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Berlin Photo Week 2022

This year’s Berlin Photo Week is all about the art of photography, including the presentation of the popular funplace, various photography exhibitions and exciting workshops.

Photo Journey

During the Photo Week, photographers have the opportunity to go on a photo journey. Exciting devices are waiting to be used by the visitors. The individual stations of the photo journey are designed by the participating manufacturers in terms of variety and various photographic challenges. Every visitor is invited to let their creativity run wild at the individual stations with their camera, smartphone or the test cameras of the respective manufacturers.

Exhibitions during Photo Week

Various exhibitions round out the program of the photo festival. The 2022 exhibitions will be committed to the 75th anniversary of the Magnum Photos Agency. Discover the highlights selected by the Berlin editorial team:

●The group exhibition “Jetzt: Magnum Photos” in the Reinbeckhallen shows selected works of the agency. The show clarifies a new version of the institution while taking a look back at its own history.

●The Helmut Newton Foundation is celebrating the anniversary of Magnum Photos with the exhibition “Magnum Photos: The Misfits”, which shows photos from the film set of the play in 1960.

●The exhibition “My Way” at Galerie Buchkunst focuses on the works of Magnum photographer Thomas Hoepker. Large-format images show New York in 1980. These are placed along with photographs that Hoepker took in 1963 during a road trip across the USA.

Workshops for Amateurs and Advanced Photographers

In various workshops, photographers learn new techniques, tips and tricks for more excitement and professionalism in their photographs. The courses are aimed partly at beginners and partly at advanced photographers, including light painting, portrait photography, working with perspectives or sports photography and so on.

At a Glance
Location: Arena Berlin
Date: November 02-09, 2022
Admission Fee: from €10
【小题1】What can visitors do on the photograph journey?
A.Show their talents in photography.
B.Help design the individual stations.
C.Trade with different manufacturers.
D.Learn about the photograph courses.
【小题2】When was Magnum Photos Agency established?
A.In 1980.B.In 1960.C.In 1963.D.In 1947.
【小题3】What can the workshops offer photographers?
A.A variety of free courses.B.The photographic techniques.
C.The test cameras of manufacturers.D.The works of Magnum photographers.
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Exhibitions worth visiting in London in 2023

Flowery: Orchids

This annual festival is back in bloom, this time inspired by the beauty and biodiversity of Cameroon. Just like previous years, the orchids are spread throughout the various zones of the Princess of Wales conservatory and accompanied by sculptures that are just as colorful as the flowers on display.

At Kew Gardens. 4 February —5 March, $16.50—entrance to the gardens included.

Architectural: Vanishing Points

While we like to think of architecture existing purely in the real world, emerging designers and architects are using platforms like Instagram to create structures in the virtual world. This collection of works, which range from the practical to the fantastical, are all by architects who have gathered significant social media followings.

In the Digital Universe at ROCA London. 8 February—31 July, free.

Powerful Portraits: Alice Neel

The largest UK exhibition to date of American painter Alice Neel’s work will bring together her figurative pieces from across her 60-year career. Neel went against the popular grain by painting figures when abstract works were most popular, and she painted subjects that other artists ignored —pregnant women, labor leaders, black children, civil rights activists and strange performers. It’s high time we had a major show of her work in London, and the Barbiean has duly provided.

At Barbican Art Gallery. 16 February–21 May,$16.50.

Female Abstraction: Action, Gesture, Paint.

Art history has often shone a light on the men of Abstract Expressionism, such as Jackson Pollock and Mark Rothko. Well, now’s the time to let the most important women of the movement take the limelight in an exhibition that includes works by American artists such as Lee Krasner and Helen Frankenthaler, but spreads the net wider to include the female abstract artists from Europe, Asia and the wider world, with whom most of us will be unfamiliar.

At Whitechapel Gallery. 9 February—7 May, $16.50 —concessions available.

【小题1】What might newly-developing designers and architects tend to do?
A.To gather significant social media.
B.To create virtual architectural structures.
C.To create platforms like Instagram.
D.To design purely real architectural structures.
【小题2】When can visitors appreciate Lee Krasner’s works?
A.On March 10.B.On January 7.
C.On February 8.D.On May 8.
【小题3】What can we learn about the artist Alice Neel?
A.She is 60 years old now.
B.Her artworks don’t intentionally follow the mainstream.
C.She often ignored some common subjects.
D.She is the most popular American painter in the UK.


China Daily, China Daily Website, the China Daily App and the Discover Beautiful China platform are calling for submissions of photos, illustrations and videos from now until the end of December, 2023.


Photos, illustrations or short videos with four major themes:

■Special topic for the 2023 submissions could include specific experiences of culture or tourism you have enjoyed, including but not limited to:

* “Famous mountains I have explored in China”

* “Rivers in China that have left a deep memory for me”

* “I have climbed the Great Wall”

* “My stories of learning Chinese culture”


1. We will select the works of individuals and organizations separately.

2. We offer three types of prize respectively for photos, illustrations and short videos.

3. Individual winners will receive cash prizes and certificates; and winning organizations will receive certificates for their distinguished contribution.

4. Some of the best works have a chance to be featured on the China Daily Website.



No more than 10 images, 5 MB maximum for each; with an introduction of up to 200 words in either English or Chinese, offering background information of the work.


Format: MP4 or MOV.

Size: 1 GB maximum, up to 4 minutes.

Caption: No more than 200 English or Chinese words to give a brief introduction.

Music: Music is optional for the video, but if included, it must have obtained international copyright from a legitimate source.

Quality: Clear and stable image.

【小题1】Which of the following is qualified for the submissions?
A.“My Chinese friends in France”.
B.“My stories of the Grand Canal”.
C.“My growing coffee business in China”.
D.“My experiences of playing football in Shanghai”.
【小题2】What will happen if you submit a short video as an individual?
A.You will be given money and certificates if you win.
B.You will compete with other individuals and organizations.
C.You will have your works displayed on the China Daily App.
D.You will be given certificates for your distinguished contribution.
【小题3】What must be included in the submitted works?
A.A piece of music.B.Copyright of photos.
C.A brief introduction.D.The Chinese language.


Draw a sea creature for our ocean poster

Are you a gifted artist? Do you think you can draw a prize-winning dolphin or shark? In celebration of World Ocean Day on 8 June, The Week Junior is running a competition to create an awesome poster featuring some of the world’s coolest sea creatures, and your artwork could be part of it!

How to enter

Draw a picture of your favorite sea creature and send your picture by email tocompetitions@theweekjunior.com with OCEANPOSTER as the subject line by 12 April 2024. Make sure you’ve included your name, age, chosen sea creature, the address and phone number of your parent or guardian.

Once the competition has closed, our judges will pick 10 of the best animal drawings. They will be looking for the most creative and colorful drawings, so don’t be afraid to go big!

What you could win

The winning pictures will be shown on a The Week Junior ocean poster. Each winner will also receive a paint brush set worth over £80, which will be delivered to you.

Terms and conditions

The Week Junior will not share your personal details with third parties. The Week Junior will only use personal information to get in touch with the competition winners.

No responsibility can be accepted for entries (参赛作品) that have been lost or damaged in transit (运输中), or for any technical failure or any event that may cause the competition to stop. Entries must be received before 11: 59 pm on 12 April 2024.

All winners will be informed accordingly 4-6 weeks after the competition closes. By entering the competition all participants shall give permission for their artwork to be published online. Entries cannot be returned to senders.

【小题1】What painting matches the subject of the competition?
A.A painting of whales.B.A painting of elephants.C.A painting of peacocks.D.A painting of giraffes.
【小题2】How can participants have a bigger chance of winning the competition?
A.They should attend a course hosted by the magazine office.
B.Their paintings should be full of original and creative ideas.
C.They should follow the traditional techniques of painting.
D.Their paintings should be handed in quite early.
【小题3】When might winners be informed of the result of the competition?
A.On April 26th, 2024.B.On May 3rd, 2024.C.On May 17th, 2024.D.On June 24th, 2024.
