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After a year of severe drought, California has seen an abundance of rain since late autumn. Abby Wines, a ranger (护林员) at Death Valley National Park in southern California, predicted that the heavy rainfall would bring us the opportunity to witness one of nature’s most spectacular displays of color and life — a superbloom — in 2023.

A superbloom refers to a large amount of wildflower growth that exceeds the average level for a typical spring. It is actually a rare phenomenon that usually takes place in exceptionally wet winters. Seeds that may have slept in desert soil for years finally receive enough water to blossom in more abundant numbers than you would see in a typical year.

The sight of the superbloom is truly breathtaking. Fields of gold, orange, and purple flowers stretch as far as the eye can see, creating a blanket of colors that can be seen from space.

However, climate change makes the phenomenon increasingly rare. In the distant past, these blooms were often excellent and enormous. As development pushes farther out, more landscapes have been changed to agriculture, and as invasive plants outcompetes the native seedlings, many of California’s spring flower fields are disappearing. In addition, thousands of tourists sometimes step on the flowers and soil, which harms the plant’s ability to adapt and thrive.

Naomi Fraga, director of conservation at the California Botanic Garden, points out that in promoting these locations where massive blooms take place, there isn’t a lot of additional information about how these are actually very fragile (脆弱的) ecosystems. Instead of promoting and sharing specific locations, it’s important to educate the public about the fragility of the ecosystems and the importance of staying on trails which people are allowed to enter.

【小题1】What is the key to a superbloom according to Abby Wines?
A.Desert soil.B.Warm climate.
C.Sufficient rainfall.D.High-quality seeds.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “exceeds” in paragraph 2 probably mean?
A.Equals to.B.Goes beyond.
C.Cuts down.D.Sets up.
【小题3】What is paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.Reasons for the superbloom being rare.
B.Factors in plants’ adapting to the environment.
C.The relationship between climate and plants growing.
D.The effect of agricultural development on plants flowering.
【小题4】What does Naomi Fraga advocate?
A.Promoting local tourism by advertising superblooms.
B.Recommending tourists perfect trails to enjoy a superbloom.
C.Strengthening the management of California Botanic Garden.
D.Leading the public to focus more on the ecological environment.
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Children who lack self-control don't lack intelligence. People who are impulsive(冲动)and quick to take risks have wonderful strengths. They are often the ones who become our adventurers, discoverers, or inventors.【小题1】

Self-control feeds directly into decision-making. A shortage of self-control during childhood might lead to a bit too much fun food at the party, more time gaming than homeworking, or a few too many bursts of anger.【小题2】During adolescence though, the consequences of poor decisions and a lack of self-control, could be disastrous.

【小题3】They close down opportunities and set them on a path to a more harmful lifestyle. These include decisions around their health, money and behavior.

Adolescence is a time of massive brain change, designed to support their preparation for adulthood.【小题4】Risk-taking is a healthy, normal part of adolescence, but teens with higher self-control are more able to calculate the risks and tell the difference between a dangerous risk and one that they can learn from and grow through.

When adolescence hits, the experiences our children expose themselves to will largely be out of our hands. This is where they start to discover who they are and where they fit into the world.【小题5】It will play a huge part in driving their decisions, their experiences and the way their brain develops as they move into adulthood. Self-control in childhood, sets up self-control in adolescence, which sets up a brain for life.

A.Their level of self-control at this stage is vital.
B.They can also cause themselves to be in a lot of trouble.
C.Part of this readying involves experimentation and taking risks.
D.The brain changes according to the experiences it is exposed to.
E.It keeps them safe and guides their developing brains in the right direction.
F.Adolescents who lack self-control are more likely to make harmful decisions.
G.In the short term, the effect from these decisions might seem fairly unharmful.

An unusual experiment in Botswana suggests that painting eyes on the rear ends (臀部) of cows may help protect them from large predators (食肉动物)like lions. Protecting cows could also end up protecting the lions from angry farmers.

Large predators like lions are under pressure. Much of the land they used to roam (漫步) has been taken over by humans. Many are hunted illegally. One serious threat to large predators comes from farmers, who often shoot or poison them after losing farm animals for their attacks.

This has long been a problem in the Okavango Delta. Some parts of the Okavango are protected, but there are also many small farms in the area, with between 6 and 100 cows. Lions are the biggest threat to cattle in the area. At night, farmers normally keep their animals in closed areas protected from predators. But in the daytime, when many predators are most active, the cattle are allowed out to eat grass.

Scientists from the University of New South Wales wondered if painting pictures of eyes on the cows’ rear ends might protect them. The idea isn’t as strange as it may sound. There are many examples of animals such as butterflies or fish using fake (假的) “eyes”to protect themselves.

Working with over 2, 000 cows on 14 different farms in the Okavango area, the scientists tested their ideas in a four-year study. The researchers separated the cows into three different groups. They painted large eyes on the rear ends of one group of cows. The second group got simple Xs. The final group got nothing.

The eyes worked very well. Of the 683 cows with eyes painted on them, none were killed in the four-year period. Cows with nothing on their rear ends didn't do so well. Fifteen of the 835 cows with bare backsides were killed. The scientists were surprised to learn that even Xs seemed to give the cows some protection. Only 4 of the 543 cows with Xs were killed.

【小题1】Why do famers become a big threat to large predators?
A.They poison them to defend themselves.
B.They hunt them for their meat and fur.
C.They shoot them just for pleasure.
D.They kill them to protect farm animals.
【小题2】What is the purpose of mentioning butterflies in the text?
A.They have beautiful eyes.B.Their fake “eyes” work.
C.They get close to nature.D.Their fake “eyes” vary.
【小题3】In what way is the fifth paragraph developed?
A.By sharing the reasons for tests.B.By listing the number of cows.
C.By presenting the facts of tests.D.By comparing the results of tests.
【小题4】What does the text mainly talk about?
A.Lions are in danger of being hunted illegally.B.Farmers become enemies of lions.
C.Protecting cows proves to be ineffective.D.Fake eyes protect cows from lions.

Wearing flip-flops (平底人字拖鞋) was once considered bad fashion manners. And flip-flops are considered only for beach goers or a short, relaxing walk to the mailbox on a hot summer day. 【小题1】. In fact, flip-flops have become so popular that many major designers are designing them for people.

However, wearing flip-flops could be bad for our bodies and the scientific studies are there to back it up. As a rule, flip-lops are not particularly supportive shoes even if they are comfortable and cool to wear. There is actually no arch support to flip-flops. By nature of design, flip-flops aren’t exactly fit for the foot — they don’t stay on well. In order to walk without losing a shoe, people unconsciously change their ways of walking. 【小题2】

Some experts also warn of short-term effects. Wearing flip-flops instead of more appropriate footwear for certain activities, especially when too much walking is involved, can lead to injured feet and ankles. 【小题3】 This makes it more likely to slip, trip, fall, and later twist an ankle.

【小题4】 For activities that require much walking or activity, such as shopping or gardening, consider wearing more appropriate shoes. When shopping for flip-flops, avoid the poorly made ones that can easily twist in your hands. Instead choose shoes that have a stronger, thicker, well-made sole. 【小题5】 Though less fashionable, these flip-flops offer some support and stability beyond the traditional ones.

A.Most flip-flops lack stability.
B.The right pair of flip-flops don’t have to be limited to sunny beach days.
C.But flip-flops don’t have to be limited to sunny beach days.
D.There are also a few varieties designed with foot health in mind.
E.Over a long time, wearing them too much could lead to foot, leg and back pain.
F.However, in recent years, these shoes have become much more fashion-forward.
G.Without having to give up wearing flip-flops entirely, experts recommend limiting their use.
