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Canadians have many natural wonders with enough lakes, mountains and rivers to explore fora lifetime. Here are some of the best waterfalls in Canada.

Niagara Falls
Niagara Falls, Ontario

Niagara Falls are the most famous waterfalls in Canada. They are actually made up of three different falls, with Horseshoe Falls being the only one located on the Canadian side. Different viewing choices are available including the Hornblower boat cruise(游船). In 2007, the base of the falls was referred to as “World’s End” in the movie Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End.

Bridal Veil Falls
Bridal Veil Falls Provincial Park, British Columbia

Bridal Veil Falls are located in the east of Chilliwack, British Columbia, and really do look like their name, with water gently pouring over smooth rock. An easy 15-minute walk to the falls takes you through rich leaves. Picnic tables are available, and there are lots of chances for viewing wild plants and animals along the way.

Takakkaw Falls
Yoho National Park, British Columbia

Takakkaw Falls are the second-highest waterfalls in Canada. After a drive up a wandering road, these falls are only a short hike from the parking lot. Even though the falls can be seen from far away, the wonderful up-close views, impressive sound and cold mist provide an awe-inspiring (使人敬畏的)sensory experience.

Virginia Falls
Nahanni National Park Reserve, Northwest Territories

Coming in at twice the height of Niagara Falls, Virginia Falls are located on the South Nahanni River in the Northwest Territories. Virginia Falls are also called “Nailicho”, which means “big river falling” in the South Slavey language. These falls are very much out-of-the-way, which means they receive only about 1,000 visitors every year.

【小题1】What do we know about Niagara Falls?
A.They include four falls in total.B.They appeared in a movie.
C.They can only be visited by boat.D.They are the highest falls in Canada.
【小题2】What can visitors do in Bridal Veil Falls?
A.Observe wildlife.B.Make a camp.
C.Drive through the falls.D.See powerful waterfalls.
【小题3】Which falls are difficult to reach?
A.Niagara Falls.B.Bridal Veil Falls.C.Virginia Falls.D.Takakkaw Falls.
知识点:旅游观光应用文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Lizzie’s diary from Antarctica (南极洲)

Day 3: Tuesday     December 2

We planned to go to Rothera that morning. We’d be staying there for the next two weeks. Because Antarctica is the windiest place on earth, sometimes you can’t fly at all.

We had a nervous wait over breakfast to find out if we’d be leaving that day. People have to stay in Stanley for weeks while the pilots wait for good weather.

It turned clear at 9:30 and we took off at 10:30 on a little red plane called a Dash-7. But even when we were in the air, there was still a chance we wouldn’t be able to fly the whole day.

Day 4: Wednesday     December 3

After waking up in the Antarctic for the first time today I can understand why everybody who comes here falls in love with the place. It is really beautiful.

We’re staying at Rothera Survey base with mountains of ice all around. It is about minus 20C today, which for me is very cold, but the regulars(常客) here are often seen walking around in T-shirts !

Day 5: Thursday     December 4

I woke up to another beautiful sunny day here in the Antarctic. I’m told it’s a bit colder today, about minus 50C , but it’s not very windy so it feels warmer. Those of us who are new to the base have to do a special training course before we're allowed to go off base to other stations or to go snowboarding over the nearby hill.

Day 7:   Saturday     December 6

Not a cloud in the sky and it’s warm enough to sit outside (in a jacket).

The most amazing thing about this place is how the scenery (风景) changes every day.

At first I thought I was going mad. I’d step outside in the morning and think, “I’m sure that big mountain of ice wasn’t there yesterday.” It’s because the sea ice is always moving—slowly thankfully !

【小题1】Lizzie sat outside wearing a jacket on_______.
【小题2】What could stop Lizzie from leaving Stanley for Rothera?
A.Strong winds.B.Thick clouds.
C.Mountains of ice.D.Low temperatures.
【小题3】How did Lizzie feel during her stay in the Antarctic?
【小题4】Rothera was unforgettable to me because _______.
A.people walked around in T-shirtsB.there was a special training course
C.the weather was sometimes warmD.the scenery changed every day

Many families avoid long-term travel while their kids are young or in school. Travelling with babies is cheaper - and there's no school to worry about-but they're unlikely to remember much about the trip. Older children will form longer-lasting memories but you'll need to keep up with their studies, which is the main concern for many parents. 【小题1】 But for me, traveling with older children doesn't necessarily mean you have to sacrifice the education.

In the past 7 months' travelling in Australia, I have witnessed the educational benefits to our daughter Chloe. The biggest blessing we have gained is her desire to learn. 【小题2】And we are constantly presented with new challenges that encourage her learning and lead to enquiry.

【小题3】It inspires children's sense of adventure, and shows them how to turn dreams into reality. Besides, it pushes them outside their comfort zone and broadens their understanding of life. Most importantly, it allows them to have quality time with the people they love most and form a life-long bond.

And remember, just because children are not in a classroom, it doesn't mean they can't have access to formal education. 【小题4】Distance education and school of the air are good choices, and they offer full support to help kids finish their learning curriculum.

Anyway, school shouldn't be a barrier to having one of the greatest experiences of life. There're so many families whose children have returned to class after a year of travel with so much more confidence, knowledge, intelligence, social skills and problem solving skills. Travel hasn't blocked their learning. 【小题5】It's time to break traditional ideas and teach kids while they travel.

A.Instead, it has greatly improved it!
B.She has loads of questions for us to answer.
C.Actually it encouraged them to travel further.
D.They can visit their former school teachers regularly.
E.There are several options for educating kids on the road.
F.In fact, the benefits of travelling are not just limited to that.
G.There never seems to be a right time to have that long-term travel.

Maybe this is your first time to travel. Having the know-how to best manage your trip will help you to really enjoy the experiences you encounter along the way. 【小题1】.

1. Be a sun riser

【小题2】. Having the best sights and locations all to yourself is special. If you are into your photography, getting some photos at sunrise will be great due to the sun's light at this hour.

2. Cash stash!

Cash is king. For an emergency, having some extra cash stashed away in a few places is a good way to cover yourself.

A couple hundred pounds or dollars or whatever is worth having stashed. This way if you ever lose your purse or if your credit cards cease to function, you will be covered with your stash! ATMs run out of cash occasionally too.【小题3】, in a rolled up sock, in your toiletries bag(旅行洗漱包), or maybe in a small hidden compartment of your main luggage bag.

3. Meet the locals

You should try to make an effort to avoid other travelers for long periods of time. 【小题4】. Basic English is spoken in a lot of countries or you could even learn some basic sentences in their language. So don't panic. It’s much easier to communicate with others than you might have imagined, use your body language and gestures.

4. Have patience!

If you are one to worry about every little hing, then don't! Whatever life throws at you, it's a waste of energy to be annoyed and angered at most things for any longer than a few seconds.What if you miss your flight? 【小题5】.

A.Start conversations with local people instead.
B.Below are some tips which can help get you started.
C.Your extra cash can be stored away in secret, in your shoes
D.Your journey might prove to be a different route but that's life.
E.There's nothing more beautiful to watch than the sunrise in the early morning.
F.Not to worry, stay a little longer, maybe you can rebook for free or at little cost.
G.Don't be too embarrassed, just have some humility, laughing at yourself and smile.
