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Job stress hits students

       As the job-hunting season kicks off, many graduates are suffering from anxiety. Job interview   results are becoming the most common conversation topic in dormitories. Worried about not getting satisfactory offers, some students have sleep problems, or lose their appetite. Some might even display symptoms of depression.
       According to a survey across several universities in Wuhan conducted by Wuhan Yangtze Business University, over 72 percent of student participants were worried about finding a job. Students in the first one or two years were also uneasy about their job prospects, which contributed to spreading anxiety further.
       Lang Lei, 22, a business major from Renmin University in Beijing, admitted having mood swings when job hunting. The student hoped to get positions with large state-owned enterprises in his hometown of Yantai, Shandong. But when it turned out that things wouldn’t be so easy, Lang became concerned. After some struggling moments, he has now changed to more realistic goals.
       Others feel tortured (受折磨) while waiting for interview results. Mo Tong, a senior software engineering major at South China Normal University, would fall into a nervous state every time after he attended a job interview.
       “For a day or two I couldn’t help but keep thinking about how I performed in front of the interviewers, how well I dealt with their questions, and whether they would consider giving me a   chance in the end,” Mo was unable to focus on other things as his anxiety grew.
       Media reports about rising unemployment rates and a difficult job market have touched students’ nerves.
       ‘‘I’ m alarmed by articles saying how bachelor’s degree holders are losing ground,” said Wang Hongjuan, a sophomore English major from Putian University in Fujian province. “It suggests to me that good jobs are only available to graduate or doctoral students.”
       As Wang has no plans to further her education, she has to commit herself to all sorts of extracurricular activities to improve her prospects. This throws her into a packed schedule.
       Wen Fang, a well-known education psychology expert and consultant in Beijing, advises students not to be misled by depressing surveys and reports about the job market. “Unemployment rates are not linked to an individual’s chances of getting a job,” he said. “An individual’s chances are actually mainly determined by his or her capability.”
       According to Wen, a moderate degree of anxiety is normal — it can even be helpful. But if it constantly affects a student’s normal life, one should pay more attention. “Focus on adapting yourself to the needs of society, and never ever overestimate your goals,” Wen added.
Title: Job stress hits students
As the job-hunting season comes, most students become【小题2】.
●Students【小题3】mainly about job interview results in dormitories.
●Some students are worried about not getting satisfactory jobs and
●Students in the first one or two years are also uneasy about their
job prospects.


Lang Lei
●He【小题5】in business and finds it hard to get a satisfying job
in his hometown.
●He has now changed to more realistic goals.

Mo Tong
●After an interview, he always thinks about how he performed in
front of the interviewers and whether he could get a chance【小题6】.
●With his anxiety【小题7】, Mo becomes less focused on other things.
●She is alarmed by media reports saying bachelor’s degree holders have no 【小题8】when hunting for jobs.
●She is busy with extracurricular activities to improve her prospects.

Experts’ opinion
●One’s capability【小题9】his or her chances of getting a job.
●Students should not be misled by gloomy   surveys and reports about the job market.   
●Try to【小题10】yourself to the needs of society, and never ever overestimate your goals.
知识点:职业内容社会问题与社会现象 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

When I ( Country singer Clint Black ) was 14, I was hired for an after-school job selling subscriptions to my hometown paper, the Houston Post. I was sent to some of the city's worst neighborhoods to ask door-to-door. Even though I was often struggling around after dark in bad areas searching for some place for the night, I was thankful for the work.

It was a hard job because people didn't like a stranger knocking on their door, especially a boy trying to get them to buy something. One time, a man shut his door heavily in my face and shouted, "I don't want any paper." I forced myself to knock again and was able to tell him how great the paper was. I ended up selling him a subscription. I was soon among the top sellers and, like other successful salesmen, was asked to train newcomers.

Around this time I started playing some musical instruments. Before long I was playing in a band at some and other events. When I turned 18, I fixed my attention on becoming a professional musician. I never give up this dream. I'm sure my perseverance came from what I learned knocking on strangers' doors.

That experience helped me in many ways. Early in my music job I was locked in a lawful quarrel with a former manager. He forced me to give in, but I refused.

Having all those doors closed in my face as a boy gave me the strength to stand up to this frightening person. Except this time there was one difference: I was the one saying no. And I won.

【小题1】Which of the following statements is untrue according to paragraph 1 ?
A.He sold subscriptions in his spare time.
B.The places he went to was not good.
C.He found it hard to look for a place for the night.
D.He was not satisfied with the work.
【小题2】He was asked to train newcomers because            .
A.he began to do the job much earlier than newcomers.
B.he had been asking door to door.
C.he was refused many times.
D.he was one of the best sellers.
【小题3】The author wanted to                 .
A.devote his life to music.
B.knock on strangers’ doors.
C.play some musical instruments very well.
D.be the head of a famous band.
【小题4】Why was he not afraid of the manager?
A.Because he thought he was stronger than the manager.
B.Because he used to knock strangers’ doors.
C.Because he became brave while working.
D.Because the manager was much older than he.

If you’re finding it tough to land a job, try expanding your job-hunting plan to include the following tactics:

Set your target. While you should always keep your options open to compromise, you should also be sure to target exactly what you want in a job. 【小题1】

Schedule plentiful interviews. Use every possible method to get interviews—answering advertisements, using search firms, contacting companies directly, surfing the Web, and networking. 【小题2】

Follow up.【小题3】 Then, some weeks later, send another brief letter to explain that you still have not found the perfect position and that you will be available to interview again if the original position you applied for—or any other position—is open. Do this with every position you interview for, and you may just catch a break.

Make it your full-time job. You can’t find a job by looking sporadically(偶发地). 【小题4】 If you’re unemployed and looking, devote as much time as you would to a full-time job. If you have a job while you’re looking, figure out an organized schedule to maximize your searching time.

Network vertically. In the research stage of your job hunt, talk to people who are on a level above you in your desired industry. They’ll have some insights that people at your own level won’t have, and they will be in a good position to hire you or recommend you to be hired.

【小题5】 Looking for a job is one of the toughest things you will ever have to do. Maintain your confidence, stay persistent, and think positively, and eventually you will get a job that suits you.

A.You have to make time for it.
B.Confidence in your self is the first step on the road to success.
C.Even if a job is not perfect for you, every interview can be approached as a positive experience.
D.Even if someone does not hire you, write them a thank-you note for the interview.
E.A good beginning is half done.
F.Keep your spirits up.
G.A specific job hunt will be more efficient than an aimless one.

The increasing environmental problems and need for eco-friendly products and services are creating a new job section of green-collar jobs.【小题1】It is expected that by 2025 about 25% of the jobs in developed countries will be green-collar jobs. Doesn’t the data look promising for the future?

【小题2】 And jobs will pop up at every income level, from environmental managers to gardeners. For example, many countries including the United States have understood that fossil fuels have a negative effect on the environment which can later become a serious danger to mankind. 【小题3】 The increasing demand for new resources has created the need for experts and researchers who can find better ways to deal with the ongoing needs. In addition, in order to meet the increasing demand for environment-friendly equipment, both green product designers and educated and trained workers are needed. Management of environmental enterprises and organizations also demands a large number of environmental managers.

【小题4】 The Internet is undoubtedly the best way to find information on almost any matter. Nowadays, different kinds of jobs are being posted online. Search through a couple of job websites to look for a bright future in energy conversion and recycling of waste management. Check regularly and find the right work for yourself. 【小题5】

A.Where can you find green-collar jobs?
B.People who take green careers will be well paid.
C.Forget the blue-collar and white-collar categories.
D.Green-collar jobs have become a bright career chance for all.
E.People who read newspapers can also find different kinds of green-collar jobs.
F.As a result, possibilities are being explored to find alternatives to satisfy demands in a better way.
G.Many countries of the world have realized the importance of and the need for energy-saving products and services.
