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Do you always try to leave a good impression on others? 【小题1】 Research shows that within seconds of seeing a person for the first time, we start to make judgments about their attractiveness, competence and trustworthiness. Fortunately, you have some control over how other people see you, Here are some ways to create a good first impression.

Dress well. 【小题2】 This is unfortunate, but you have to accept that people make snap judgments based on how you look. That means if you want to make a positive first impression, you need to dress well. Besides, you should dress appropriately for the different occasion.

Be on time. If it’s your first meeting, then make sure to arrive on time. Late people come across as inconsiderate, which does not leave a good first impression. And if you keep some-one waiting, the other person may interpret it as a sign that you do not value their time.【小题3】

Smile. Happy faces are perceived as trustworthy, so smiling could help you make a good first impression. But keep in mind that you should convey a genuine smile. 【小题4】 The best way to do this is by being in a good mood when meeting people. That way, you’ll smile naturally.

【小题5】A positive attitude will take you places. After all, most of us prefer to work with positive people. This means you should stick to uplifting topics and avoid bringing up issues in your personal life. For example, if you’re having a bad day, don’t talk about it. Along with this, you must control your reaction to bad news. Instead of getting upset, you should have a positive reaction to setbacks and problems.

A.Be positive.
B.Be polite and active.
C.Actually, people are quick to form impressions of each other.
D.Therefore, the best way to avoid being late is to set off earlier.
E.The first thing people judge you on is your physical appearance.
F.That’s because fake smiles are easily detected and extremely off-putting.
G.Let the other person know as soon as possible if you can not be there.
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Remembering names is an important social skill. Here are some ways to master it.

Recite and repeat in conversation.

When you hear a person’s name,repeat it. Immediately say it to yourself several times without moving your lips. You could also repeat the name in a way that does not sound forced or artificial.

Ask the other person to recite and repeat.

You can let other people help you remember their names. After you’ve been introduced to someone,ask that person to spell the name mad pronounce it correctly for you. Most people will be pleased by the effort you’re making to learn their names.

Admit you don’t know.

Admitting that you can’t remember someone’s name can actually make people relaxed. Most of them will feel sympathy if you say. “I’m working to remember names better. Yours is right on the tip of my tongue. What is it again?”

Use associations.

Link each person yon meet with one thing you find interesting or unusual. For example,you could make a mental note:“Vicki Cheng -- tall, black hair.” To reinforce your associations, write them on a small card as soon as possible.

Limit the number of new names you learn at one time.

When meeting a group of people, concentrate on remembering just two or three names. Free yourself from remembering every one. Few of the people in mass introductions expect you to remember their names. Another way is to limit yourself to learning just first names. Last names can come later.

Go early.

Consider going early to conferences, parties and classes. Sometimes just a few people show up on time. That's fewer names for you to remember. And as more people arrive, you can hear them being introduced to others—an automatic review for you.

【小题1】How will most people feel when you try hard to remember their names?
A.They will be moved.B.They will be annoyed.
C.They will be delighted.D.They will be discouraged.
【小题2】When you meet a group of people, it is better to remember __
A.all their namesB.a couple of names first
C.just their last namesD.as many names as possible
【小题3】What does the text mainly tell us?
A.Tips on an important social skill.
B.Importance of attending parties.
C.How to make use of associations.
D.How to recite and repeat names.

How to Become the Perfect Gift Giver

Trying to find the perfect present is just as difficult as trying to read someone’s mind. Few people will actually tell you what they want or insist that they don’t need or want anything! So what to do?


Start early

Do you wait until the last minute to start looking for presents? While you are definitely not alone in this practice, it is something you might want to try to change. 【小题2】. For instance, it gives you plenty of time to come up with ideas for what to buy. Besides, you can go shopping online, which increases your gift buying possibilities.

Make a list, check it twice

Now is the time to put your thinking cap on as you make a list. 【小题3】. This can include food, hobbies, experiences, and more. Once it’s done, you can move onto the things the recipient needs. If you are lucky, you should be able to find a few good ideas in one of these lists.


Unfortunately, you cannot ask your friend or family member what they want, outright. This is why you have to turn to an informant instead. Ask someone else that is close to the recipient to do a little investigative work for you. Since the questions will be coming from another source, he/she may be a bit more outspoken.

Find the missing link

If you are still having trouble, think of the connection you share with this individual. 【小题5】? Once you have figured this out, see how you can find a present that is symbolic of this. Thus, every time the person sees it, he/ she will be reminded of you and the friendship or love that you share.

A.Writing down the personalities of the recipient may help
B.What memory between the two of you stands out the most
C.Rely on a Spy
D.Think Outside the Box
E.Here are some tips that could help
F.Shopping early can have a number of advantages
G.You can write down everything the recipient loves

Falling snow is beautiful to behold as it covers everything with a layer of white. When watching from the inside of your warm home, it can be a magical experience. However, leaving your home to go to work or school is a very different experience. 【小题1】 People traditionally treat highways and streets with road salt. But salt can pollute waterways and rust cars. That’s why some cities are turning to using beets(糖甜菜).

【小题2】 But some cities are using the beet brine, which is made from sugar beets to clear the roads. It is more effective than using salt alone. The recipe for the beet brine combination is 23 percent salt, 62 percent water, and 15 percent beet juice. The qualities of sugar beets were discovered by a Hungarian scientist in the 1990s who worked at a sugar beet processing plant. 【小题3】

Winnipeg, Manitoba in Canada started a pilot program using beet in 2015. 【小题4】 In the US, Michigan started a pilot program to mix road salt with agricultural additives in 2020. Since sugar beets are grown locally, it was a natural fit. Now cities are mixing beets with road salt as well as other agricultural bi-products.

【小题5】 Or you can DIY your own using dish-washing soap mixed with rubbing alcohol. While most people agree that roads have to be cleared from ice, there is still a long way to go to convince the government to make the change to safer methods. Beet juice may be a big part of the solution.

A.Using road salt comes with major issues.
B.Beets and roads do not usually go together.
C.Roads can become very slippery after it snows.
D.And soon it turned into a city-wide program in 2018
E.This has led to the creation of safer de-icing alternatives.
F.For home use there are eco-friendly choices to using road salt.
G.He found that runoff from the factory kept the ponds from freezing.
