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Fifty-five public schools in New York City have recently invited furry friends to their classrooms. The Comfort Dog Program has been around for five years.

Comfort dogs have been found to augment levels of oxytocin, serotonin and dopamine in our brains, hormones (激素) promoting positive feelings and a happy mood (心情). But how are these pets helpful in the classroom?

For some students the comfort pet provides the emotional support they need, which then allows the child   to be engaged and successful in their studies. A struggling student can hold the pet in the arms and get the support he or she needs at the time, which also develops their self-awareness and ability to regulate their emotions. In other cases, teachers use the pet as part of the lesson. Meredith Loftus, a teacher in New York, brought a dog named Chip to help out with a phonies game in the classroom.

Dog training isn’t necessarily a walk in the park, although it can definitely include that. It takes time, effort and consistency to train pets, and this is the case for this program, too.

To be a part of the program, an educator and their dog must participate in a six-hour training session by The Good Dog Foundation. This training teaches the educator what to do if students are scared of pets. It also trains dogs on the differences they’ll experience in a school environment, such as the school bell, fire alarms, loud announcements and other possible distractions. The dog is also trained at being friendly with strangers and the handler, in this case the educator, who needs to be very in tune with the pet and know how to look out for its stress signals.

The program has been a genuine success so far, and a helpful addition to the education and well-being of many students in New York. In fact, hundreds of other schools have expressed their interest in joining the program and may be including it in their curriculum in the near future.

【小题1】The underlined word “augment” in paragraph 2 most probably means “______”.
【小题2】According to paragraph 3, the comfort pet can help students ______.
A.develop in an all-round wayB.succeed academically
C.become more supportiveD.have richer feelings
【小题3】What can an educator learn during the six-hour training session?
A.How to be friendly with dogs.B.How to keep dogs away from stress.
C.How to respond to students’ fear of pets.D.How to adapt to a school environment.
【小题4】What can be known about The Comfort     Dog Program from the last paragraph?
A.It’s still on trial in New York.B.It’s gaining greater popularity.
C.It’s promoted across New York.D.It’s part of New York curriculum.
知识点:动物说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Eating insects is one of those ideas that never quite seem to catch on. The United Nations spread the idea a decade ago, but, in the West at least, insects remain mostly absent from supermarket shelves. Faced with an unsatisfied public, scientists have been exploring other options. One is to feed the insects instead to farm animals, which are not so picky.

Of course, the insects need to eat, too. To date, they have mostly reared (饲养) on leftover chicken feed. But the supply of that is limited, and if insect-reared meat is to take off, new sources will be needed. Niels Eriksen, a biochemist at Aalborg University, suggests feeding them on the waste products of the beer industry.

The world knocks back around 185bn litres of beer every year. Each litre produces between three and ten litres of wastewater full of thrown-away grains. The mix is rich in protein but lacking in carbohydrates (碳水化合物), especially compared with chicken feed.

Most insects grown for feed depend, in the wild, on the carbohydrates found in bad fruit. Whether insects would actually consider beer waste a square meal was, therefore, unclear.

The researchers used the baby insects of the black soldier fly. The young insects were divided into three groups, which were offered beer waste, chicken feed or a mixture of both. The researchers monitored both their weight gain and the amount of CO, they produced. They found the baby insects happily consumed both beer waste and chicken feed, and grew equally well on either food source. Dr Eriksen found few differences in how nutritious the insects would be to farm animals.

The experiment may have implications beyond the beer business, too. Bone meal from farms, and waste from other food industries are all likewise plentiful and protein-rich.

All now look to be reasonable targets for nutrient recycling by insects. Whether consumers will be willing to eat insect-reared beef, though, remains to be seen.

【小题1】What is the purpose of Niels Eriksen’s research?
A.To find alternatives to chicken feed.
B.To recycle the wastewater in beer industry.
C.To change public’s attitude toward insects.
D.To reduce the consumption of waste products.
【小题2】What is paragraph 6 mainly about?
A.The future application of the research.B.The importance of protein in the cycle.
C.The extended influence of the research.D.The contribution of the beer industry.
【小题3】What is the possible food chain described in the article?
A.chickens-insects-cows-humansB.humans-beer waste-insects-cows
C.beer waste-insects-cows-humansD.cows-chickens-insects-beer waste
【小题4】What can be a suitable title of the article?
A.Waste recycling will be taking off soon
B.Eating insects is the new option for people
C.Insects could help turn beer waste into beef
D.Insects could gain popularity in supermarket

Pachyrhynchus weevils (球背象鼻虫) are found on most islands in the eastern Pacific Ocean. These weevils could not fly. But why are they so widespread? Wen-San Huang of the National Museum of Natural Science in Taiwan thinks he has the answer.

One theory, which dates back to 1923, is that the beetles float from place to place by a tiny air cavity beneath its outer shell.

Dr Huang began his research into the weevils and discovered that the beetles do float. But he also reports floating in seawater does not do them much good. All 57 adults he tried it with died within two days. Clearly, adult weevils are not good sailors.

Pachyrhynchus weevils have a love for laying their eggs inside the fruit of a plant called the fish-poison tree. This reproduces reminding us of coconut palms. It drops its fruits into the ocean, which carries them away to come up on distant beaches. Coconuts are protected from being eaten on their travels by having a hard, thick shell. Fish-poison-tree fruit are also protected from hungry sea creatures. But in their case, as their name suggests, the protection is chemical.

Given the relationship between weevils and plant, Dr Huang wondered how beetle larvae (幼虫) would fare if they were deep inside a piece of fruit floating in seawater.

So he tested this as well. His experiment suggested that such larvae are 'tolerant of saline (含盐的) conditions.

Specifically, of 18 grubs (蛆) thrown into seawater inside a piece of fruit, two survived for six days. Moreover, these larvae went on to develop into healthy, sexually mature adults. So Dr Huang argues that such numbers would easily support the immigration of weevils to the islands.

He also observes that the Kuroshio Current, which carries water from the Philippines, past Japan and onwards into the Pacific, moves so swiftly that a piece of fruit caught in it could easily travel 90km in a day, enabling the flightless beetle to cover the distance of 400km between the islands effectively.

【小题1】What did Wen-San Huang find in his research?
A.The old theory accounts for weevils.B.Adult weevils are good at floating.
C.Fish-poison-tree fruit protect weevils.D.The weevils cross the islands in a day.
【小题2】What can the underlined word "fare" probably mean?
【小题3】How do weevils succeed in immigrating between the islands?
A.By travelling with sea creatures.
B.By wearing shells for protection.
C.By laying eggs in coconuts sinking under the sea.
D.By staying in the floating fish-poison-tree fruits.
【小题4】What's the author's purpose of writing the text?
A.To introduce the research result.
B.To compare the coconut palms and weevils.
C.To tell how weevils immigrate to the islands.
D.To praise Wen San Huang for his research.

The Fennec fox is also known as the desert fox since it survives in the Sahara Desert (撒哈拉沙漠). It is the smallest of the species of foxes, and quite a few people wish to raise it as a pet because of its appearance. However, this is very rare, as it needs special care and attention. Let’s take a look at the basic information on the Fennec fox, including its physical appearance, natural habitat and diet.

Physical Appearance

The Fennec fox is the smallest type of fox, with a body length of about 9.5 — 16 inches, and 6-inch-long ears. It weighs only around one kilogram. It has a cream-colored furry body with a black-tipped tail.

Their ears are the largest among all foxes relative to the body size, which not only provide them with great hearing, but also radiate the extreme desert heat and thus help to keep the body cool. Moreover, in order to walk on the hot sand, a Fennec fox’s feet are covered with thick fur. Besides that, the feet also help in digging, as this animal lives under the ground.

Habitat and Lifestyle

The habitat of this animal is mainly in the Sahara Desert, and also in other parts of North Africa. The Fennec fox is usually active during the night. This character helps it deal successfully with the extreme heat in the desert.

As an extremely social animal, it often lives in groups of ten and each group has its own land. This animal is, however, aggressive too, ready to attack, especially in the mating (交配) season, when they all compete with each other for a mate.


The Fennec fox is an omnivore (杂食动物). While it can survive on plants, it also needs other items such as insects, rabbits, birds and eggs. Getting used to living in the desert allows it to survive for long periods without any water. They take in water when eating food, and they will drink water if available.

【小题1】The reason why quite a few people wish to raise the Fennec fox is that it _____.
A.has small body sizeB.has great hearing
C.gets active at nightD.has special appearance
【小题2】The underlined word “radiate” (paragraph 3) is closest in meaning to “_____”.
【小题3】What can we infer about the Fennec fox?
A.It’s the smallest animal in the desert.B.It’s not easy to raise it as a pet.
C.It can survive without any water.D.It seldom attacks others.
