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When you enjoy your morning cup of tea, you are probably not aware that those tea leaves can mean injury, or even death, for Asian elephants wandering Indian tea gardens.

In the Indian state of Assam, growing numbers of tea farms are destroying the Asian elephant’s habitats and endangering their population. Much of the forest land where tea is grown in Assam is flat and thus farmers must dig drainage trenches or small channels to prevent water from accumulating and hurting the plants. The trenches, however, can be death traps for the elephants.

Since the elephants need to use tea plantations as landmarks when traveling in forests, they almost unavoidably have to move through the farms. Moreover, because there are fewer humans around, pregnant females often use tea-growing areas as safe shelters to give birth. But baby elephants, still not used to rough ground may easily fall into the trenches and get hurt. Once injured, they might not be able to climb out. When mothers try to dig their babies out, both may be trapped in thick mud, even be killed. Furthermore, elephants are known to resist leaving their sick or dying behind, and a group may stay at a trench with a trapped baby for hours, unwilling to move on until all hope is lost.

Is there possibility for elephants to live in harmony with the booming tea business? Elephant Friendly Tea is an organization that takes the initiative to make it possible. The organization encourages consumers to choose brands that take an active part in elephants protection, and has established a certification program to reward tea growers who are doing it right. Until now, only smaller tea brands have been certified, but awareness is growing. The organization believes that people may be encouraged to buy elephant-friendly brands when they know more about the risk tea can cause to these endangered animals.

【小题1】Why do farmers in Assam dig trenches?
A.To trap elephants.B.To mark boundaries.
C.To protect tea trees.D.To expand tea farms.
【小题2】What can we say about baby elephants?
A.They get stuck by the sharp branches of the tea trees.
B.They have difficulty moving around the uneven fields.
C.They might miss the landmarks while travelling in forests.
D.They fail to find a safe shelter when climbing out of trenches.
【小题3】What does “it” underlined in the last paragraph refer to?
A.Encouraging consumers to choose high-quality brands.
B.Rewarding tea growers for protecting the environment.
C.Promoting elephant-friendly trenches and organizations.
D.Creating a win-win situation for elephants and tea farms.
【小题4】Which is the most suitable title for the text?
A.The Trenches Pose Threats to Elephants
B.Habitat Loss Affects Endangered Animals
C.Growth of Tea Gardens Benefits Plantation
D.Farms Sponsor Environmental Organizations
知识点:人与动植物说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

The area of the Yellow River Wetland Park in Yinchuan, capital of Ningxia Hui autonomous region, was once a place local people avoided: the waste water caused awful smells and almost no grass could grow on the land.

Now, the park has not only become a popular destination for locals to take a walk, but also a habitat frequented by migratory birds (候鸟).

As secretary general of Ningxia’s bird observation association, Li Zhijun witnessed the huge changes at the park. According to him, the Yinchuan wetland park, together with other wetland areas along the Yellow River in Ningxia, has become a famous spot for bird photographers. More habitats for migratory birds are appearing as the environment improves, added Li in an interview with China Daily.

The Yinchuan wetland park mirrors China’s achievements in wetland protection. On Nov 10, seven Chinese cities were awarded “international wetland cities” at the 14th Meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties to the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands (COP 14). So far, there are 13 wetland cities in China, showing a great variety of patterns and styles.

For example, Wuhan, the capital city of Hubei province, is known as a “city of a hundred lakes”. The city has five large wetland reserves, where tens of thousands of birds come to stay in wintertime, noted the National Forestry and Grassland Administration.

Liangping district in Chongqing, however, is totally different from natural wetland. It is more closely tied to human activity. People built small wetlands in rural areas. What’s more, they have combined these wetlands with organic farms, homestays, and healthcare centers, which has resulted in an income increase of 52,000 yuan per household.

Panjin in Liaoning province is another amazing wetland city. In the past, the city has long suffered from environmental problems caused by oil production. But now in the coastal wetlands, seagrass turns a breathtaking red every autumn, creating beautiful “red beaches”.

Chen Zhihai, a local fishery worker, said to Panjin Daily, “In the past, there were almost no wild fish and shrimp. Thanks to the efforts of ordinary Panjin people, now the wetland is back again!”

【小题1】Why is the Yellow River Wetland Park mentioned at the beginning of the article?
A.To compare it with other famous wetlands.
B.To explain why it has become a popular destination.
C.To show China’s achievements in wetland protection.
D.To explain the importance of wetlands to migratory birds.
【小题2】How do wetlands in Liangping differ from other wetlands with more natural scenery?
A.Thousands of birds stay there in winter.
B.Small wetlands were built near lakes.
C.They are more closely connected to human activity.
D.They are popular destinations for people to take a walk.
【小题3】What is special about the coastal wetlands in Panjin?
A.The water there is purple.
B.They have beautiful “red beaches”.
C.They are home to different types of shrimp.
D.They are an ideal destination for fishing.
【小题4】Which part of a newspaper will you probably find the article?

It’s never a good idea to give an animal as a gift: Just ask Harry and Houdini. A man gave the pair of ducklings to his wife as Valentine’s Day gifts. Like many people receiving animals as gifts, she didn’t know how to care for them-so Harry and Houdini sat, day after day, in a plastic case in their living room. For two weeks, the ducklings never swam in a pond or saw the open sky-they never even left the case, which grew filthier every day.

Finally, the woman called PETA and asked us to take the ducklings. When we arrived to rescue them, their tiny case was covered with a two-week buildup of their own waste.

We took them to the Virginia Beach SPCA, where they were freed from their filthy case, cleaned up, and finally given space to spread their wings-and then the search for the perfect home for them was on. It wasn’t long before a PETA member named Katie offered Harry and Houdini a permanent home at her vegetarian farm in the country, where the sweet ducklings would have the land and water that they desired.

Because the ducklings hadn’t grown up with their mother, they weren’t sure how to be ducks! To help build up their confidence, Katie introduced them to other animals on her farm, including other ducks who could show them how to comb their feathers, splash in water, and walk around in the fresh air.

Finally, the big day came-for the first time in their lives, Harry and Houdini got to swim in a pond! Harry and Houdini now have full, happy lives, but countless animals who are given as gifts aren’t as lucky.

【小题1】What does the underlined word “filthier” in paragraph 1 probably mean?
【小题2】Which of the following words can best describe Katie?
【小题3】What will be discussed in the following paragraph?
A.The wonderful life of the ducks.
B.Other animals living on the farm.
C.The events happening on the big day.
D.An appeal for not buying animals as gifts.
【小题4】What is the best title of the text?
A.Animals Make for Special Gifts
B.Rescued Ducklings Enjoy a New Life
C.Katie is an Angel for Abandoned Animals
D.Virginia Beach SPCA is Home to Rescued Animals

It was our first evening dog-sitting while our teenage daughter was away on vacation. Louie searched the entire house for his “mommy”. While we were watching TV, this six-month-old dog dragged his large carrier down the stairs. This project took most of the evening. What happened next made us realize that he obviously put thought and reasoning into each move. He pulled each of his personal things down the stairs and put them in the carrier.

After Louie finished packing his “suitcase”, he jumped inside and pulled the zipper (拉链) closed. Then he lay down and went to sleep. The message was clear. He had seen his mommy pack her suitcase and go away. He must do the same to find her. In the morning, believing he had arrived, he jumped up — but his mommy was not there.

He surprised us with new undertakings every day. His favorite activity was going for a car ride to McDonald’s for chicken. But one day, my husband Paul didn’t stop at McDonald’s and left Louie in the car with the window open while he went off. That dog managed to jump out the window, walked two blocks and found Paul in a store. As Paul was paying for his things, he was shocked to look down and find Louie. Indeed, they stopped for some chicken on the way home.

One evening, when I was outside with Louie, I noticed a huge black bear. I screamed at Louie to come back inside the house. Instead, he fearlessly rushed to the bear’s back legs. The bear ran to get away from the little annoying dog. I was surprised at Louie’s bravery.

For Christmas that year, I turned Louie’s daily journal (日志) into a book written in a dog’s voice. Writing Louie’s story changed my life, and set me on the path to a new career as an author and radio talk-show host.

【小题1】What did Louie do the evening his mommy left?
A.He decided to look after the author.
B.He checked his own things all night.
C.He got prepared to leave to find her.
D.He tried to quarrel with the author.
【小题2】Why did Louie jump out of the car window?
A.To ask Paul for chicken.
B.To share a ride with Paul.
C.To get a seat in McDonald’s.
D.To help Paul carry the things.
【小题3】What happened one evening outside the author s home?
A.Louie was hurt by a bear.
B.Louie fought against a bear.
C.Louie made the author angry.
D.Louie made friends with a black dog.
【小题4】What is the change happened to the author because of Louie?
A.She joined a club for homeless dogs.
B.She bought Christmas gifts for dogs.
C.She printed her first book of diaries.
D.She turned a writer and a radio host.
