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On the first day of the summer holiday, David and Roy were talking in front of his yard, waiting for their friends. “Do you all agree, then?” asked David. “We will go for a long cycle ride during the holidays. I expect the other three will agree. We can ask them when they come.”

“But what about Sammy?” said Roy. “He hasn’t got a bicycle. His father can’t afford to buy him one.”

“Oh, we hadn’t thought of that,” said David thoughtfully. “I wonder if we can borrow one for him.” At that moment Robert, Henry and Sammy arrived.

“You three are late,” said Roy. “What happened to you?”

“We had to come round the long way,” said Robert “The old bridge over the stream has fallen apart.”

“And that means we had to walk an extra quarter of a mile and use the other bridge,” added Henry. “The stream must be nearly five feet deep after all this rain.”

“Don’t worry,” said David. “The Village Council(委员会) will soon build another one.”

“Oh no,” replied Henry quickly. “My father has already asked about that. There isn’t enough money this year.” The boys were silent for a moment.

“I wonder who built that old bridge,” Robert said. “It was only a few tree trunks(树干) held together with some nails.” Then an ideas truck him. “Do you think we could rebuild it?”

“How wide is the gap?” asked David.

“About ten yards, I think,” replied Robert.

“You know…” David paused. “I think we could do it,if we planned it properly and could borrow the tools.”

“And if we could get the timber(原木),” added Roy. “And if I could persuade my father to help. He is a carpenter(木匠), after all.”

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The boys started to consider the idea seriously.


The next Wednesday, everything was ready and many villagers also came to help.

知识点:善行义举(个人)生活故事 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Frank threw himself into his seat in the back of the Milwaukee city bus along with several other high school boys. It was another cold, gray day.

He still remembered his stomach chilling (使寒冷) into a frozen knot as he approached the locker room last month. He had read the team list posted on the locker room door, hoping, searching anxiously for his name. It hadn’t been there. It was missing. He had felt suddenly as if he had ceased (停止) to exist. Become invisible.

It wasn’t easy starting a new school, especially for Frank because he had been a star athlete in all sports at elementary school. Now, it seemed, he was nothing.

The bus came to a stop at the County Institutions grounds. A very pregnant woman hung onto the silver handrail (扶手) and slowly pulled herself onto the bus. As she fell backward into the seat behind the bus driver, her feet kicked up, and Frank saw that she wasn’t wearing any shoes.

The bus driver yelled over his shoulder, “Where are your shoes, lady? It is freezing out there.”

“I can’t afford shoes,” the woman answered. “I got on the bus just to get my feet warm,” the woman continued. “If you don’t mind, I’ll just ride around with you for a bit.” Some of the boys at the back exchanged glances and rolled their eyes.

The driver scratched (挠) his head and shouted, “Now just tell me how come you can’t afford shoes?”

“I got eight kids. They all got shoes. There’s not enough left for me.”

Frank looked down at his new Nike basketball shoes. His feet were warm and cozy. And then he looked back at the woman. Her socks were torn. Her coat, missing buttons, hung open around her stomach, as swollen (肿大的) as a basketball.

Frank didn’t hear anything around him after that. The word “invisible” popped into his mind again. An invisible person forgotten by society, but for a different reason, he thought.

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Paragraph 1:

He would probably always be able to afford shoes, but she probably never would.

Paragraph 2:

He then hurried to the door when he heard the woman exclaim, “Thank you, young man.”


Once a man was driving down the road when he noticed an elderly lady stood on one of the most deserted sections of the read. Even though the light was not bright in the evening, the man saw that she needed some help. So, he parked his car in front of hers and approached her.

The older woman became concerned because no one had stopped to help her in the past few hours, and saw this guy was approaching her with a smile. She became worried that the man would hurt her because he appeared poor and hungry.

The man could see she was scared and understood how she felt.“I’m here to help you. My name is Bryan Anderson”, he continued addressing bet. Despise her fear, the older woman told him that her car’s tire was flat.

“Ma’am, It’s cold outdoors: why don’t you want inside my warm car while I change the tires,” the man replied. Having said this, the man took his toolbox and began changing the flat tire of the Lady’s car. The man quickly repulsed the tire. The older woman rolled down her car window and started talking to him as he finished.

She introduced herself said she was from a far distant place and was passing through, and expressed her gratitude to him for helping her. After setting aside tools and a flat fire to her automobile,the man simply smiled as he shut the trunk(后备箱).

“How much should I pay you?” asked the elderly lady.

The man had reason for being paid because this was not his job He was assisting her in her time of need. Instead, he told her that if she genuinely wanted to repay him, she should help someone in need the next time she saw one“ And at that time, think of it as payment for this deed of mine” the man added.

On the way back to her destination, the old lady noticed a small cat a few miles down the road. She pulled over and went in to relax and grab a bite before the final leg of her journey.


After she was seated, a pregnant waitress brought a towel to wipe her wet hair


While the waitress was wandering where the lady was. she found a note.


The Right Decisions

Lisa looked at her watch outside of the gift store and knew that in half an hour her mother would be standing on the doorsteps of their house waiting. She had to make up her mind or go home without a proper birthday gift.

“What should I do?” Lisa asked herself. “I owe Mr. Chapman five dollars for a science fair display board tomorrow.” That caused a serious, uncomfortable problem. If Lisa bought the tiny cactus (仙人掌) for her mother’s birthday, she would have money for the science board. If she bought the more expensive cut flowers, she wouldn’t.

Upon stepping into the gift store, the beautiful flowers immediately caught her eye. Lisa knew her mother would adore the flowers, so without another thought, she grabbed them.

Mrs. Mills, the store manager, smiled at Lisa when she came to the counter to purchase the beautiful flowers. “Wow, I wonder who will be gifted those beautiful flowers, Lisa,” she asked with a smile.

“It’s for my mother’s birthday, Mrs. Mills,” Lisa replied, returning a smile. The price tag (价签) said the flowers cost $5.30, and Lisa gave Mrs. Mills a ten-dollar bill.

Upon stepping out of the store, Lisa looked down at the flowers in her left hand — the afternoon sun made them brighter in color. She was glad she had made the right decision. Then, her eyes looked down upon her right hand, where the change that Mrs. Mills gave to her lay. To her surprise, she saw a five-dollar bill inside. Mrs. Mills definitely had made a mistake and she had been given too much money!

Lisa was caught in a dilemma. A voice inside told her to keep the money, so she could have amazing flowers for her mother and five dollars for Mr. Chapman’s science board. But another voice told her it was dishonest to keep the extra money, and Mrs. Mills would be held responsible for the mistake.

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Lisa stood still for a few minutes and finally returned to the gift store and went inside. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
“I’m sorry, Lisa. I did make a mistake, but the mistake is with the price tag,” Mrs. Mills said. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
