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One day, Billy was walking in the park when he suddenly came across a homeless dog. He initially was frightened of the dog, who glared and barked at him from the bushes.

“Hey there... You hungry?” Billy asked softly, trying to calm the dog down as he reached into his pocket to pull out a sandwich. He took one half and held it out to the dog. The dog calmed down, stepped forward and ate it next to Billy. A little calmer, Billy started to pat the dog as he ate the other half.

The dog began to lick (舔) his hand when both pieces were finished. “I’m sorry. That was the only sandwich I took with me,” Billy laughed cheerfully, fully lowering his guard. As he got up, the dog began running and jumping happily around Billy, hoping to play with him. “Sorry, buddy. I have to go home,” Billy said. The dog cautiously followed Billy. Later that evening, Billy saw the dog sitting outside his yard through the window. He immediately ran out to her. “Buddy, what are you doing here?” Billy asked as he playfully patted her. The dog wagged her tail, barking in delight.

“Alright. Let me try and see if my mom won’t mind taking you in,” Billy said.

Billy ran back and told his mom all about the dog. “Are you crazy, Billy? We barely have enough to sustain ourselves. I’m sorry, but it’s a no!” Mom declined him.

Billy accepted his mom’s words and went outside to say his goodbyes. However, when he got outside, he noticed the heavy storm was coming and felt for his new friend.

He had hoped that the dog would seek shelter somewhere, but she just sat there. He fig-ured she was still waiting for him, so he went out into the rain to try to lead his friend to shelter.

“Come on, girl! Go!” Billy said, trying to lead the dog to the nearby sheltered car park. But she wouldn’t move an inch. She stuck right by his side. The rain began to pour down harder.


Just at the moment, Mom appeared at the door.


The next morning, Billy put up notices in the park to find the dog owner.

知识点:人与动植物善行义举(个人)生活故事 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

I remember the park rangers saying, “Why are you going up there? There is no water on the top, and you’re not going to find any frogs.” I said, “Well, I’m going to check it out.”

The Espinhaco mountain range in the east of Brazil is a very special place, and it’s mostly unknown. My house looks on to the mountain in Pico do Itambe state park, so I have my breakfast looking at it each morning. You’re surrounded by thunderstorms and strong winds, and the humidity is high. I waited for heavy rains and went to climb to the top.

What had caught my eye were the bromeliad plants, which look like the top of a giant pineapple. Each plant can hold up to 2 litres of water, and inside there is so much happening. Larvae, beetles, all kinds of invertebrate (无脊椎动物) live in there—it's a whole ecosystem in a tiny space. The central cup holds loads of rainwater, and I thought there could be some frogs using them.

Sure enough I was right. And this led me to discover a new species of frog, which I have committed my life to protecting. That day, I found a frog in the very first bromeliad I looked inside. I thought, wow, I’ve never seen such a tiny frog; it was the size of my nail. I couldn’t catch it—the plant was complicated inside.

I looked in the next bromeliad and there was another frog. They all had them in. I saw about 20 frogs that night, and caught three. I took them to the museum for identification, but couldn’t find a match. I ended up walking around with three little frogs in my bag for a year, preserved in a jar. I would take them to meetings with me, and ask people if they had ever seen them before.

Paragraph 1:

Then I met an expert who took one look at them and said it was a new species.

Paragraph 2:

During my research, part of the area where these frogs live was destroyed by fire.


Police Outpost Lake is as far south as you can go in Canada. In fact, next to the lake are the protected wetlands, where songbirds, ducks, and Canada geese glided by on the breeze, touching down briefly on the water’s surface before flapping (振翅) their way back up into the sky.

Standing at the lake’s edge, my cousin, Allan, and I cast our fishing lines separately onto the smooth-as-glass water. Down the shoreline was Allan’s father, my uncle Rick. He liked to fish alone, away from distractions, noise, and other people.

Allan shouted, “Dad, where should I stand?”

Uncle Rick pressed his finger to his lips, pointed to a shady spot by a large rock where he had cast his line and shook his head gently.

“He wants us to be quiet or else we won’t catch any fish.” I whispered.

“Why do I have to be so quiet?” asked Allan. “All those birds are making more noise than I ever could!”

I ignored him, pulling back on my rod gently and squinting into the glare of the sun. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of a few great northern loons (潜鸟) gathering together not far from the shoreline. What were they doing there? Loons usually travel alone, but here were five of them in a cluster. Maybe it was a family? Just then one loon, making a loud painful cry, swam away from the group, toward me.

“Allan! Come here. Now!”

Allan laid his fishing rod down on the dirty sand, darting toward me.

“Come here. Take a look at that loon. It’s swimming toward us, not far away from us. It’s trying to get our attention.”

The loon finally stopped in the shallow water near shore, not ten feet away from us. It was so close that we could see its round red eyes. Strangely, the bird’s wings were held tight against its body.

Wading into the water and getting closer to the loon, we both saw a fishing line wrapped tightly around its neck and a shiny red hook (鱼钩) in its body. Left like this, the loon couldn’t fly or fish or survive. It was asking us to help!

1. 续写词数应为 150 词左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

“Go fetch the scissors from the fishing box,” I urged Allan.


As I set down the loon on the water, it joyfully flapped its wings.


“I don't want to go.” Maria moved her feet slightly and hung her shoulders. Mom continued packing a bag. “We're going to Uncle Rich' s in Montana for summer vacation. He's your father's brother, and we go there every year.”

Maria stormed out of her mom's room and said angrily, “Nobody ever thinks of me!” “That's enough. We're going.” replied Mom angrily, too.

Their August vacation came sooner than Maria wanted. Before she knew it, she and the family were at Uncle Rich's farm. Uncle Rich grabbed her dad and hugged him. Maria grabbed her bag, “I'm going to my room.”

“Wait a minute, Maria,” said Uncle Rich. “I have got something to show you.” At the barn (牲口棚) Maria saw the horse. It was of medium size. It had a fine, soft black coat and one white foot. There was a wide white patch (斑) that ran down the center of its face. Maria fell in love with it at first sight. “Wow! What a horse!”

“He's a mustang,” said Uncle Rich. “Mustangs are free horses who live in the wild. We found him stuck in the mud down by the river. My friend and I roped him and managed to get him out.”

Maria kicked the dirt. “Can I help care for him?” Then she felt her heart beating in expectation.

Uncle Rich laughed. “You bet. The more hands we have, the better. Just don't get too attached. Once we're sure he's okay, we will have to set him free. Mustangs went from over a million at the beginning of the 20th century to less than 17,000 in 1970. They were hunted illegally for meat.”

注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答.
Paragraph 1 :

Hearing this, Maria felt her stomach turn.

Paragraph 2 :

Maria hurried back to the barn in a flash.

