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There’s a day for just about everything, and the United Nations has designated May 20 as World Bee Day to celebrate the pollinators (传粉昆虫) living in hives, fields and gardens around the globe since 2015. It draws much concern on bees and there’s a good reason to pay attention to them.

“There are 20,000 species of bees around the world and a lot of these bees are in decline,” says Hien Ngo, a pollinator expert from the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization. That includes honeybees, of course, but Ngo says they only make up a minority of all the kinds of bees in the world. Climate change, pesticides and habitat loss are putting many of those species at risk.

“Bees really provide for us in many ways, like food and human well-being. They’re also important to our culture, dating back thousands of years in terms of heritage, inspiration of art,” Ngo says. They even provide inspiration for TikTok, where Erika Thompson,a professional beekeeper in Austin, Texas, shares her work.

“The landlord wanted to call an exterminator (根除者), but the family who lived here wanted to save the bees, so they called me,” she says in her video.

Her fans watch with happiness—and sometimes a little horror—as she picks up mounds(成堆) of bees with her bare hands and then moves them somewhere safer.

“I’ve removed bees from a lot of crazy places,” Thompson says. “You know, I’ve removed bees from homes, RVs, tires, speakers and even a toilet.”

Thompson’s work is about more than getting millions of views per video. “Bees are just a key factor in creating diverse and healthy ecosystems,” she notes.

【小题1】What can we know about World Bee Day?
A.It has a long history of hundreds of years.
B.It is celebrated on May 22 every year.
C.It is designated by the United Kingdom.
D.People pay more attention to bees because of it.
【小题2】Which factor that makes many bees in danger is NOT mentioned?
A.The change of climate.B.The shortage of food.
C.The damage to their habitat.D.The application of pesticides.
【小题3】What’s Ngo’s attitude towards celebrating World Bee Day?
【小题4】What’s the best title for the text?
A.A Video-on Bees
B.How to Celebrate World Bee Day?
C.Why Should We Celebrate World Bee Day?
D.How Can We Human Beings Protect Bees?
知识点:动物说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Wearing a caveman mask, Dr. John Marzluff walks across the campus at the University of Washington in Seattle. Crows (乌鸦) circle and squawk (尖叫), diving at him and away.

Beneath the mask, he smiles. Days before, he and his students, wearing caveman masks, trapped them and placed colored plastic bands on their legs. Then they released the unhappy birds. When the researchers wandered around campus without the masks, the crows they had caught and banded did not react to them. But when the same humans walked by while wearing the masks, the crows scolded loudly and dived at their “enemies”.

At first, only the banded birds reacted aggressively to the people in masks. But in later tests, more and more crows joined in, and even when the banded birds were not around. “Crows think and dream, fight and play, reason and take risks,” he says. “Their antics confuse us.”

This led him to study how crows’ brains work. He and his students wore one type of mask as they captured crows and brought them into the lab, training them to link that face with danger. Then a different kind of mask for more positive activities, such as feeding and caring. Then he worked with scientists at the university who scan animal brains to see which parts of a crow's brain do certain tasks. Surprisingly, the scientists found that when the crow saw the “danger” mask, one part of its brain became active. When the crow saw the “care and feeding” mask, a different part of its brain lit up. The team has shown that crows use the same parts of their brains for recognition that humans do — something that was not known before!

More than 10 years after the first mask experiment, campus crows still scold the “cavemen”. Crows also recognize people who are kind to them. Crows are always watching us... and they remember.

【小题1】Why does Dr. John Marzluff smile?
A.He intends to show his kindness.
B.He realizes his trick has worked.
C.He is amused by the happy crows.
D.He is embarrassed at the crows’ response.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “antics” in the third paragraph probably refer to?
A.Ways of behaving.B.Hunting types.
C.Flying models.D.Chances of survival.
【小题3】Which of the following words can best describe the crows according to the text?
A.Sociable, intelligent and observant.
B.Noisy, dangerous and annoying.
C.Reasonable, cautious and aggressive.
D.Strong-headed, proud and popular.
【小题4】What can we conclude about crows from the fourth paragraph?
A.They share the same wisdom as humans do.
B.They never forgive those who once hurt them.
C.They only recognize the people who are bad to them.
D.They perform tasks with different parts of their brains.

A new unnamed species of crocodile (鳄鱼) indigenous to Australia has been found in the middle of the outback. The species of crocodile presently on extinction, belonging to the Baru crocodile, is new to experts despite the fact that the animal wandered around the Australian continent 25 million years ago.

Adam Yates, senior leader of earth sciences, said that Australia’s suitable instance of the crocodile’s bone was discovered in 2009 at the site of Alcoota Fossil which is eight million years old and is 200 kilometers north-east of Alice Springs, Australia. Dr. Yates revealed that other specimens (样本) had been discovered before. He said, “This specific specimen is one of the last of its kind. It is the nicest and the bone of the Baru crocodile is the most complete among all that have ever been discovered so far.” Thanks to the bone’s condition, Dr. Yates said that it would turn into the name-bearing specimen or what he referred to as “the holotype (正模标本)” of the new species.

Dr. Yates revealed that the modern Australian crocodile is known for being ancient and fixed, but that is not really true. “The current Australian crocodiles are truly new arrivals on the Australian continent. They are part of the genus Crocodylus, which likely has its origins in Africa,” he said. “This species of crocodile immigrated and conquered Australia just a few million years ago. However, Australia’s main native crocodiles, like this one, have totally gone extinct,” he continued.

Dr. Yates also revealed that the size of this Baru crocodile can be compared to a recent saltwater crocodile; however, due to the fact that the bone is strong, it would have had more weight. He said it is likely that it weighed more than a saltwater crocodile of an equal length. So they are looking towards many hundreds of kilos. Studying the details of the bone will bring hints not only to the altering state of Australia’s environment from ancient times till now, but also to how this specific crocodile varies from other species that are known.

He also said they have to get down to the details of its structure and make a demonstration on why the structure of this one is sort of different from all the other species of ancient crocodile from Australia that are known.

Dr. Yates said the size of the bone shows that the animal was very powerful. “Its actually powerfully built heavy, thick, deep jaws, and really large teeth all imply that this was a crocodile that specifically takes megafauna (巨型动物),” he said. He added that modern crocodiles mostly survive on small prey and small fish. This guy didn’t survive on small things. Dr. Yates said modern saltwater crocodiles also had the ability of taking larger animals.

【小题1】What’s special about the new specimen?
A.It was rare in Australia.B.Its bone is well-preserved.
C.It is the first specimen of a new species.D.Its name was given by a famous scientist.
【小题2】What can be inferred from the finding of Australian crocodiles?
A.They are quite ancient and fixed.
B.They are threatened with extinction.
C.They may have their origins in Africa.
D.They have better adaptability on the Australian continent.
【小题3】What’s the significance of studying the new specimen?
A.Finding out the cause of its disappearance.
B.Helping the saltwater crocodile to live better.
C.Restoring the whole picture of this type of crocodile.
D.Learning about the change of the environment in Australia.
【小题4】What does the text mainly talk about?
A.The evolution of Australian crocodiles.
B.A study about the oldest crocodiles in Africa.
C.A newly-discovered crocodile specimen in Australia.
D.The difference between native Australian crocodiles and African ones

With a relatively small population, pandas are not out of the woods or the bamboo forest just yet. The biggest threat to the wild panda population is habitat loss. And while around 34%0f its wild habitat is protected, these areas are still vulnerable to natural disasters, such as wildfires. To protect panda habitat, the Digital Panda System, developed by the Sichuan Forest and Grassland Administration and Chinese technology giant Huawei, was used effectively across forest and grasslands in Sichuan Province

The instant reporting system helps to detect wildfires in hard-to-reach areas, alerting fire departments so they can react quickly, as well as monitoring wildlife. Meanwhile, another smart technology-facial recognition could help identify individual pandas more accurately. Each panda has a unique facial structure and hair pattern. To the human eye, their fur-covered faces all look the same, but computer programs are able to distinguish the differences.

The system collects data from over 600 cameras, drones (无人机) and satellites, which it stores in the cloud. Researchers use this data to monitor, track and study wildlife as well as detect wildfire hotspots. Because the cameras are used in remote areas where there is little or no electricity, the system is solar-powered and uses microwave transmission (传送), which doesn’t require cables (电缆).

The system assists 140,000 forest rangers, grassland managers, conservationists and researchers in Sichuan. In its first five months of operations, it detected 651 wildfire hotspots, reducing forest fires by 71.6% compared to the same period the previous year.

Despite its name, the Digital Panda System offers protection to more than just pandas. The system covers the Sichuan section of the newly established Giant Panda National Park. The park is home to most of China’s 1800 wild pandas along with a further 8,000 animal and plant species. In the future, the digital panda system could be extended across the sections of the national park that lie in Shanxi and Gansu provinces, creating more success stories for other endangered species.

【小题1】Why was the Digital Panda System built?
A.To record wildlife population.
B.To protect wild pandas from losing habitat.
C.To increase forest and grassland coverage.
D.To provide pandas with more bamboos as food.
【小题2】What do we know about the system?
A.Computer programs identify pandas by size.
B.The data collected is mainly stored in cameras.
C.Smart technology plays an important role in its operation.
D.The system fails to collect data in areas without access to electricity.
【小题3】What is the purpose of listing figures in paragraph 4?
A.To prove the effectiveness of the system.
B.To show the various functions of system.
C.To illustrate the data collection process of the program.
D.To compare the advantages and disadvantages of the system.
【小题4】What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.The system aims at saving pandas only.
B.The system has already gone into service nationwide.
C.The system is likely to benefit other animals facing extinction.
D.The system offers protection to all the species in Sichuan Province.
