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There was a time when my favorite thing to do in the entire world was to play in the woods near our house. A river ran through them, so not only could I climb branches, but I could turn over rocks on the riverbank and find baby eels (鳗鱼).

My favorite book was called Guide to Reptiles (爬行动物). My father had given it to me for my birthday, and I read every page over and over, looking at the pictures of colorful animals. Some of the snakes were the most beautiful creatures I had ever seen, and some were described as poisonous, but still an important part of the ecosystem.

Little did I know that my book would end up saving a life.

My family moved to Virginia, into a new house. The houses were so new that no one had lived in them before. In fact, woods had been there first, and almost all the trees had been cut down to make room for houses and driveways. Inside our new house, everything smelled like fresh paint. Outside, no lawns had been planted, but my father tossed out grass seed and baby seedlings grew. My brother Patrick and I could not walk on them. We had to play in the driveway.

All the same, I liked our new house. One of the best things about living near the woods were the animals that would come into our yard. Rabbits and turtles came over every night. It seemed as if they were only trying to go home, and instead, what they had found was a big new land where their old homes used to be.

Besides playing in the driveway, we spent time in a sandbox, which my father built right next to the driveway. One day before dinner, I ran to the sandbox to build a castle but found there in the sandbox was a snake.

It was lying very still, and it was beautiful. The snake had rings of color around it-red, then white, then yellow, then black. I had seen a picture just like it in my reptile book, and I remembered that it was one of the prettiest snakes in it. It said in the book that the poisonous snake looked very much like it. I was scared and ran inside.

Para 1: “Dad! Dad! There’s a snake in the sandbox!” I yelled.


Para 2: Two hours after the call, the zoo expert arrived with a secure container.

知识点:人与动植物生活故事 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

One day two years ago, my mother came home from work and announced that she had found a pet for the family. My father, little sister, and I eyed her in doubt.

My sister asked what kind of dog it was. My mother said it was a poodle (贵宾犬) named Pepe. I couldn’t believe she wanted a poodle — especially one with such an ordinary name. But she had made up her mind. “Actually, I’m doing a co-worker a favor,” she said. “The woman who owns Pepe says he hates to be alone and needs children to play with him.”

Pepe arrived the next night. His short tail shook happily. I didn’t get very close to him, thinking he should have stayed with his previous owner. My little sister played with him until bedtime, and he would come to me and begged for more attention. I always ignored him. But no matter how I treated him, he’d always like to be with me. He has always been waiting for me at the front door at the end of the day, smiling happily. He seems to know that I will be coming home from school at that time. Every day, he asks me with his eyes to play with him or take him somewhere. At night, he will wait until I fall asleep, leave his bed by the wall heater, walk down the hall and jump onto the end of my bed.

One night, while everyone was sleeping, I was in a half dream state. My throat hurt, my eyes pained, and some animal was crying in my ear. I opened my eyes and saw fog in my room. I wondered who left the window open. Pepe cried and bit my pajama sleeve (睡衣袖). Then I woke up and realized that it wasn’t fog in my room — it was smoke.

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Standing up, I couldn’t breathe.
I turned off the burner with Pepe around me.

Catia Lattouf de Arída has been using her apartment in Mexico City as a hospital and shelter for injured and abandoned hummingbirds(蜂鸟)for the last 11 years.

Hummingbirds are a very important part of Mexico’s ecosystem, but because of the ever-expanding urban landscape, they face all sorts of serious threats. That’s where 73-year-old Catia comes in. As a self-taught hummingbird caretaker, she devotes most of her free time and resources to nursing the tiny birds back to health. She has been doing it for over a decade and her home in Mexico City has become known as a hummingbird hospital.

Catia’s story as a hummingbird nurse began in 2011, at a very difficult moment in her life. She had lost her husband two years prior and she herself was battling cancer. She was walking on the street one day when she noticed a hummingbird that had suffered a serious eye injury. The kindhearted woman took it home, but she knew nothing about taking care of a bird, let alone such a tiny one. However, a veterinarian(兽医)friend encouraged her to look after the hummingbird, and that led to a life devoted to rescuing hundreds of tiny birds.

“It wrote me a new life,” Catia recently said about Gucci, the first hummingbird she ever cared for. Catia managed to nurse Gucci back to health, but she claims it was the tiny bird that saved her. She had sold her five high-end boutiques(精品店)in the city to focus on her battle with cancer and had fallen into a depression, but the hummingbird managed to pull her out of the sadness and loneliness that had taken over her life. And it was only the beginning.

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Word of her success spread among Catia’s friends, and before long some of them began bringing her injured and abandoned hummingbirds.


In order to raise awareness of the difficulty of hummingbirds in Mexico, Catia started posting videos of the patients on social media and many of them spread quickly.

