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5 Tips That May Bring Instant Happiness

Happiness impacts every moment and aspect of our existence. Here are five in ant pick-me-up ideas to have at your fingertips.

Food is mood. When you are feeling down, you may have a strong desire for junk food. Before you open your treat cupboard, remember that your negative mood could be a “long-distance call” from your gut (肠道) saying it needs some healthy food fuel. Eating gut-friendly food may clear a blocked pathway from gut to brain. 【小题1】

Move your body. 【小题2】 When that dark mood comes along, take it outside! Go for a walk, a run, or a swim. Physical activity produces natural endorphins (内啡肽), those feel-good chemicals.

Open your heart. 【小题3】 Everyone has dark feelings that they like to bury, but when you are honest, you are authentic. Opening up and showing venerability actually invites deeper partnerships with friends.

【小题4】 Music is another easy pick-me-up tip. Put on a happy song, be it pop, jazz, or classical, and let your brain do the rest of the happiness work. A study suggests that listening to positive music increases subjective happiness. After just 12 minutes of hearing upbeat music, participants felt a mood boost.

Watch the sunset. Yes, the simple act of watching a sunset can boost your mood. 【小题5】 Those who notice natural beauty though connecting to nature have a higher sense of well-being.

A.Listen to music.
B.Your friend may have some valuable advice.
C.Thus it helps restore that sense of well-being.
D.Call a friend and express your inner feelings.
E.It does not matter if it is raining, sleeting, or storming.
F.Standing outside in nature as the sunrises also invites you to relax.
G.Finding the awe in nature and connecting to it can make you feel more content.
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Social media can connect you to friends and family, bring you the latest and most important news, and help you discover things you would never come across otherwise. 【小题1】. They can lead to negative emotions or distract you from important tasks. Your first thought may be to delete your accounts completely, but you may miss out on all of the benefits. Why not use some of these smart strategies to help you find a good balance?


The contacts on your social media can add up quickly over time as we constantly follow more people. Adding in other junk accounts can make things even worse. The next time you load up one of your social media apps, take some time to unfollow the accounts and people you’re no longer interested in. 【小题3】. If you’re only following 50 people on twitter, for example, you know that you’re not missing too much if you’re only checking your timeline once a day.

•Turn off notices

Fewer notices can help you keep focused and create a healthy habit of checking social media only when you really have to. Notices aren’t too difficult to control these days. 【小题4】. Browse through the options you have inside your apps, too, in case some apps have secret ways to inform you.

•Set time limits

Setting time limits for social media apps on your devices isn’t a perfect approach, as you can easily turn them off if the attraction is too strong. Still, you might find these limitations are effective at reducing the amount of time you spend checking your social networks. 【小题5】, and from there you can set how long you are allowed to use each app for. Despite all of these measures, you’ll definitely still need a bit of willpower as well.

A.Update your accounts regularly
B.Follow fewer people
C.You can find Screen Time options in the iOS
D.Take a look at the phone’s settings and you will see what you can change
E.However, social media contact may cause you problems
F.But these platforms can sometimes be troublemakers
G.This will make a big difference to how often you check social media

Your blood pressure is usually one of the first things that are measured when you go to see a doctor. Not only high blood pressure, but also low blood pressure can lead to health problems. How do you recognize low blood pressure?

Normal values

【小题1】. Your blood pressure mainly depends on your gender and age. In general, the diastolic pressure (舒张压) doesn’t exceed 95 mmHg and the systolic pressure (收缩压) doesn’t exceed 140 mmHg. When both of them are much lower, your blood pressure might be too low. For women, this translates to a blood pressure lower than 100 over 60. For men this is slightly higher: 110 over 70.


If your blood pressure is probably normal, you’ll feel comfortable. Even if your values are very low, this doesn’t mean that you experience any complaints. Do you experience the following problems — dizziness, seeing black spots, light-headedness or fainting?【小题3】.

Possible causes

Low blood pressure is troublesome in most cases, but it is not a sign of a potential disease. Women are more likely to suffer from low blood pressure. Besides, certain medicines can lower blood pressure.【小题4】, your blood pressure may also have dropped. Finally, a low blood pressure can indicate blood loss or infections. If you experience any symptoms, please visit your doctor to find out what the cause is.

Treatment and tips

【小题5】. If your blood pressure is too low, there are many things to consider. Drink enough water, especially in warm weather. Stand up slowly after lying or sitting down for a long time. In this way you can prevent dizziness and blurred vision.

A.Symptoms of low blood pressure
B.The comfort and normal blood pressure
C.Try to reduce the time spent in taking a bath
D.If so, your blood pressure might be too low
E.The treatment depends on what its cause is
F.First of all, it is important to know what a normal blood pressure looks like
G.If you have been very sick and have thrown up

Have you ever wondered what-sets truly successful individuals apart? The answer lies in growth thinking. It can unlock your potential and lead you towards a successful life.

One of the most beautiful aspects of growth thinking is that it extends beyond personal development. Take opportunities to support and motivate others, and share your journey, knowledge, and experiences, as it leads to a more fulfilling life for everyone involved. Humans are social creatures, and we benefit from each other when we do things together. 【小题1】

Building positive habits is the actual foundation of growth thinking. 【小题2】 Make a point of engaging in small, purposeful actions every day, and you will create a path for long-term growth. It’s the daily habits that keep you moving towards the goal you want to reach.

Challenges are not roadblocks; they are opportunities for development. 【小题3】 You become better equipped to handle an unfavorable situation, adapt to change, and find innovative solutions. This kind of attitude lays the foundation for long-term success and helps you deal with any challenge that comes your way.

Reflection is a powerful tool for growth. Set aside time regularly to think about your progress and areas for improvement. 【小题4】 It can be handwritten, digital, or even audio recordings—whatever works for you. Reflection allows you to learn from your experiences, develop strategies, and stay committed to your growth journey.

To foster growth thinking, expand your learning resources. Don’t limit yourself to a single source of knowledge. 【小题5】 It’s really a life-long project. Seek out different ideas to broaden your understanding of any given topic. The more you learn, the better equipped you are to adapt and grow,

A.Consistency is definitely the key.
B.Your confidence determines the end result.
C.Looking back also helps you learn from your mistakes.
D.Education can mean much more than sitting in a classroom.
E.You may keep a journal to track your thoughts and milestones.
F.By making a positive impact on others, you enhance your own growth.
G.Remember, the greatest growth often happens outside of your comfort zone.
