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My parents moved to Vermont when I was still a baby. A soft-spoken man, my father settled quietly into his medical practice. Soon the local people accepted him as one of their own. Around town the neighbors greeted my father as “Doc Eppley”. And I would always be known as “Doctor Eppley’s son”. “If you’re anything like your father, you’ll be a smart boy,” my first-grade teacher said. I couldn’t stop beaming.

Initially, I was never tired of letting others know that my father was one of the town’s most respected people. Somewhere in my teenage years, however, something changed. I was sixteen years old and I grew impatient whenever I heard my neighbors still calling me “Doctor Eppley’s son”. My father’s name now seemed like an ugly shadow that followed me wherever I went. And so when strangers asked me if I was Doctor Eppley’s son, I would reply loudly, “My name is Harold.” As an act of rebellion (叛逆), I began to call my father by his first name, Sam. “Why are you acting so rude lately?” my father questioned me one day. “Well, Sam,” I replied, “I suppose that bothers you. You know it hurts me when you call me Sam,” my father shouted.” Well, it hurts me when everybody expects me to be just like you. I want to be myself. Let me take it out for a drive, “I said, pointing to my father’s new car. My father agreed, but not without his usual warning,” Be careful. Keys are in the kitchen. “I glared at him,” Sam, I’m sick of being treated like a child. I’m in college now. “I jumped into the car and headed down the road, enjoying the beauty of the countryside. My mind was wandering when I hit the car right in front of mine before I knew it. The woman in the car jumped out screaming: “You idiot! What were you looking at?” I surveyed the damage. Both cars had suffered serious dents (凹痕).


I sat there like a guilty child as the woman continued swearing.


An hour later, I drove my father’s broken new car back home.

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Allen came here today only because of Grandfather, who refused to use anything but bat (蝙蝠) waste to feed his crops.

Grandfather had always come here by himself before. But recently he was too weak to do the whole job. Grandfather could gather the waste and bring it out in the basket, but he needed Allen to pull it home in the wooden cart (手拉车).

On arrival, Grandfather took a shovel (铁铲), a flashlight and the basket from the cart. “Would you come inside with me?” he asked Allen. Allen hadn’t been in the cave for nearly two months. Not since the Terrible Day of the Bats. “It won’t happen again, Allen,” Grandfather promised. “That time it was my mistake to wait until nearly dusk (黄昏) to go inside. I know that the bats fly out of the cave at sunset.” That was exactly what happened on the Terrible Day of the Bats. As Allen was standing at the entrance, a large group of bats suddenly flew from it. Allen was frightened. “Bats hurt no one,” Grandfather said. “Besides, you shock them as much as they do you.”

But nothing could make Allen forget the horror he had felt enclosed (被包围) in that black cloud of bats. “I can’t go in there,” he answered. “OK,” Grandfather said. As he started to go into the cave, he called over his shoulder, “I’ll be out in no time.” Allen looked quickly at the shovel and flashlight inside the cart—his shovel and flashlight. He used them back in the days when he always helped Grandfather. Now they only reminded him of his fear.

Allen walked down to the river, sitting and watching the fishermen in their small boats. Suddenly, Allen realized that Grandfather’s “no time” had turned into a long time. Had he somehow missed Grandfather? Had Grandfather pulled the cart home by himself? Allen hurried up the hill toward the cave. The cart was there. Grandfather was still inside. Something must have gone wrong, Allen thought. He had to go in, but he didn’t dare.

“I must take action right now,” Allen said to himself.
“Where is Grandfather in the cave,” Allen wondered.

I was home with my two young kids, when my mind started to wander. I was reflecting on my past and couldn’t help but think: Whatever happened to Kathy?

Kathy lived in a tiny Canadian town and she became my pen pal when I was 13. As a girl growing up in New Zealand, I was curious to learn more about the world and Kathy’s letters certainly showed me how different life could be in another country.

When I was 18, the letters had petered out(逐渐减少) and we lost contact. I’d gone on to marry my husband, Paul, and start a family, but the more I thought about it, the more I missed news of Kathy’s adventures. I decided to write to Kathy and knowing that her parents lived in such a small town, I addressed the letter to them and hoped for the best.

Three weeks later, my heart leapt when I got an envelope postmarked from Canada. “I recognized your handwriting straightaway,” Kathy wrote to me. It turned out that, like me, she’d also married but due to health problems, she was unable to have children. Her job as a nurse kept her busy and she enjoyed helping others.

Realizing how quickly life could change. I promised to keep writing to her no matter what. Her letters soon became a highlight for me, giving me the same excitement I’d felt as a 13-year-old.

One day, when Paul was using the saw(锯子) to cut some wood, a splinter(尖细条) flew into the center of my right eye and I lost my sight permanently. Paul felt terrible and while it was a huge blow(打击) for me, I tried to carry on as best I could. Soon, I needed an artificial eye(义眼, 假眼) and received financial compensation(赔偿) as a result of the accident in our yard.

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One day, Paul advised, “Gayel, you should use the money to do something for yourself.”


So I left Paul and the kids to travel 30 hours to reach Kathy.


Six hundred anxious parents and relatives sat in the school hall waiting for the talent show to begin. Jane sat alone in the crowd. It seemed everything she did lately, she did alone. Over the past several years the unexpected downward spirals (逐渐下滑) had destroyed her marriage and seriously threatened her financial situation, leaving her exhausted and hopeless. She worried how she was going to provide a future for herself and her eight-year-old daughter, Renee.

Renee had one passion—to learn Irish dance. For several years, with a borrowed CD, she had taught herself a few steps and had even danced in front of both her first and second grade classes. This year, despite their situation, Jane had somehow managed to squeeze enough from her budget to pay for Renee’s dancing lessons. For four months Renee had practiced, determined to perform in this talent show.

Renee could not have been more excited or looked more beautiful than she did tonight in her borrowed Irish costume and shoes. Full of confidence, she was ready to dance! As the program moved through each performance, Jane was anxious and wondered how her little third grade daughter would respond to such a large audience. In her short eight years, Renee had never faced such a challenge.

Finally, it was Renee’s turn. Jane held her breath as the curtain rose and the spotlight piereed (穿透) through the darkness and onto her daughter looking so small and alone on the stage. The audience greeted her with polite applause and the music began.

Renee fell quickly into step with the cheerful Irish tune. Her joy was evident as she danced and spun (旋转) in circles around the stage. A few in the crowd began to clap with the music. More joined in until the entire audience, caught up in the beat, was clapping along with Renee as she danced lightly.

But wait! Jane wanted to shout. What happened?

Paragraph 1:

The music shouldn’t have stopped!

Paragraph 2:

In the silence of that hall, Renee danced on and on.

