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Running is one of the most popular sports in the UK. But for many runners, the real reason we head out to beat the roads until our legs hurt is more intangible (无形的) than weight loss or fitness.

Many runners become interested in times. They try to break the 40-minute barrier for the 10K, or run under four hours for the marathon. Yet, really, these times are almost meaningless. And as soon as they are achieved, another target is thrown out almost immediately.

The times are only the carrots we put in front of ourselves. But why do we put them there in the first place? Nobody ever gives a wise answer. Deep down, we all know the answer. Running brings us joy. Watch small children when they are excited, at play, and mostly they can’t stop running.

As we run, we begin to sense that childish joy, which is born to live a wilder existence. As we run, the layers of responsibility and identity we have gathered in our lives, father, mother, lawyer, teacher, all fall away, leaving us with the raw human being.

If we push on, running harder, deeper into the loneliness, further away from the world and the structure of our lives, we begin to feel strangely excited, separated yet at the same time connected, to ourselves. With nothing but our own two legs moving us, we begin to get a sense of who, or what, we really are. After a long run, everything seems right in the world. Everything is at peace. To experience this is a powerful feeling, strong enough to have us coming back, again and again, for more.

【小题1】Why does the author think setting time goals is almost meaningless?
A.Those time goals are used to exchange carrots.
B.Those time goals can’t be achieved without efforts.
C.People will be never satisfied with the easily achieved time goals.
D.There will always be a new time goal once the former one is achieved.
【小题2】What’s the author’s attitude towards running?
【小题3】What does the underlined word “this” in the last paragraph refer to?
A.Breaking records.B.Running for the marathon.
C.Feeling lonely after running.D.Feeling peaceful after a long run.
【小题4】Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Running to Be the Real YouB.Running to Lose Weight
C.Running to Become an AdultD.Running to Achieve Success
知识点:体育健身 议论文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

A new study has found that smiling at London bus drivers increases happiness. However, on the Number 24 bus to Hampstead Heath, Londoners are sceptical. “Bus drivers,” says Liz Hands, a passenger, “are generally annoying.”

It might seem improbable that a report on London’s buses could change behaviour. But it has happened before. London’s buses have an underappreciated role in the history of medical science. In the 1940s, a single study of London’s transport workers transformed epidemiology (流行病学), medicine and the way we live now. Every time you go on a run, check your step-count, or take the stairs instead of the lift, you are following a path pioneered by the feet of the workers on London’s buses.

In the late 1940s, doctors were worried. Britain, like many rich countries, was suffering from an “epidemic” of heart disease and no one knew why. Various hypotheses, such as stress, were suggested; but one thing that was not exercising researchers was exercise. The idea that health and exercise were linked “wasn’t the accepted fact that we know today”, says Nick Wareham, a professor of epidemiology at Cambridge University. Some even felt that “too much physical activity was a bad thing for your health”. Miners and farmers who did physical exercise also suffered from various diseases and died young.

At this time a young doctor called Jerry Morris started to suspect that the increasing deaths from heart disease might be linked to occupation. He began studying the medical records of 31,000 London transport workers. His findings were breathtaking: conductors, who spent their time running up and down stairs, had an approximately 30% lower possibility of disease than drivers, who sat down all day. Exercise was keeping people alive.

Morris’s research was eventually published in 1953, just three years after a study by Richard Doll proving the link between smoking and lung cancer. Morris’s work had consequences both big and small. Morris now also took up exercise, handing his jacket to his daughter and just running. “People thought I was bananas.” Slowly, the rest of the world took off its jacket and followed.

【小题1】Why does the author mention the new study in the first paragraph?
A.To clarify a concept.B.To introduce the topic.
C.To present the argument.D.To provide an example.
【小题2】What does the underlined part “exercising researchers” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
A.Encouraging researchers to work out.B.Helping with researchers’ inquiry.
C.Hold back researchers’ progress.D.Drawing researchers’ attention.
【小题3】How did Morris conduct his study on the transport employees?
A.By carrying out survey.B.By observing their routines.
C.By doing medical examinations.D.By analyzing the medical data.
【小题4】What is the best title for the text?
A.Smiling and Its Effects on London Bus Drivers.
B.The Evolution of London’s Transportation System.
C.How London Bus Drivers Led the world to exercise.
D.What Londoners Think about Studies on Bus Drivers.

How to Show Good Sportsmanship

Sportsmanship is behaviour and attitudes that show respect for the rules of a game and for the other players. But how to show good sportsmanship in detail?

Method 1: Interacting with Opponents

Don’t trash talk. When your competitive juices start flowing, it may be tempting to call members of the other team names or make fun of them. But you can’t win a game by running your mouth, and it only makes you look desperate.

【小题1】. In the heat of a game, it can be easy to lose your temper, particularly if you’ve just gotten elbowed or the other team keeps scoring on you. Don’t let your anger affect your behavior.

Respect the other team’s effort. 【小题2】, it’s important to recognize that they’ve put in plenty of hard work to prepare for the game, just like your team has. Having respect for the other team is crucial to good sportsmanship.

Method 2: 【小题3】

Be a team player. Even if you’re the best athlete on the field, you can’t win a game without your teammates. Everyone should share in team responsibilities, and do their part to ensure that the team is successful. 【小题4】.

Support your teammates. Being a good sport means that you’re just as happy with their success as your own.

Listen to your coach. He or she is looking out for the good of the team, and sometimes, that means your role may be changed. Showing good sportsmanship means placing the team’s needs above your own, so you should trust the coach’s judgement.

【小题5】, but if you just remember to put your team first and respect the rules and opponents, you'll be on the right track.

A.Respect the opponents
B.Control your temper
C.Relating to Teammates
D.Showing good sportsmanship may seem difficult at times
E.You shouldn’t care about your own performance more than the team
F.Whether they’re outplaying you or unable to keep up with your team
G.You may actually be able to learn something from your opponent

All parents know that young children are always energetic, eager to run, jump and play. Turning that natural energy into competitive sports can help keep kids active and healthy as they grow. Competitive sports such as soccer, track, basketball and swimming can also help kids learn important life lessons about teamwork and fair play. 【小题1】 .

Learning How to Compete

Joining in sports teaches children and teenagers how to compete in the real world. As they grow older, they'll face competition in school, in the workforce and other areas of life. But these competitions don't have to be negative(负面的)or unhealthy. 【小题2】 .

Understanding the Value of Exercise

【小题3】   .In addition,many children who are active in sports are encouraged to eat healthier foods,such as fruits and vegetables.

Improving Self-respect

Improved self-respect is another benefit of competitive youth sports.【小题4】 . Even when he doesn't win, he can learn a valuable lesson: that you can't win every time.

Losing with his team can also increase self-esteem, as he learns to hold his head high and feel proud for trying his best.


Youth sports can help stop negative behavior, such as joining a gang(帮派), because competitive sports provide a way of expressing their energy, friendship and controlled attacking behaviour. Teens who have positive influences and friends feel less of a need to join in risky behaviors.

A.Reducing Risky Behavior
B.Developing Character Values
C.Here are the benefits of competitive sports for youth
D.If you try your hardest, you have a better chance to succeed
E.When a child wins a game with his team, he feels recognized
F.Taking part in competitive youth sports burns calories and helps to keep slim
G.Playing sports can help kids understand how competition works in a friendly environment
