live according to your budget. Don’t forget to research whether it’s cheaper to pay in advance or upon arrival. Reserving many stays at a time will get you discounts or free breakfast.

Decide which attractions to visit

Make a list of all the attractions you want to visit. It’s better to focus on seeing things that really interest you, rather than trying to rush as many places as possible. It will save you a lot of time if someone you know has been to this place. 【小题4】

Travel planning takes time and effort, but remember that, you may not need to do all these steps. 【小题5】

A.Consider your budget
B.Book the accommodation
C.Many apps make it easy to find the best prices.
D.Ask them about the details and matters that need attention.
E.The tour guide will provide you with latest information about the places.
F.There’s nothing to say when your mind wishes to visit the beaches or mountains.
G.Rather than worrying about a long to-do list, just enjoy the process of planning your trip.

Whatever it means to be a good child, it doesn’t mean being perfect. 【小题1】 Maybe one way to think of it is this: good children put themselves on the path towards being happy, successful adults. Any parent would appreciate this type of good children.

Treat others like you want to be treated.

【小题2】, and it really is a valuable rule to love by. For children, acting towards your parents, friends, family and other people with this guide in mind shows thoughtfulness and maturity on your part.

Learn to recognize how other people are feeling.

If you know how other people are feeling and are likely to react, you’ll have a great advantage in deciding how you’d behave in that situation. For instance, if your parents are stressed about how they’re going to pay for the bills for the month, it is probably not the best time to ask for a video game or new shoes. 【小题3】, it is probably not the best time to tease him about his lack of athletic skills.


When someone is hurting, or needs a hand, do what you can to help. The world always needs more sympathetic, helpful people.

Offer gratitude to those who help you.

As you become more aware of how you can help others, you should also become more aware of all the people that help you. 【小题5】 .

A.Know when to ask for help
B.Show concern and sympathy
C.Many people call this the “golden rule”
D.Let them know you appreciate all they do for you
E.Explain how you feel about the conflict by saying something
F.Or, if your brother is upset about not making the baseball team
G.It does involve qualities like understanding, self-discipline, and appreciation, though

How to improve body and mind at home

To most Chinese people, the 2020 Lunar New Year has been quite different from any previous Spring Festival because of the corona virus outbreak. No more large family gatherings or visits. Thanks to social media, computer games and online TV series and movies, staying inside is easier than in years past. 【小题1】.   Here are some activities you could try to get away from the screen for a while.

Read books

If you choose a good book, it can help you enjoy a whole day at home. The ability of your brain to process words could be greatly improved through reading. And your vocabulary could he enlarged as well. Personally, paper copies are recommended. 【小题2】 .


You don’t have to be Wang Xizhi. the well-known Chinese calligrapher, before starting to practice your calligraphy. Everyone can pick up a brush and write something, even if it may look very ugly at first. But the point of such practice is not to write beautiful characters.【小题4】 . One good option to start with is copying classic texts.

Practice yoga or tai chi

【小题5】. Many Chinese people, especially women, are crazy for yoga. Now is a good time to practice yoga every day to make your body more flexible. Likewise, you can try tai chi, which can improve both mind and body.

A.Copy classic texts
B.Practice calligraphy
C.It’s about enhancing your ability to calm down and focus
D.The touch and smell of real paper has no digital replacement
E.While improving your mind, your body should not be neglected
F.For example, copies of the Dunhuang Mogao caves are a good choice
G.But too much media entertainment could be a burden to both the mind and eyes
