阅读理解-七选五 适中0.65 引用1 组卷23

In the winter you can be walking down a snow-covered city street, and opposite you someone is walking your way. There’s only enough room for one person to walk the thin path. So, who should make way?

【小题1】 How about if the person walking toward you isn’t looking up? You step into the snowbank (雪堆) and let them pass without the need for recognition. This is politeness.

It is not easy to be polite. Just think about it. You’re just as good as the next person. 【小题2】 This is because it is a simple act of kindness.

Growing up in small-town Canada certainly helped me develop an attitude of politeness. In small towns, people generally know each other. 【小题3】 But the true test is with strangers you may not see again. That’s what truly matters.

I’ve seen it happening in a mall when a door opened and two people tried to enter and leave at the same time. One of them held the door open and let the other pass. It cost nothing but the air was suddenly graced (增色) with smiles. 【小题4】

The situations and contexts for human interaction change, but what remains is the politeness that can be exercised. One person, or both, can choose to avoid potential conflict and make it into a polite gesture that will be appreciated.

【小题5】 The simple kindnesses and gestures between strangers may seem small, but added together, they will make an immense difference to the quality of our civilization.

A.Politeness often goes unnoticed.
B.You can’t really get away with bad behavior.
C.So why in the world should you stand aside?
D.That’s the kind of civilization I want to live in.
E.We can all make our own efforts to be more polite.
F.This is actually where the possibility of politeness could occur.
G.To be polite and behave properly are necessary when we encounter others.
知识点:社会关系社交礼仪及规则 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

You might have ever noticed how some people can effortlessly talk to anyone they meet, no matter how different their backgrounds are. Or you may have seen that one person who always offends someone, no matter what the topic of conversation is. These two situations describe how we can differ in our abilities to interact, get along with, and relate to others around us. In the same way that we vary in traditional academic competencies, we can vary in how socially competent we are. After years of academic research and development, this social ability is now commonly referred to as “social intelligence.”

Social intelligence is the ability to understand other people, how they work, what motivates them, and how to work cooperatively with them. It is a relationship-based construct that centers on the way we understand others, interact with others, and present ourselves to others. As an example, you would not speak in the same way toward your 70-year-old mother as you would to your 16-year-old daughter. In our working lives, we come across different social groups including those from different countries, varying age groups and cultural identities. Being able to acknowledge and understand people’s different backgrounds is a key way to connect with them.

Our ability to navigate successfully through our lives relies heavily on our levels of social intelligence. It can affect the relationships we form with our partners and children, the friendship circles that we build, and our ability to progress in our careers and ambitions. Given the importance of social intelligence in multiple aspects of life, it is therefore in our best interest to better understand the concept of social intelligence and take the following ways to improve it.

【小题1】What is the first paragraph intended to show?
A.Academic research varies from person to person.
B.Creative competencies are crucial to one’s research.
C.There are differences in people’s social intelligence.
D.People’s social abilities depend on their backgrounds.
【小题2】Why does the author use the example of mother and daughter?
A.To sincerely present a fact.B.To further clarify a concept.
C.To clearly show an attitude.D.To finally draw a conclusion.
【小题3】What do we know from the third paragraph?
A.Our relationship circles should be enlarged.
B.Better understanding a concept is important.
C.It is really difficult to achieve one’s ambition.
D.Social intelligence has great effects on our lives.
【小题4】What may be talked about following the last paragraph?
A.How to define social intelligence.B.How to classify social intelligence.
C.How to improve social intelligence.D.How to deal with social intelligence.

The other day I was shopping at the local Chinese grocery store.There was a line at the fish counter,but only one staff person was there to take care of the customers. Some customers ordered quite an amount of fish for that staff person to work on. At last I was the second in line;all I wanted was a couple of crabs and should get out of there in no time.

Noticing it was very busy at the fish counter, another staff person came over to help. I was ready to be served, but the staff person went to the end of the line and began to help a couple of ladies with snails (蜗牛).The customer in front of me, being served,turned around and looked at me sympathetically, and the customer behind me called to the staff person,"You should start her,"pointing at me.He was,well,ignored.

If someone asked me,"What is the most important rule to follow in America?"I would reply without hesitation,"Wait your turn at all times."Wherever you go here in this country, you will find people waiting in a line quietly to get anything: whether in the supermarkets,department stores,bus stops,or gas stations, it's just a matter of waiting your turn.In a larger sense,"wait your turn"is more than just a guideline﹣it is a very basic norm (准则)that reflects the fundamental value of the western cultures. But in some situations your turn does not always come based on when you get there and how long you have waited in line, just like my case at the store.Even though this did not often happen, it did make me feel upset.

【小题1】What happened to the author at the store?
A.He wasn't served upon his order.
B.He was ill﹣treated by a customer.
C.He was asked to be served later.
D.He was asked to do others a favor.
【小题2】What is the author's opinion about Queuing Rule?
A.Wait until being served.
B.Serve people as one likes.
C.Wait until your turn comes.
D.First come,later served.
【小题3】What does the underlined word "this" in the last paragraph refer to?
A.His belief.
B.His experience.
C.His culture.
D.His rule.
【小题4】Why did the author write the text?
A.To emphasize his kindness to others.
B.To introduce some western cultures to us.
C.To show his disbelief in Queuing Rule.
D.To express his belief and his feeling.

In many cultures, small talk is a big deal. 【小题1】 it is actually very important for communicating and bonding with others.

According to US inspirational speaker Wadsworth, “Small talk is about making use of possibilities.” 【小题2】 which can lead to friendships, jobs, or other goals. Not only that, small talk is shown to increase brainpower by encouraging empathy (同感), making you consider what another person feels or thinks.

If small talk is so important, how do you do it? 【小题3】 Well, some of the most common topics include the weather, hobbies, work, family and travel. These topics are great for small talk because they are relatable. It’s easy for people to talk about them.

【小题4】 For example, you can talk to your schoolmates about your classes or that teacher who drives everyone crazy. If you are at a party, you might comment on the snacks, music, or the number of people there. If you are lucky, you might have a friend introducing you to others first to help start a conversation.

Sometimes, it may seem a bit difficult to start a conversation with someone you don’t know. That’s OK. 【小题5】 Wadsworth has the best advice for this: “Approach the conversation excited about the friendship, the good laugh, the fascinating story, the job opportunity, the date, the joy or the sense-of-belonging potential inherent (内在的) in this shared experience.” Small talk might just be the first step to something much bigger.

A.When I started making small talk,
B.Everyone has this problem sometimes when he/she meets new people.
C.What does making small talk mean?
D.What’s the best way to break the ice and start talking to people?
E.Having good small talk skills is the best way to meet new people,
F.Another way to start small talk is to comment on your surroundings.
G.Although it may seem like a pointless conversation to pass the time or avoid awkward silence,
