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Smartphones are getting boring. The new models are either a bit faster or have better cameras, but they are basically no different from the ones already in our pockets. This is why scientists are hoping, and working for something new, something that will change our lives just as greatly as smartphones do. At the moment, the next invention might be smart glasses.

Just imagine. Instead of having to pick up your phone and look at the screen, all of the information you need simply appears just in front of you, in your glasses. Satellite navigation (导航) directions would appear right there on the road. And your smart glasses could guide you to the right shelf in the supermarket!

Smart glasses could also be used in industry. They could show engineers the instructions they need to fix things more quickly. A doctor could carry out a difficult operation, guided in real time by someone on the other side of the world.

This may sound impossible. But most of the technologies to invent them are already there. For example, one key technology is called AR, which can make digital 3D objects appear as if they are part of the real world. We’ve used it a lot on our video calls. Similarly, huge progress has been made in spatial audio. This is when a sound is made to give it a sense of place, like what you hear in an empty room. Some high-end earphones can already do that. Future glasses will of course need to recognize (识别) your voice to do tasks. This technology has been widely used in our daily life.

So, why aren’t we all wearing smart glasses yet? So far, no one has invented a good way to send images (图像) of our world onto glasses. However, with the rapid development of technology, smart glasses could arrive much sooner than we think.

【小题1】Why does the writer mention smartphones in Paragraph 1?
A.To start a story.B.To explain an idea.
C.To introduce a topic.D.To discuss a problem.
【小题2】What are Paragraphs 2 and 3 mainly about?
A.When smart glasses might be made.B.Where smart glasses could be used.
C.How smart glasses would give directions.D.Why smart glasses should be changed.
【小题3】Which of the following technologies needs to be improved to invent smart glasses?
A.Making spatial audio.B.Recognizing voices.
C.Creating digital 3D objects.D.Sending images onto glasses.
【小题4】How might the writer feel about the future of smart glasses?
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Most autonomous vehicles test-driving in cities navigate (导航) by using 3-D maps marking every edge of roadside with almost centimeter-level accuracy. But few places have been mapped in such detail, which has left most areas like smaller towns inaccessible to those driverless cars.

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) now have developed a new navigation system that guides autonomous vehicles without such accurate maps. This technology can help driverless cars travel almost anywhere.

The navigation system maps out a course down unfamiliar roads much as a human driver would by continually scanning its surroundings, with a laser sensor (激光感应器), to measure   how close it is to the edges of the road. Meanwhile, the car also follows a tool like a smart phone map app that provides directions to its destination, as well as information about the rules of the road, such as speed limits and the positions of stoplights. Teddy Ort, a roboticist at MIT, test-drove a car equipped with this navigation system on a one-way road. It slowly traveled one kilometer without any human assistance.

This system assumes that a car has a clear path down the road, but it can be paired with other existing computing technology to discover in-road obstacles (障碍), says Ort. The researchers also plan to build a version of this system which can spot markings painted on streets, so that the car can drive on two-way roads. "Self-driving cars with this navigation system may need other sensors to work in different conditions,” Alexander Wyglinski, and electrical engineer at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. "Since laser sensors don’t work well in rain or snow,   these cars might need additional imaging technologies to drive safely in bad weather. "

【小题1】What may be a problem for most driverless cars?
A.They fail in test-driving.
B.Their maps are out-dated.
C.They run in limited areas.
D.Their guides are unreliable.
【小题2】What can we infer about the MIT navigation system?
A.It includes accurate maps.
B.It removes in-road obstacles.
C.It works by detecting the road.
D.It features a smart phone app.
【小题3】What is the purpose of Paragraph 4?
A.To confirm the test-drive results.
B.To indicate further research areas.
C.To recognize scientists’ achievements.
D.To show the creativity of driverless cars.
【小题4】What is the main idea of the text?
A.Autonomous cars beat human drivers on country roads.
B.Navigating self-driving cars may work in different conditions.
C.Smart mapping technology adds to the functions of self-driving cars.
D.A new navigation system helps autonomous cars drive remote roads.
Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

Edison and Popular Culture

Whenever we play music or go to the movies, we enjoy the benefits of Thomas Edison’s genius and hard work. Although Edison is perhaps most famous for his light bulb, his inventions in sound recording and motion pictures has contributed to entertainment industry.

After his successful development of the first phonograph in 1877, Edison and his researchers made countless improvements to the phonograph (留声机) striving for the finest sound reproduction possible. 【小题1】 What the public really wanted, however, was a machine to play music. Recognizing the biggest market for the phonograph, Edison began producing musical records in the early 1890s. However scratchy and rough those early records seemed, they were amazing to buyers who were hearing recorded sound for the very first time. The development of records, cassette tapes and finally digital music traces back to Edison’s early experiments with sound recording.

【小题2】 In October 1888, Edison intended to do “for the Eye what the phonograph does for the Ear, which is the recording and reproduction of things in motion.” Thus began Edison’s development of the kinetograph (motion picture camera) and kinetoscope (motion picture viewer).

Over the next years, Edison experimented with the making of motion pictures, constructing the Black Maria, the world’s first structure especially built to be a motion picture studio. The first motion pictures were not projected on a theater screen. 【小题3】 For a 5-cent coin, viewers could look through the peephole (窥孔) to see Blacksmith Scene, or the Barbershop. Although the first films lasted less than a minute, they excited audiences as much as any film seen today.

The first films were silent, but in 1895 Edison attempted to combine sound recording and motion pictures in a device he called the kinetophone. Unfortunately, this early effort at talking motion pictures proved unsuccessful. More than thirty years would pass before sound films would become widespread.

Edison wanted to invent things to improve the lives of all people, whether it was electric light bulbs to light their homes or phonographs and motion pictures to inspire their imagination. Every time we turn on a light switch or watch movie, we enjoy the gift of Edison’s genius. But true genius, said Edison, relies on “hard work, stick-to-initiativeness, and common sense”. 【小题4】

A.Thomas Edison’s own example of dedication and determination may be his true gift.
B.Instead, viewers looked through a peephole fixed on top of a box with the projector inside.
C.Edison managed to make the phonograph praised by most people with effort and devotion,
D.Not satisfied with merely recording sound, Edison turned his attention to another of the senses: sight.
E.Thanks to Edison, people can live a convenient and comfortable life that we couldn’t imagine before.
F.At first, Edison thought the phonograph primarily suitable only for business purposes, like the dictation of letters.

Robots have long been drawing inspiration from animals, with the creation of robot dogs or snake-shaped robots. And yet, the field of robotics is far less enthusiastic about the other kind of living things — plants. Barbara Mazzolai, an Italian roboticist owes this to a misconception about plant behavior: that they cannot move or think. “It’s not true at all,” she says. To challenge this view, Dr Mazzolai and her team recently launched a machine called “FiloBot”, a robot based on a climbing species.

To survive, a climbing plant must switch between several different behaviors. In forest environments, it must first grow out of the soil and travel along the ground in search of a support to hold onto, such as a nearby tree. Once a support is located, though, the plant fixes itself around the object and then growing towards the light. To choose the best angle to grow upwards, a climbing plant uses its shoots (芽) to receive information about light and gravity.

FiloBot has sensors on its main shoot. It can 3D-print its body with plastic and grow at a controllable rate. These functions, researchers found, enabled FiloBot to cross gaps, and find things to attach to. The lack of heavy on-board computing device means that it is light and requires minimal care, while its slow pace means that it doesn’t disturb things around it, making it possible to move through a complex, unseen environment, or monitoring disaster sites.

For now, FiloBot is still being tested. Its tendrils (卷须) have not left the laboratory. Still, it has already been employed in deconstructing plant behaviour. For example, it was long assumed that climbing plants find their supports by growing towards shade, though the exact mechanism was unclear. FiloBot could imitate this behaviour by detecting far-red light, which is typical of shaded areas, providing clues to how plants do it.

Dr Mazzolai hopes that such projects will inspire other roboticists to take their cues from plants and develop completely new technologies.

【小题1】What does the misconception about plants in the field of robotics focus on?
A.Their shapes.B.Their diversity.
C.Their body language.D.Their capabilities.
【小题2】What is an advantage of FiloBot?
A.It moves quickly.B.It has a solid metal body.
C.It adapts to different environment.D.It is attached to huge computers.
【小题3】What is paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.The limitations of FiloBot.B.The current use of FiloBot.
C.The components of FiloBot.D.The unique feature of FiloBot’s design.
【小题4】Which of the following is a suitable title for this text?
A.A Role Model for Robotics Research
B.A Glimpse into the World of Robotics
C.A Plant-Inspired Innovation in Robotics
D.A Misunderstanding of the Plant Kingdom
