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Dolphins are social and intelligent animals. And, like the way humans maintain relationships by hugging or giving a handshake, dolphins breathe together at the same time when they come up from the water for air. This shared act is important for creating social connections. But sharing the same air and area is also spreading an infectious and deadly disease among the dolphins.

Janet Mann and other scientists are trying to understand the virus. They discovered it in the water off the American states of Virginia and Maryland. It is now spreading to other Atlantic coast dolphins.

Mann explains that the dolphin virus is in the lungs. “When dolphins breathe together at the surface, they’re sharing tiny droplets just like we do when we’re talking with each other,” she said.

During her 35 years of studying dolphins, Janet Mann has noticed that even though dolphins have close friends, they visit other dolphins and leave the groups often. Following the social lives of dolphins in the Chesapeake Bay has permitted researchers to identify over 2,000 dolphin individuals. They can remember them by their special shapes and markings on their back fins.

Two researchers, Melissa Collier and Ann-Marie Jacoby, saw two dolphins. A third dolphin joined his friends. All three dolphins came to the surface of the water and breathed together. “This is typical, male behavior. The males stay pretty coordinated (协调) with each other. The females sync (同步), but not as regularly. They syne mostly with their offspring (幼崽).” Mann says. This behavior pattern might explain why more male dolphins have died in the most recent outbreak of the virus.

Viruses are naturally occurring in the wild, but human activities in the ocean can make the virus worse by wakening environments and populations even more. Pollution from carbon and plastics, limited food sources, along with ocean warming from climate change, harm the animals. These factors weaken the dolphins’ immune systems. “So, they are extremely vulnerable (脆弱的,易受伤的) to virus outbreaks.” Mann says.

【小题1】What are Mann and other scientists trying to do?
A.Record the dolphins’ social habits.B.Increase the population of dolphins.
C.Compare the viruses among dolphins.D.Study the spread of the virus among dolphins.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “them” in paragraph 4 refer to?
A.Researchers.B.Close friends.
C.The social lives of dolphinsD.Over 2,000 dolphin individuals.
【小题3】Why did more male dolphins die in the recent outbreak of the virus?
A.They absorbed more air than females.B.They did more social activities together.
C.They came to the surface of the water moreD.They were more vulnerable to viruses.
【小题4】Which is a cause of the decline in dolphins’ immune system?
A.Ocean warming.B.Dolphins breathing together.
C.Researchers studying dolphins.D.The growing population of dolphins.
知识点:疾病 动物说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Mosquitoes carry malaria (疟疾), which kills thousands of people each year. Now some researchers are trying to use genetic engineering to make the annoying insects into partners in the fight against the disease.

For years, public health officials have tried to limit the disease by controlling mosquito populations. “But that approach is temporary,” says Anthony James, a professor of biology and genetics at the University of California, Irvine, “Because mosquitoes are extremely tough little insects, and their populations can quickly rebound.”

Therefore, James and his colleagues want to try a different approach: making mosquitoes themselves into malaria-fighting warriors, which is a complete departure from traditional ways of controlling malaria.

To understand how it works, it helps to understand the life cycle of malaria. The malaria pathogen (病原体) is a parasite (寄生虫) that grows inside humans. It’s passed via mosquitoes that move from person to person, sucking blood. “If we can make the mosquitoes difficult for the pathogens to survive, we can wipe out the disease,” he says. But making mosquitoes uninviting to malaria is a tough job.

To solve the problem, the team used a gene-editing technique called CRISPR. They started with genes from mice, whose immune systems do fight human malaria, engineered those genes, and then gave them to the mosquitoes.

It turned out the malaria-fighting antibodies which gene-edited mosquitoes produced worked very well. They reduced the number of parasites in the mosquito before they were passed to a human host.

James’ team are now working on planning a field trial, which he hopes could be conducted on an island or in another isolated location.

But genetically changing wild animals does not sit well with environmentalists. “There’s no need to engineer a mosquito,” says Dana Perls, senior program manager for the emerging technology program at the non-profit Friends of the Earth. Perls points out that naturally occurring methods for reducing malaria appear to be showing promise, as does a new vaccine (疫苗) against the disease. “Why take unnecessary risks and release a species that can’t be recalled once it’s released into the wild?” she asks.

【小题1】What can we know from the second and third paragraphs?
A.Mosquitoes reproduce quickly.
B.Mosquitoes depart from malaria.
C.Mosquitoes are malaria-fighting warriors.
D.Mosquitoes’ populations are under control.
【小题2】According to the text, which of the following are attractive to the malaria pathogen?
A.Mice.B.Parasites.C.Mosquitoes.D.Gene-edited mosquitoes.
【小题3】What is environmentalists’ attitude toward this new approach?
【小题4】What is the best title for the text?
A.Limiting Malaria by Controlling Mosquito Populations
B.Controlling Malaria by editing Mosquitoes’ genes
C.Curing Malaria with Gene-edited Mosquitoes
D.Preventing Malaria with a new vaccine

Anxiety and depression are complex conditions. But can everyone benefit from teaming how to care for their mind? 【小题1】

• Self-Compassion (自我关怀)

【小题2】 This can include feeling like you must be perfect to be accepted or an unrealistic sense of others' expectations. The answer to perfectionism isn't letting it all go— it's self-compassion, which means you are kind and understanding when faced with personal failures—after all, who ever said you were supposed to be perfect? How we treat ourselves through the ups and downs of life can have a huge impact on health and mental health.

• Social Connection

From the time we are born , we need social connection in order to grow and succeed. 【小题3】 It can be talking to one trusted person about how you're really doing or having a visit with any family member or friend. If this feels out of reach, try making a short list of people who at any point have given you a sense of belonging. 【小题4】

• Exercise

Exercise can be important for preventing depression since having a sedentary (缺乏锻炼的)lifestyle is a risk factor. 【小题5】Another study found that 12 weeks of exercise at 30 minutes, three to five times per week reduced symptoms by 47%.

So the best approach is: Get whatever support is in reach and care for your mind based on what works for you.

A.It is important to be kind to yourself
B.But it doesn't have to be a big party or an office full of people.
C.Being constantly self-critical is risky for anxiety and depression.
D.It may be vital to understand happiness when we struggle with mood.
E.One study found that 15 minutes a day of exercise significantly prevents depression.
F.The following behaviors are key ones linked to prevention of anxiety and depression.
G.Studies have shown that just thinking of positive relationships can help you tolerate stress.

Flu (流感) can be very dangerous although in most people the illness may last only a week or two. Getting a flu vaccine (疫苗) every year is the best way to prevent getting the flu. 【小题1】

Recognize flu symptoms (症状). Before you can effectively treat the flu, make sure that’ s what you actually have. 【小题2】 Common symptoms of flu include serious cough, sore throat, fever above 100F, headaches, weakness and so on while symptoms of the common cold usually include mild cough, low-grade or no fever as well as slight aches.

【小题3】 In some extreme cases, the flu can cause symptoms severe enough to require hospitalization. You need to see a doctor immediately if you are experiencing the following symptoms: shortness of breath or difficulty breathing; chest pain or pressure; blueish skin or purplish lips; headache or neck pain.

Get some rest. Sometimes it’s possible to keep working or going to school with a cold, but when you have the flu, it’s important to rest. 【小题4】 Since the flu may spread by contact, staying home is as considerate as it is necessary for your recovery.

Take vitamin C. Vitamin C is essential for health. Studies suggest that a proper amount of vitamin C can help remove cold and flu symptoms. Take 1000mg per hour for the first six hours as soon as symptoms appear. Then take 1000mg three times daily. 【小题5】 Though it rarely happens, too much of it may get you poisoned.

A.Know when to seek emergency medical treatment.
B.But if you get the flu, it pays to learn how to treat it.
C.Take a few days off to give your body time to recover.
D.Orange juice is another good source of natural vitamin C.
E.Flu symptoms are similar to cold symptoms, but more severe.
F.You can remove the discomfort of fever by using a cool cloth.
G.Do not continue to take too much vitamin C after you feel better.
